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Hi Waldemere -

I'm sure Steve wasn't implying anything about your PDR8 being stolen or hacked. It's a fact that, where a version of PDR comes installed with a PC, it is not a full retail version.

When you open your PDR8 "About" screen (shown in one of your screenshots), you'll see that it says PowerDirector DE 8.0.4527. This table shows a comparison between Ultra, Deluxe, HE & DE versions.

Unfortunately, very few forum members would be using a DE version of PDR8, so it's difficult/impossible to test your issue... which seems to be resolved using the full version of PDR14.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Andy -

Depending on the Theme Designer template you're using, the apsect ratio needed varies. Even within each segment of a theme, some photos/clips are displayed within frames & others are displayed either full screen or close to it. Some frames are 16:9 & others vary.

So - to avoid the black bars - you need to either:

  1. crop all images to 16:9, so they match all circumstances, or

  2. crop some images to 16:9, to match particular segments of the template you're using

I just threw some photos at the Wedding Album template. All the 16:9 photos were displayed without any black bars (though parts were sometimes masked by the frames). The photos that were 4:3 (or close to that AR) very often displayed with black bars.

It's not the "size" that's the issue - it's the aspect ratio.

Cheers - Tony
Yes laughing
Hi again CS -

First, on your "writing to a senator"/"telling a manufacturer" analogies: When you post a question or issue in this forum, you're not (in any way) "writing to a senator" or "telling a manufacturer". The people who respond here, including me, are just users of PowerDirector. Full stop. Not senators or manufacturers. I, nor other forum members, did not write the software or choose what words to use. At best, some may have some influence by being involved in beta testing.

Members will make their responses as helpful as they're able. I was not offering any justification for software design or transition behaviour. I didn't design it. I just use it.

Since you like analogies... I rock up to your place in my shiny new car, fresh out of the showroom. When I turn off the engine the horn beeps. You say: "What's that all about?" I say: "Who knows? Let's go and ask the manufacturer." Had your post been directed to the people who wrote the software, it would have been perfectly reasonable.

I agree that terminology is confusing because there's no standard use across different platforms/software. I also agree that transition behaviour could be refined in PowerDirector... but I'm no programmer & I wouldbn't have a clue how to do that.

Perhaps you should copy & paste your posts (above) and direct it to Tech Support.

Enjoyed the read, anyway. laughing

Cheers - Tony
Hi CS -

Quote: My transitions are set to "cross," not "overlap," although I don't think that should matter.

In fact, that's exactly what's causing the interference with motion. Overlap transitions behave much more smoothly & won't interrupt movement.

It's not a bug. It's how the transitions behave.

Another thing to note is that switchng to overlap-type transitions will decrease the overall duration of your slideshow by the sum total of the duration of the combined transitions. e.g. a slideshow with 11 images x 10 secs duration with 10 transitions of 2 secs...

Cheers - Tony
It will be greyed out if you haven't selected a video clip.

Try selecting a clip in the timeline, then go to Tools > Motion Tracker...


Cheers - Tony
Hi Andy -

This short screen capture/tutorial shows one way to do what you're after. It's the method I most consistently use making tutorials.

Cheers - Tony
I'm glad you have it resolved to your satisfaction.

You may have partially answered your own question by switching the display resolution back to 1920x1080 before recording... though with my monitor set to 3840x2160 & using CL Screen Recorder, I'm unable to replicate the same loss in PQ.

CL Screen Recorder is equipped to record FullHD, but not UHD. It's only with the lastyest version of Camtasia that UHD screen capture has become available, so I doubt that CL's freebie will follow suit. With previous versions of Camtasia, I always had to switch my monitor back to 1920x1080 to get the best quality recording & result.

Cheers - Tony
Angela -

You're probably looking in the Titles library, but they're in the PiP Objects library. In the attached screenshot, mine are in custom ('cos I made 'em), but yours will be in Downloaded... if your project aspect ratio is set to 16:9!

The title needs to go on a separate track, as shown in the other screenshot.

Cheers - Tony
Hi tomb18 -

I can't yet see the cause/reason for your issue, but I'm fairly sure that CL doesn't do it on purpose.

Projects can get corrupted at times & starting over may correct it. It's probably best to try to isolate the issue, rather than building conspiracy theories laughing

What you'd expect is that, with your timeline preview resolution set at FullHD (that's 1920x1080), what you see in the Media Library would be equivalent to what you see in the timeline, in PQ terms... like this

So - what happens when you start a new project and import the attached image? With your timeline preview set to FullHD, is what you see from the media library equivalent in PQ to your timeline preview?

Cheers - Tony
It's possible that:

  1. you're over-complicating it, or

  2. I've misunderstood your requirements

Take a look at this screen capture & see if it helps at all.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Mr E -

Using the horizontal slider in the Audio Mixing room is the simplest way to do that, assuming all your clips are on the same track. Screenshot attached...

Cheers - Tony
Hi Alec200 -

You can view & manipulate your 360° photosheres right in PDR15. Just set your project aspect ratio & your preview screen to 360 mode and off you go. Same applies to 360° videos.

You can edit out your tripod/hand/self using this Photoshop method. PhotoDirector may be able to achieve a similar result but I haven't tried it.

Online, you can easily use NadirPatch to replace your hand/self with a logo or overlay.

I have no experience of this myself, aside from testing - just offering suggestions I know will work. Perhaps some experienced 360 editors will chime in.

Cheers - Tony
The list of limitations Steve posted & I linked says: "2K/4K resolution H.264 video files are not supported". That is the reason the files will not import.

As previously stated, this is NOT a limitation in the full version.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Feten -

I can't explain who's been mucking around with Longedge's camera, but your issue is a common one. Fortunately, it's mostly user error so it can be corrected. laughing

If your original video is 1920x1080, even if it's perfectly focussed and crisp & clean looking, then you add zoom, then produce to 1920x1080... that's straight away a recipe for degradation of image quality.

Zoom a little - lose a little. Zoom a lot - lose a lot!

Whether it's still images or video, the same principle applies. Take a look at this example on YouTube or download the produced file (with no YouTube processing). If I hadn't produced to 1920x1080, the zoom blur wouldn't look so bad.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Julez -

As far as I know, there is no setting in CL Screen Recorder to allow it to record all the "subtle" cursor changes... crosshairs, pointing hands etc. WYSIWYG.

More advanced recorders, like Camtasia, will do what you require.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Pam -

You're going about it the right way

If all has gone well, your custom title template should appear in the Downloaded section of your titles... & under All Content, of course.

When you upload to CL Cloud (only), then later download it, it is renamed as "Title_xxx_DOWNLOAD", but in PDR it will have its original custom name.

If you still can't locate it, try switching your project aspect ration between 16:9 & 4:3.

Cheers - Tony
I'm just a PDR user, like you. I don't have any influence on what features are limited in the trial version. I agree - it makes it difficult to test whether PDR is the right thing for you...

BUT - I thought what I posted might reassure you that you WON'T "plunk down $60 to end up at the same place I am now."

Cheers - Tony
Hi Daviator00 -

PDR15 works perfectly fine with stitched videos from Gear360. Screenshot attached.

It's more likely you received that alert because the trial version has limitations. The full version will work correctly.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Jim -

In PDR, open the Titles library under Downloaded. The two title templates should be there, as long as your project aspect ratio is set to 16:9.

Screenshot attached shows where to look laughing

Cheers - Tony
Hi Jim -

You're absolutely right. The word "CYBERLINK" is locked into the animation, which can only be changed/removed by editing to 150 separate animation files... then replacing them in the template folders.

Here are some modified versions, which were made by doing just that:

News 1 News 2

They look like this...

These two are much simpler variations (no animation)

Basic News 1 Basic News 2

Cheers - Tony
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