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Forum Name  Topic Answers Author Views Last message
PowerDirector (previous versions) what are some of the common causes for audio to get out of sync with video? 5 rytis 1,338 Mar 22, 2015 19:32
PowerDirector (previous versions) Where can I download powerdirector 11 ultimate that I purchased a couple of years ago? 3 rytis 830 Mar 18, 2015 05:43
PowerDirector (previous versions) Where can I download the powerdirector 11 ultra ultimate that I already purchased? 12 rytis 2,633 Mar 17, 2015 22:10
PowerDirector (previous versions) 2 transition questions 6 rytis 1,150 Mar 17, 2015 17:10
PowerDirector (previous versions) What format/how can I make my recorded files compatable with steinberg wavelab/cubase? 0 rytis 654 Feb 19, 2015 19:37
PowerDirector (previous versions) my audio and video gets out of sync after a while 1 rytis 689 Feb 18, 2015 14:06
PowerDirector (previous versions) why do transition effects keep getting reversed? 4 rytis 1,423 Mar 30, 2014 07:37
PowerDirector (previous versions) How can I make a video clip gradually zoom out from full screen to top left to make way for another? 1 rytis 1,167 Mar 20, 2014 18:14
PowerDirector (previous versions) How can I get a BLINKING text - allert type? 2 rytis 1,213 Feb 20, 2014 10:21
PowerDirector (previous versions) How can I zoom in from full image to a specific point in the image? 1 rytis 1,023 Feb 19, 2014 10:23
PowerDirector (previous versions) Is there an effect to make photos burn out? 1 rytis 756 Jan 23, 2014 04:32
PowerDirector (previous versions) Is there a way to remove titles of video clips they obscure wave forms which help edit 5 rytis 1,428 Dec 16, 2013 23:23
PowerDirector (previous versions) What is the advised format to produce for youtube video? 2 rytis 821 Nov 24, 2013 09:21
PowerDirector (previous versions) How come if I produce/import movie clip, the quality is not the same? 4 rytis 954 Nov 05, 2013 10:08
PowerDirector (previous versions) is there a way to edit the volume of the clip more precisely? 1 rytis 682 Oct 30, 2013 21:38
PowerDirector (previous versions) What effect/option should I use to make photos gently zoom in to add livelyness? 1 rytis 682 Oct 30, 2013 20:56
PowerDirector (previous versions) any way to create a frame to be used in effect track? 5 rytis 1,091 Oct 14, 2013 19:45
PowerDirector (previous versions) Is there a way to import a project into another project? 1 rytis 738 Oct 06, 2013 12:58
PowerDirector (previous versions) Is there a spill checker that I can use in the titles within the program? 2 rytis 839 Jul 16, 2013 09:54
PowerDirector (previous versions) where can i find a particle of flying money? 6 rytis 1,581 Jul 14, 2013 17:05
PowerDirector (previous versions) how do i change volume of the clip 2 rytis 960 Jun 26, 2013 14:43
PowerDirector (previous versions) where can i find a white noise transition to use between clips? 3 rytis 1,133 Jun 26, 2013 15:40
PowerDirector (previous versions) why does a video go back to beginning of the clip 11 rytis 2,103 Jun 15, 2013 21:31
PowerDirector (previous versions) How can I pause the video while the narration continnues? 3 rytis 4,810 Jun 12, 2013 23:34
PowerDirector (previous versions) Is there any way to crop the width of the video more than the height? 4 rytis 983 Jun 11, 2013 10:04
PowerDirector (previous versions) Is there a way to crop the video, like the sides, top etc? 3 rytis 842 Jun 09, 2013 10:47
PowerDirector (previous versions) How can I edit effect for a group of clips? 3 rytis 773 Jun 08, 2013 20:26
PowerDirector (previous versions) Is there a way to make effects fade in and out rather than abruptly appear dissapear? 2 rytis 632 Jun 08, 2013 16:41
PowerDirector (previous versions) can i replace audio track of the video so that both still can be edited together? 3 rytis 722 May 28, 2013 10:24
PowerDirector (previous versions) is there a way to save trimmed clips as new video files as in real player? 3 rytis 2,977 May 18, 2013 00:58
PowerDirector (previous versions) how can I rotate template in the particle room? I want to make it upside down 9 rytis 2,087 May 13, 2013 15:28
PowerDirector (previous versions) how can I remove the effect from the clip other than with undo? 13 rytis 2,054 May 13, 2013 08:50
PowerDirector (previous versions) Is there a way to control the transparency of clips in the video 4 rytis 3,698 May 12, 2013 10:34
PowerDirector (previous versions) how come there's no fade in out option in my program? 7 rytis 1,343 May 09, 2013 10:10
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