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Here is an unlisted screen capture showing the issue Irek has raised.

As stated previously, the same problem does not occur "round-tripping" between PDR15 & CDR6.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Wolfram -

As far as I can tell, only the VIRB Edit app can detect the G-Metrix data, so if you want to use that you'd need to process it in the VIRB app before importing into PDR.

This guy (a university researcher) has posted some instructions for extracting/converting the data into other formats, including .txt. With a lot of mucking around, you could create overlays as titles in PDR, but you'd be missing out on the graphics.

In any case, PDR wouldn't stand a chance of reaing the G-Metrix data.

Cheers - Tony
Confirmed here: Issue still exists.

Some .mts files (not all) return from CDR6 after LUT or any adjustment applied with green bar at base.

Does not occur:

  • with MP4 or MOV (that I've found)

  • when LUT or adjustment is applied directly in PDR16

  • when .MTS file has been pre-rendered to .MP4

Cheers - Tony
Hi and-power -

I'd never attempted to apply more than a few motion tracks to a clip, but you're right. It's limited to 7 for each clip.

The easiest way around that is to simply split the video into shorter segments. You'll find that Motion Tracker is more reliable with shorter clips anyway.

I assume you originally had all your short segments lined up on the timeline - then produced - then did the motion tracking (???) Just line up the short clips, do the motion tracking on each one... then produce.

The attached screenshot shows 15 x 5 sec clips, each with motion tracking > spotlight applied.

Cheers - Tony
Quote: Tony, as always, is absolutely right.

Ha ha - my ex-wife would argue the exact opposite. The truth is probably somewhere in between smile

I've run some tests on those media players with HEVC H.265 videos produced in PDR16 - M2TS & MKV.

As above, Win10 Films & TV, GOM Player, MPC-HC, WMP & POT Player have no problems with 4K/UHD or 1920x1080 M2TS & MKV (HEVC H.265)

VLC Player is also perfectly fine with both 1920x1080 & 4K/UHD - both M2TS & MKV. Not sure why MP4s won't play properly.

5K Player freezes on the first video frame in all M2TS tests, & playback is choppy/broken up with MKVs.

Cheers - Tony
Hi John W. W. -

If you go to and download the Full SmartSound Quicktracks installer (204MB), it is a .zip file.

You shouldn't need Win-Zip or any external software. Windows can extract the for you. Right click > Open with File Explorer.

What happens at your end?

Cheers - Tony
Hi Rob -

So - it's a media player issue, rather than a PDR production problem.

You can set your default video player in Settings > Apps > Default Apps, where you can also choose default apps by file type.

Not all players are good at playing back HEVC H.265 encoded videos.

Win10 Films & TV, GOM Player, MPC-HC, WMP & POT Player have no problems with 4K/UHD or 1920x1080 MP4s (HEVC H.265)

VLC Player & 5K Player are OK with 1920x1080, but playback is choppy/broken up with 4K/UHD

Quicktime Player won't even attempt it.

Cheers - Tony

P.S. Haven't tested those players with MKV or M2TS, encoded with HEVC
Hi Peter -

Tomas is right - CDR is needed for that.

The Motion Tracker in PDR works differently & doesn't apply a mask. It simply tracks an object/subject - then graphics/text/effects can be applied to move with the subject.

Cheers - Tony
Hi pons48 -

Just chiming in to confirm that, in PDR16 (&15), the only ways to get a full UHD/4K resolution snapshot are to:

  1. Take the snapshot from the Media Library (as Robert suggested)

  2. Use the Freeze Frame feature (as Tomas suggested)

  3. Take the snapshot in VLC player (or similar)

This issue has plagued users since PDR15 and has been discussed repeatedly:

Cheers - Tony
Hi Mart2014 -

As far as I know, there's no instant fix for that.

BUT - if you need to do it multiple times, you can save lots of steps by using copy/paste keyframe attributes.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Paolo123 -

That strange "scale" behaviour in Particle Designer has been there as long as I can remember. Definitely in every version since PDR12.

After it finishes expanding & contracting, it drifts off (seemingly without changing size).

I'd give up trying to change other settings to try to modify the "scale" behaviour. Sorry - I don't have any answer for you, except that everyone else has what you have.

Cheers - Tony
Hi browniee112 -

No - that beta patch has nothing to do with GoPro or A6500 files. It corrects .MOV compatibility.

Shadow files from both those cameras could be generated in PDR16 from the get-go - i.e a completely unpatched build. Just tested both on original 1927 build installation.

Shadow files in PDR16 are generated in AVC H.264 MP4, using your selected resolution.

What's happening at your end to make you think you have the "same issue"?

Cheers - Tony
Hi Dekade -

All of that looks like "bread & butter" for PDR (and any other similar software I can think of). As others have suggested, the best way to find that out is to start building a simple project.

To insert text, you musy begin with some kind of template even if it's the most basic "Default". Then you can modify it as you wish.

Whatever you want on screen - video, photo, text, graphic - gets inserted into a timeline. Then it's edited - duration, effects, keyframes etc - as you want. Whatever's on the highest numbered track will be "on top", so if you have a video in track 1 & text (title) in track 2, at the same timeline position, the text will overlay the video.

Cheers - Tony
Hi boongsong -

I may have got confused reading your lengthy explanation, but are you trying to (a) produce video files, (b) burn discs, or (c) both???

SVRT is used to select appropriate profiles. Under the produce tab, if you click "Intelligent SVRT" profiles for production will be suggested. If you select one and apply it, you can create a custom profile.

If you're burning discs, it's likely the videos will need to be re-rendered anyway so they comply with disc standards.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Artdeschoix -

I don't have PDR11 installed any more, but the slideshow module works in the same way as later versions. When I had PDR11, I must have made dozens of slideshows without a problem.

After you import your photos, select them and click "Slideshow". Next you choose from the available templates, then build & customise your slideshow.

Which part isn't working for you?

Cheers - Tony

Salut Artdeschoix -

Je n'ai plus PDR11 installé, mais le module diaporama fonctionne de la même manière que les versions ultérieures. Quand j'ai eu PDR11, j'ai dû faire des dizaines de diaporamas sans problème.

Après avoir importé vos photos, sélectionnez-les et cliquez sur "Diaporama". Ensuite, vous choisissez parmi les modèles disponibles, puis créez et personnalisez votre diaporama.

Quelle partie ne fonctionne pas pour vous?
Hi Chris & David -

I can confirm what Chris has observed, using clips from Canon 5D MkIV.

Shadow files were generated at 1920x1080 & play back correctly in the main timeline. The original files are 4096x2160 @ 523Mbps.

In the Trim module, here, audio plays back normally but video runs in slo-mo. Probably related to Chris' statement that "it runs on after the trim time runs out."

I repeated the test using UHD clips from Sony RX10MkIII - 3840x2160 @ 60Mbps - & the trim module playback was just fine, even though the properties of both sets of shadow files were identical. H.264 MP4 1920x1080 @ 8Mbps.

Here, the same thing occurs in PDR15 but (as Chris stated) PDR14 play back in Trim is not affected. Further to that, in support of the idea that Trim is not utilising the shadow file, if the actual shadow file is imported all playback is normal.

Screen capture (unlisted)

Cheers - Tony
Hi Jonathan1234567 -

There are some "drawn" highlight boxes & circles posted here... if that's the sort of thing you're after.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Kristinabalai -

When you're preparing your particle effect, under Emit Method you can apply a mask. The attached screenshot shows where...

Here's an example where a mask has been applied to block the centre space - & here is the same particle incorporated in a title template.

The mask is a simple black & white image - the black section gets blocked & the white part shows through. I've attached the mask I used for the particle effect above.

Cheers - Tony
Chris -

I've been reliably informed that you need to have the most recent 2503 beta patch installed for shadow files to be generated from your Canon clips. Even though I asked you previously whether you had the 2313 patch installed, that will not work for you.

I also mentioned that I had K-Lite codecs installed. That makes no difference either.

So - I offered up two pieces of bad advice in one thread. Thank goodness I have a reliable informant! embarassed

Cheers - Tony
Hi Chris -

Just in case you thought I may have been tricking you before, here's a screen capture of PDR16 generating a shadow file for your sample clip.

No tricks. No speed changes. One transition.

Your clips had almost identical properties to other 5DMkIV clips I tested previously. It's still got me baffled.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Damian5000 -

Though PDR's options for this aren't the same as the Photos app in Win 10, there are very similar ones where you can select your photos & clips and drop them into various templates.

For photos only, select them then try Slideshow > Motion (which generates random pan/zoom) or Magic Motion > Random (which does the same sort of thing). Both options are customisable.

If you're using video clips as well, have a look at:

  • Theme Designer

  • Express Projects

  • Magic Style

or any combination of the above.

If you like what the Photos app does, there's no reason not to use it - export (max. output is 1080p) then add to your PDR project.

Cheers - Tony
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