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Two ways to deal with this problem:

1) Open audio clip in Audacity or any sound editor and edit off the first 5 or so seconds of music, then render

2) Open clip in Audacity, then either increase or decrease speed of full clip by ~ 5%, then render
"For now, I plan to continue to run PD14. When the trial month runs out,
I'll want to remove PD15 from the computer, and I will follow your
directions above to do that.

When I do use the removal tool on PD15, is there any risk that it will "damage" PD14?"

>>While I have not tried two editions at once this way, my guess is it would damage the PD14.

>>Why not just leave the PD15 on after trial runs out and continue jusat to use the PD14 shortcut. If you get no problems, just forget it till you want to undertake a complete reinstall.
"Also, is there a way to change the default to 2"

On both BLURS you can reduce this value to 1 or 0 (no effect).

You might also try NewBlue Soft Focus effect for more subtlety.
If you decide to reinstall, after uninstall you should run the appropriate Cyberlink removal tool:
Go into settings, enable ‘Always prompt me to confirm captured snapshot filename’.

If enabled, disable, reboot PD14, then re-enable this confirmation.
For Snapshot feature to work, go into Settings & enable ‘Always prompt me to confirm captured snapshot filename’
Use the appropriate Cyber Cleanup Tool after uninstall:
Here is a version by always funny Wm Huw

[link removed]

We try to keep the forum focused on PD and therefore don't encourage links to other software productions, which in any case can be easily found by alternative searches.

It's a fine line, but the forum could otherwise be inundated with links and lose some of the focus that makes it so valuable to members.


PowerDirector Moderator
TEncoder Video Converter, which is free, might be helpful.
Check ebay & for under $1,000-- you can find 3 year old off lease dual Xeon Dell pro workstations with lots of RAM and professional level GPUs & reliablility hard drives.

Add a small Samsung SSD for the OS drive & you're set to go.

The ones I have bought have never let me down as far as video editing.

Thanks so much for this info.

I will reinstall the QuickTime update.
I have been tryinmg out some of the external features of PD14.

Playing with SmartSound, I find:

  • there are only a couple clips that play

  • the music is short & aweful

  • when I get to pricing, it seems ridiculous, since there is other free stuff easily available online

  • after 3 or 4 samples. the program invariably crashes with message "PDR32Age has stopped"

Smart Sound seem a total waste of time

Am I missing something?

Is there anything worthwhile I can get from SmartSound?

Load your sound file into Audacity. Then under Effect use "Sliding Time Scale/Pitch Shift"

Try doing your same project using the free download Microsoft Live Essentials Moviemaker & see whether that crashes the same way. Then it would be youir machine rather than PD.

"Are the downloaded files spread to many locations on the computer HD or do they all go to location in the downloads file?"

All are downloaded to folder where you set your browser to save downloaded files.

One of the content packs is over 2 gigs and you should first split it using some free program like 7-zip so it gets written correctly to disk.

You can burn everything to a Dual Layer disk of ~ 8 Gigs, but better to split the files into two batches and use a pair of regular DVDs.
"If you change the music by greater than 6%, you have ruined the music."

I have an old Technics turntable, which has a 5% plus or minus pitch control, I bought specifically to squeeze LPs onto 90 minute audio tapes.

With ~5% acceleration, the music still sounded fine.
"Smaller files seems to work, but the large file (6 hrs of video) i produced does not."

When I download a video that balks this way, I found that running it thru Handbrake using default profile often resolving the problem.

"Windows Movie Maker...pretty useless in real terms for editing video, so just ignore it."

I disagree.

I think this is a great program to get started on before advancing to next level PD.

Most hobbyists could accomplish all they wanted without going beyond Movie Maker.

Also, don't neglect to download these 3 other free & lost of fun video programs also provided by MS Research: cliplets, hyperlapse & ICE.
This is not uncommon for DVDs & BDs.

The optical player installed on your PC will invariably give you the most comprehensive playback satisfaction.

What brand blanks did you use?

It is wise to use nothing but Verbatim brand to burn dual layer DVDs or BD disks.
Get Ultimate. It's on sale with other useful downloads periodically. I only paid $65-- for it plus 6 other downloads.

"will my machine still run the software reasonable"

It will 'run' but likely not reasonably. Video processing is all about RAM.

If you can spend ~ $600- look into this:

"If you check ebay, you can find off-lease Dell dual-Xeon workstations with huge amounts of RAM for under $1K.

These machines are about 3 years old and usually have industrial reliability hard drives.

Before buying, I check the Dell serial to be sure they were never serviced. After, I install a new SSD for the system drive, and set whatever old drives in the PC for RAID 0."
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