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Hi Damian5000 -

Though PDR's options for this aren't the same as the Photos app in Win 10, there are very similar ones where you can select your photos & clips and drop them into various templates.

For photos only, select them then try Slideshow > Motion (which generates random pan/zoom) or Magic Motion > Random (which does the same sort of thing). Both options are customisable.

If you're using video clips as well, have a look at:

  • Theme Designer

  • Express Projects

  • Magic Style

or any combination of the above.

If you like what the Photos app does, there's no reason not to use it - export (max. output is 1080p) then add to your PDR project.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Sue -

There are a couple of factors that may be causing the problem here:

  1. "ship 13" is actually a Video Overlay/PiP Object (Frame), so it won't show up in Particles

  2. "ship 13" is 4:3, so it won't show up in a 16:9 project

So - if your project is 16:9 & you're looking in the Particles room you'll think it's not there! laughing

It could be that other effects from DZ are not what or where you thought they were for the same reasons.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Alan -

There's no instant side filler in PDR.

The simplest thing is to add either a duplicate or similar shot (with heavy blur/darkening/lightening applied) in track 1, so your photo overlays it. See attached screenshot.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Scott -

Not sure why you might need a media player (your original question) that also acts as an editor when you're using PowerDirector, but you probably have good reasons.

I'm not here to promote one player over another. I was simply making a suggestion on the basis of some years of using and testing various media players.

Quote: I need a powerful and reliable video player, not VLC & MPC-HC

I doubt you've ever looked at or used VLC Player, so you may not be aware that it can:

  • Play back just about anything you throw at it

  • Add audio effects - equalise, compress, spatialise, visualise etc

  • Add video effects - enhance & adjust colour/lighting/sharpness, crop, zoom, rotate, add overlays & dozens of other things you'd probably never want/need to use

  • Add subtitles from external subtitle file

  • Navigate through chapters & bookmarks

  • Extract snapshots, record audio, loop playback beteen specific points...

  • Convert & stream video etc etc etc

That's way more than I'm ever likely to need in a media player!

If you care to investigate further, have a look at the Basic Help File & the User Guide (accessed from the same page)

Cheers - Tony
That can only mean, I think, that you haven't installed the Contents Packs provided with your installation files.

You're probably also missing lots of other templates too... titles, particles, menus, style templates, express projects etc.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Milo -

Yes - there are some issues with NewBlue FX activation, but I'm not sure that your screenshot from Vegas Movie Studio is very helpful laughing

The trouble is, the issue is not consistent for all users... that makes it difficult to pinpoint a solution. For example, I posted a table showing which NewBlue FX were/weren't activated in PDR16 on my system. Others have reported that it's not the same in their PDR.

Is this a new installation of PDR, or have you used previous versions too? Was NewBlue FX VII supplied with PDR (it comes with Director Suite & Ultimate Suite) or have you purchased it separately?

Clearly, it shouldn't be like this!

Cheers - Tony
Hi S Benjamin -

The Montage option in Pinnacle Studio is pretty much the same as the Theme Designer templates. There are opening, middle & ending sequences for a range of styles of templates.

You'll find it similar to use... select the template sequence & drop your photos or videos into the place holders.

Other similar features in PDR are Express Projects & Slideshow Designer.

Cheers - Tony
Wow Chris! I wonder what it is?

You seem to have covered all the bases - full QT install, K-Lite - that's what I have & no issues generating shadow files in PDR16 from Canon 5DMkIV 4K MOV files.

Cheers - Tony
Hi melph -

On your screen recorder question, that's not a trial limitation. It's just how CL Screen Recorder is. If you look at the file settings, you'll see that 1920x1080 is the maximum output (even though it might say 2560x1440 in the GUI).

If you need to record at higher resolutions, there are quite a few options... even some free ones. For 4K/UHD captures, I use Camtasia 9. OBS does an excellent job too.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Scott -

I don't think you can go past VLC player, personally. There are plenty of media players available that will meet your needs.

Here, I use a number of players for different purposes but VLC & MPC-HC are my go to players.

Cheers - Tony
Hi JamieA660 -

Here's half the idea...

You can use a 3D-Like title template, with the logo added as the texture fill. Using Wingdings font & typing "n", you'll get a circle. If you use 3D Spin Horizontal as your starting and ending effects, you'll have a spinning disc.

The reason it's only half the idea is that you cannot keyframe 3D-like titles to create the zoom you're after. There probably is a way to do that, but I haven't stumbled on it yet.

Here's an example of a spinning disc with a logo planted on it. You can modify that one, if you like.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Jocelyn -

Yes - absolutely compatible. I have it installed from a previous version of PDR.

I don't think there's a trial version, though if you can find it on the NewBlue site they typically have trial versions.

Cheers - Tony
Quote: Is there any way to share these projects with others on director zone ?

No - that's why I uploaded to Google Drive.

Cheers - Tony
You should get a constant framerate if you select (say) the 1920x1080/30p (16Mbps) profile, then click the + button to change it from 29.97 to 30fps, under framerate. That's what I get here, according to MediaInfo.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Yousefz -

You don't need to get any TEMPLATEKEY.

When I made those blend effects, all I did was:

  1. Made a copy of one of the existing Blend Effects folders

  2. Rename the folder

  3. Replace the video file

  4. Edit the BlendEffectTemplate.xml - filename & alias (no change to TEMPLATEKEY)

Cheers - Tony
Hi gh423 -

My Sony TV plays back H.264 MP4 videos produced with standard profiles, but that doesn't help you.

According to the Roku & Vizio specifications, they both support AVC H.264 MP4 with AAC audio - so it's surprising that it's not working for you.

One thing worth trying might be to click on the + button in the Produce module & select either Baseline or Main profile, rather than the default High@L4.

Worth a shot.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Arched Edge -

I gather you're talking about title templates where there's a built in animation (it may appear as a particle track in Title Designer).

Those animations are totally fixed, being made of a sequence of .PNG files. They cannot be sped up or slowed down, without digging into the template folder and modifying the graphics.

Cheers - Tony
Quote: whatever it is below the scrolly image - I only see a placeholder because it's blocked on my PC

I don't know what the image is, but it's a link to Yousef's DirectorZone templates - Maybe the site where the image is housed is the problem. It's a placeholder here too.

Back to the OP's question: Yes - you can customise blending effects. There's a full explanation in Issue 5 of PDNews. This thread has some custom blend effects for download.

Cheers - Tony

P.S. Correction: After posting the image appeared for some reason.

There's a good reason I didn't completely understand.

Perhaps you'd be better off using the horizontal slider to adjust the gain for each track. Screenshot attached. Again, it's a bit imprecise.

Cheers - Tony
Hi mightynifty -

Setting the audio gain to +2.0dB is easy in Wave Editor or AudioDirector. In PDR, even if you type +2.0 it (visually at least) jumps to +1.9. Beats me why - just an annoying limitation. Same thing happens for any +/- value ending with .0 - it'll jump to .9 or .1

Wouldn't it make more sense to make that adjustmennt in WE or ADR before splitting your clips?

Not sure I understand why you'd want to boost them if they're "loud" audio tracks...

Cheers - Tony
Hi Terry -

Wow! That's persistent - even after the rabbit's foot treatment.

It's happened before, but generally rights itself once a project is closed then re-opened.

Examples: and

I don't have any solution for you because I have no idea what causes it. Sorry.

Cheers - Tony
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