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I am also not too enthusiastic about these sliders either.

I think the only reason why most people aren't mentioning this is because we push the software more than others. (We are more demanding- not to disparage or put down others, we each use the software for our own needs.)

Or else we are just a bunch of picky bastids! Whichever moniker you prefer.

Very strange this is still occurring.

How many PD installation files do you have with your Ultimate version?

Last week I was missing a few premium content pack and contacted CL tech support and they sent me 4 new install files (large ones with the latest v2420 update.) My old original install files were 12 files from the end of last year. I used these new 4 install files and reinstalled everything and it worked great. (Btw- I am using Ultimate Suite.)

So just another thing to try- grab the latest install files from Tech support and see if that is any help.


No worries,

Grab your latest Nvidia driver from here:
Select the one that matches your card. Sometimes the built in update feature on computers don't always update.

Also f you haven't already done so, currently the latest PD 12 v2420 here:

Excellent Micheal, thank you !!

For PD blank screen see this link:

Fix / workaround is basically minimize your window using the top right minus sign and maximizing PD again to reopen it.

For your web browser etc. have you upgraded to the latest Nvidia graphics driver? as well as the latest official PD v2420 update / patch ?

Have a look at this tutorial and see if this helps:
Click on the "Youtube" icon to go to youtube and then click "About" "Show more" description under the video for a text summary of what is supported:

It's better in my experience to leave PD on the main C: drive SSD and just use your mechanical drives like the 2 TB and 4 TB as backup drives.

Ideally if you can use the SSD to store and edit the video files then output the final Produce file to the other slower drives that would be better. After you are done then Pack the Project files onto the slower drives for safe keeping and you can delete the used video files from your SSD to free up space for the next project.

See these two links on Project Management if you haven't already- they are what I consider a must see when using Power Director:

Quote: .....
1) I have PD 11 Ultra
2) Format is Quicktime MOV
3) Not sure what this question means. The amount of files depends on the number of pages in the script. As of now I am just testing with close-ups of four actors talking back and forth. The script is one page. Each actor does their dialog entirely in their take.
4) I'm not shooting a 2 shot. I'm shooting individual actors in close up (ECU). It's a conversation between four actors. I need the camera on the actor who is talking, then in edting cut back to the other actor for the reply.
5) I am using an external microphone that plugs into my camera.
6) Using a Canon Vixia HF R400.
I'm not sure what the relevance of question 5 and 6 to the editing process.
Many years ago before computers, editors would splice film by hand. In effect that what Im trying to do. Cut my film/video where I want so I can created a understandable conversation like we can see in any movie out there. This is basic editing ....

The reason for asking all these questions is to establish what exactly you are working with.

For instance- Question 2 & 4. Your make & model of your camera outputs mp4 in the AVCHD/MPEG-4 format which should be .MTS or .MT2S files according to the specifications- as Carl has mentioned- here are the specs from Canon:

Are you sure they are .MOV files ? Or are you planning on converting them to .MOV once you are done editing?

Question 3 - basically how many of these .MOV or .M2TS (or MTS) files do you have after you finish shooting? (How many did you copy over to your computer's hard drive?) This is another way of verifying what it is you are working with. Multiple or single files. You have already answered Carl so we know it's multiple files.

Question 5 - this is to establish if you are using the camcorder itself as opposed to a separate sound recording device which adds another layer to the editing process. Since it is the camcorder alone then that process does not factor in.

"Basic editing" - the process of splitting / splicing "film" is still the same concept and is now done digitally.

Basically import all your video files into Power Director and then drag them to the timeline and start editing.
Here's a quick How To I threw together- only covers some of the basics. Experimentation and above all Patience is needed when learning:


The best thing to do is started another thread with your issue.


From the question of your initial post I was under the mistaken impression that you were looking for an editing software that could do the edits that you want. Now that we know you have PD 11 then the next step is to:

Answer Tony's questions with as much detail as you can and then the users can offer step by step instructions.
Remember to include:

1.) What version of Power Director you have (Ultra, Deluxe, Ultimate)
2.) What format the video file is in (.avi .mov .mpeg)
3.) How many video files you have after you finish shooting (1, 2, 3)
4.) If it is one long continuous shot with no stopping then starting the camera ... just moving from actor to actor as they speak?
5.) Did you use any external microphone recording device or just what's built into the camera?
6.) What type of camera did you use?

These type of details are very important to help us understand how you created your film; and how to get it to look once you finish the editing process.

Update: Tech support sent me 4 new PD Ultimate Suite install files (1 .exe and 3 .rar files) and they fixed this issue for me !
So make sure to contact them and re-install using the downloaded files from the link you receive

In addition to the above- I usually just click the top right minus sign that minimizes the entire PD window and then double click to maximize it. All the icons and so on are back.

I agree it looks like a screen refresh issue that happens when my computer is doing something at the same time PD is trying to load up or needs to refresh the screen. Occurred in PD 11 for me and now once in a while in PD 12.

I got used to it and did the above to fix it.


[edited to correct typos]
Quote: Carl 312,
Another question if you please, I just uninstalled and reinstalled PD 12. The same thing is happening. I downloaded from the website. Do you think that download would have the last update??

Hi just a quick question- the download is a paid registered version sent to you by Cyberlink ? The trial version cannot be registered and made into a fully operational version just so you know.

I did experienced something similar like this weird linking back in PD 11. Did you add then delete a transition before you noticed this happening? Is there a file in between one of the clips that you moved, changed the timing or deleted then you notice this occurring?

Try right clicking on them, select "un link video & audio" and then "re link video & audio" to the correct video & sound files. Now save your project as a new name. Close the old one and open the new one and see.

See this old video issue #2 to see if it is similar to what you are experiencing:

Also see here for more info:
Playsound gave a great explanation on how to fix this with a screenshot.

Ok- here is an important update and observation that may shed even more light on this issue:

My original PD 12 Ultimate Suite came with 12 install files. For some reason I was missing some of my Premium content pack and a whole lot of effects / particles etc. that I had with PD 11. So I thought the new install had nuked them!

Well fast forward to today when I contacted tech support and asked how I can get those effects back. (Remember your version may vary- this is for Ultimate Suite, which will differ for Ultimate, Ultra and so on.)

Anyway Tech support sent me a link to 4 files. (One .exe file and 3 .rar archived files a total of 5.8 GB or so of new install files compared to 1 exe and 11 .rar archive files for my older PD 12 Ultimate Suite. I clicked on the newer exe and in order to install everything it first asked me which content pack and files I wanted to uninstall before it would install the newer files. I did them one by one to test.

Well after holding my breath and expecting the worst- it uninstalled all my previous PD 12 files and content packs and re-installed everything up to the latest v2420 release. And lo and behold..... ALL my previous effects from both PD 11 (and maybe some from earlier I am not sure,) were installed along with the new stuff from PD 12 release!!

I am indeed relieved, surprised and happy that I did not have to reach into my backup to find "missing" files. Everything was there and new stuff I didn't even know was missing! Even all my NewBlue effects and Pixelan plug ins were where they should be and usable.

Hot diggidity ! As long as you have the latest downloaded files from tech support and not the older ones initially released then you should be golden.

Have you tried going to Preferences>Editing and changing your Transition duration to 1 second ?
I have mine set to .7 seconds (42 frames)

To add to the above:

Have you tried shortening the transition duration timing ?
Right click on the transition itself and decrease the timing. (Or select the transition and click the Duration tab above the timeline)

I set my timing in Preference to .7 s which is equal to 42 frames (not the insane 2 seconds default, that is way too long of a transition for me.)

For quicker transitions I use 32 or 36 frames.
Only if I want to give a longer pause and emphasize the transition effect itself will I use a longer 1:30

Not sure if you have already seen this link on how to transitions. It was done when PD 11 was out- but still the same concepts and even better now that PD 12 let's you change the transition duration on the fly as you go:


Nice link. Here is my favorite:

Click on the "Silent Workstation" and go crazy with the options.
When the prices scare you and they will... click the "Desktop PC" or better yet "Gaming PC" tabs on top for a more sane build.

Note: For Desktop PCs the motherboard chipset architecture code named Z87 and the i7 Haswell processors are the current latest and greatest. For Workstation builds the LGA 2011 though an older architecture, with the E5 Xeon processors are still currently the best. (In my view anyway. The E7 Xeons are higher end but looks like only for commercial server applications currently.)

Later this year in the 2nd or 3rd Quarter, Intel is supposed to be releasing an update to the Desktop / Laptop i5 / i7 Hawell processor line (rumored to have 6 or even 8 core CPUs) as well as the E5 Xeon version 3 series Workstation processors.

So I am hanging on til then before deciding to do a build.


I would leave PD 11 installed and forget it's there. I and others have had a whole heap of trouble uninstalling it and then losing some of our past files and having things like the effects, custom Titles, extra content packs etc. disappear and having to fight to get them back from a hard drive backup.

There is a way of doing it- but knowing what I know now I would have left well enough alone.

Basically before you uninstall make a backup of the following folder located on your Main C: drive /User/You Name/Documents/Cyberlink - Copy that to a safe place.

Under the Power Director Folder inside the above location you will need access to the version "11" folder. An uninstall of PD 11 will delete some or all of these files. (Cyberlink Directorzone will have some of the stock effects that gets nuked.. for whatever reason CL decided that some of these were not needed in the newer PD 12. But then you will have to go hunting for them and it can be a pain if you use these older PD 11 effects regularly.) [Edit Update: the newer full paid download versions of PD 12 Ultimate Suite looks like it now includes all past PD 11 effects / particles etc. See below for my updated explanation and experiences with the install.]

The Creative content packs are version specific so no- you won't be able to install them with PD 12. I tried and it would not let me. It needed version 11 to be installed.

So think twice before you do- I suggest creating a System Restore point first !
Then if you know how, manually backup and image your main C: hard drive.


PS- mebbe one of these days I'll get around to writing down the detailed steps, but I won't take responsibility for people messing up their systems!
Hi that's weird.

Even when you produce your edited clip and view it as a movie file it's in mono? (Not just viewing it in the live Preview window?)
What is the make and model of this camera?

Try clearing your cache - Click the Gear looking icon on top which is the Preferences>General> click Manually Delete


I bought a Lenovo X230T touchscreen convertible laptop a couple years ago and was also ticked off it had a "Display Port" instead of an HDMI port. Well I soon learned the Display port was actually superior to the HDMI in terms of display- (I also went ahead and got an adapter that changed the Display Port to an HDMI) - which I have never used since I am now happily using the Display Port only.

Your Thunderbolt is faster than USB 3.0 and will allow a multiple Monitor set up, faster data rates. So it's also an unexpected "upgrade."

The heck of it is there is Thunderbolt version 2 already starting to come out! The PC manufacturer ASUS is starting to make an add-on card that you can plug into your desktop- though currently it looks like they are making it to be specifically compatible with their own newer motherboards initially. But this will change when other PC makers start their own add-on cards.

The USB 3.1 that is coming out is to compete with the Thunderbolt 2 in terms of throughput, speed- faster data rates for 4K Monitors etc. I expect to see Thunderbolt & USB 3.1 Hard drives shortly with blistering read/write performance. As well as multi-monitor setups for professional users, gamers / early adopters.

(I am currently researching and going to build a dedicated Workstation desktop later this year so I am keeping up on the latest and greatest... it's a full time job I tell ya!) My back account is already screaming... [Edit update "my back account" ?? ha- I meant of course my "bank" account.]

Hey Ken,

You certainly have more than enough horse power to do such a simple task.
Have you tried manually clearing out your cache location Preference>General>Manually Delete.

Also deleting the Project files stored in your Export folder, mine is set up to go my D: drive into a folder I created called .. "Project Files"
location Preferences>File>Export Folder

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