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PowerDirector 8 reads both my Logitech webcams as microphones (audio capture devices) ONLY
Waldemare [Avatar]
Newbie Location: New York Joined: May 19, 2017 22:57 Messages: 13 Offline
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Hello Everyone!

When I bought my brand new computer: HP Pavilion Elite HPE-540f few years ago, PowerDirector 8 already was installed on it. Since that time, each time when I opened PowerDirector 8, clicked on "Capture" option, I noticed that the program does not recognize fully my two webcams. It reads/clasifies/recognizes them as microphones, audio capture devices ONLY.

I have Logitech QiuckCam Orbit/Sphere AF and Logitech BRIO.

The only fully recognized by PowerDirector 8 capture devices are: "Microphone" and "DVD Camcorder".

When I click on "Microphone" capture device, I see my webcam name- "Orbit Microphone (Orbit/Sphere AF)" there, chosen as a capture audio device. Then, when I click on "Settings", an Audio Setup window opens. There is an Audio Device option there, that when I click on it, it gives me avabality: "Orbit Microphone (Orbit/Sphere AF)" and "BRIO Microphone (Logitech BRIO)". So, my PowerDirector 8 recognizes my webcams as microphones ONLY.

In order to test my Logitech webcams and to be sure, it is webcams error, not my PowerDirector 8 error, I downloaded few other audio/video capture programs from the internet. Each downloaded program fully recognized my both webcams and gave me ability to take pictures, record movies and change settings etc. The test proved that there is nothing wrong with my webcams. It is my PowerDirector 8 error.

I reinstalled both my web cameras drivers directly from the Logitech website few times. My PowerDirector 8 still reads and classifies both of my Logitech webcameras the same- as audio capture devices ONLY. PowerDirector 8 is the only program there, that reads my both webcams as- microphones only.

If I only could change the way my PowerDirector 8 program reads/clasifies/recognizes my webcams, from audio capture devices to audio/video capture devices... they both would work just the way they are suppost to.

I deleted all other downloaded capture programs. They proved that my both Logitech webcams work fine. However, I did not like the way they were disigned. I would like to use PowerDirector 8 to capture pictures and videos. Please, show me the way how to make my PowerDirector 8 read my Logitech webcams as audio/video capture devices. Thank you
[Thumb - PowerDirector 8 with Audio Setup.JPG]
PowerDirector 8 with Audio Setup.JPG
Power Director 8 with Audio Setup
137 Kbytes
40 time(s)
[Thumb - PowerDirector 8 without Logitech Webcams option.JPG]
PowerDirector 8 without Logitech Webcams option.JPG
Power Director 8 Version without WebCams options
163 Kbytes
41 time(s)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jun 07. 2017 12:52

Senior Contributor Location: Houston, Texas USA Joined: Jan 25, 2011 12:18 Messages: 4663 Offline
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Short answer to your long post.

You have an OEM (crippled) version of PowerDirector 8. It may have been designed to not include that webcam feature.

Contact HP to see if they have a newer version of PD 8 or whatever software they are offering that will allow you to capture.

Suggestion if you have time to try it. Download a trial version of PD from the cyberlink site to see if it will do the capture properly. .
BoilerPlate: To posters who ask for help -- it is nice to thank the volunteers who try to answer your questions !
Anything I post unless stated with a reference is my personal opinion.
Waldemare [Avatar]
Newbie Location: New York Joined: May 19, 2017 22:57 Messages: 13 Offline
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Quote Short answer to your long post.

You have an OEM (crippled) version of PowerDirector 8. It may have been designed to not include that webcam feature.

Contact HP to see if they have a newer version of PD 8 or whatever software they are offering that will allow you to capture.

Suggestion if you have time to try it. Download a trial version of PD from the cyberlink site to see if it will do the capture properly.


Thank you for answerring

PowerDirector 8 offers its buyers all variety of options. In its "Capture" mode, all seven possible audio and audio/video capture devices options are offered and shown in a dark color. However, the available capture devices options are not shown in a dark color but they are lighten up (brighter). If the capture device icon is lighten up, it means it is recognized by PowerDirector 8 and it is going to work. If the capture device icon is shown in a dark color (not lighten up) it means that the device is not recognized by PowerDirector 8 because the device is not plug in to PC, its drivers are not download at all or correctly on PC.

My attached picture clearly shows that in the "Capture" mode, all seven possible capture devices are shown there. However, only two of them are shown as lighten up (brighter)- Microphone and DVD Camcorder. That is why only these two capture devices are available and work. Microphone and DVD Camcorder. The WebCam icon is not lighten up, but is shown in a dark color therefore it can't be used.

My friend has also PowerDirector 8. As far as I know, she uses it with her tree cameras installed on her older than my PC. One of the cameras is just like mine: QuickCam Orbit/Sphere AF. Her PowerDirector 8 recognizes as capture devices not only QuickCam Orbit/Sphere AF as audio/video capture device but also two other webcams and other devices on her old PC. If it is the same excact webcam model and version and PowerDirector 8 version, why her program recognizes her wecam but my not?

HP already reinstalled PowerDirector 8 on my PC a while ago. Unfortunatelly, it didn't make any difference. They can reinstall the same program version as it was on your PC when you bought it only.

I have PowerDirector 15 installed on my other PC and when I plug my both Logitech cameras in, they both work perfectly. Just like on all the downloaded to test my webcams audio/video capture programs before. They don't work only on PowerDirector 8.
[Thumb - PowerDirector 8 without Logitech Webcams option.JPG]
PowerDirector 8 without Logitech Webcams option.JPG
PowerDirector 8 version without webcams option
163 Kbytes
51 time(s)

This message was edited 5 times. Last update was at Jun 07. 2017 14:40

Senior Contributor Location: Houston, Texas USA Joined: Jan 25, 2011 12:18 Messages: 4663 Offline
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There is a very old saying that "you can't make a silk purse out of a pig's ear!"

Unless you paid extra for the preogram with the computer, you have an OEM that probably doesn't have the capability to do what you want.

Sorry but I can't be more helpful. .
BoilerPlate: To posters who ask for help -- it is nice to thank the volunteers who try to answer your questions !
Anything I post unless stated with a reference is my personal opinion.
Waldemare [Avatar]
Newbie Location: New York Joined: May 19, 2017 22:57 Messages: 13 Offline
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Quote There is a very old saying that "you can't make a silk purse out of a pig's ear!"

Unless you paid extra for the preogram with the computer, you have an OEM that probably doesn't have the capability to do what you want.

Sorry but I can't be more helpful.

Hello again Stevek,

I appologize but I really don't understand all Your replies. It looks like You didn't pay too much attention when You read my post. My post is full of all kind of details about my problem, so there is no more questions but just simply right answers. Unfortunatelly, I need to note that Your first reply was useless.

All the advices You proposed in it were already mentioned in my post. So, You did not say anything new, that I did not know before or that fix my problem. However, I took my time and I believe in a polite matter, I answered You basicly by reposting, what my post already had.

Then Your second reply, got better. You again repeated that it looks like my PowerDirector 8, I paid for, I got for free somehow and that's why it not suppost to work or the audio/video capture option not suppost to work. What kind of PowerDirector program that would be if there is not audio/video capture available? No comment!

Again, I bought my PC brand new from CircuitCity Store, just before they went bancrupt with some programs already downloaded on it. There is an option on my PC to return all original programs, software, settings etc to its original factory conditions. It is called Recovery Manager. I used it already few times to refresh my PowerDirector 8 program and other reasons but it did not help me with PD8. If You try to say that I stolen or downloaded PowerDirector 8 and that is why it dosn't work or has limited functions- You wrong. (just check attached pics) they prove You that my PC came with downloaded already PowerDirector 8 program.

Now, how that old saying applies to my situation? Yes, I have an old PC and PowerDirector 8 program, but I am not trying to make a mirracle or as a old saying says a silk purse out of it. I paid for my old PC that included PowerDirector 8 program and other programs about 7 years ago as far as I remember something like $1750. If it works on my friend' not old but antic PC with the same exactly webcam: QuickCam Orbit/Sphere AF that I have, we both upgraded to Windows 10, I do not see any logic reason and/or explanation why it shouldn't work on my PC. I guess, for You this is hell above normality, not 4 me! You right my friend, I expect a mirracle- a silk purse by trying that old program on my old PC. However, that silk purse not only was made out of my friend's pig's ear but believe or not it still keeps working perfectly on my friend's PC. I just cannot make this mirracle working for me yet

Thank you kindly for all your help

Just please, do us both and all Forum a big favor and do not bother to answer anymore with your proffesional, thoughfull and of course helpful replies

Thank You again for Your time
[Thumb - two screenshots.JPG]
two screenshots.JPG
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47 time(s)
[Thumb - Software Program Reinstallation.JPG]
Software Program Reinstallation.JPG
50 Kbytes
41 time(s)
[Thumb - Select the Program you want to reinstall.JPG]
Select the Program you want to reinstall.JPG
55 Kbytes
44 time(s)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jun 07. 2017 23:38

Waldemare [Avatar]
Newbie Location: New York Joined: May 19, 2017 22:57 Messages: 13 Offline
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Quote There is a very old saying that "you can't make a silk purse out of a pig's ear!"

Unless you paid extra for the preogram with the computer, you have an OEM that probably doesn't have the capability to do what you want.

Sorry but I can't be more helpful.

here is my new PowerDirector that works surprisingly with everything- all my devices. It is not stolen or hacked. It does not have any limited functions somehow... Everything works! even my both Logitech webcams...
[Thumb - PowerDirector 14 using Logitech QuickCam OrbitSphere AF webcamera.JPG]
PowerDirector 14 using Logitech QuickCam OrbitSphere AF webcamera.JPG
New PowerDirector
188 Kbytes
48 time(s)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jun 07. 2017 23:46

Senior Contributor Location: N.S.W. Australia Joined: May 08, 2009 02:06 Messages: 9977 Offline
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Hi Waldemere -

I'm sure Steve wasn't implying anything about your PDR8 being stolen or hacked. It's a fact that, where a version of PDR comes installed with a PC, it is not a full retail version.

When you open your PDR8 "About" screen (shown in one of your screenshots), you'll see that it says PowerDirector DE 8.0.4527. This table shows a comparison between Ultra, Deluxe, HE & DE versions.

Unfortunately, very few forum members would be using a DE version of PDR8, so it's difficult/impossible to test your issue... which seems to be resolved using the full version of PDR14.

Cheers - Tony
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