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Oh - forgot to mention...

Your T3i clips will probably have narrow black bars on each side in preview. That's because the actual resolution is 1920x1088.

If that doesn't bother you, OK. If it does, just resize the clips before producing (it'll cut off the very top & bottom).

Cheers - Tony
Hi again -

No need to guess video properties. With the clip in PDR's library or timeline, right click to see properties. Even better, use MediaInfo to give you accurate information.

Typically, T3i clips would be ~45Mbps. If both lots of clips were recorded at 1920x1080 @ 24fps that's better. If the frame rate is different you may get some frame artefacts.

AVC H.264 MP4 1920x1080/24p (16Mbps) would give you a decent result, depending on your purposes. e.g. for YouTube/Vimeo that'd be fine. For home viewing, I'd bump up the bitrate closer to 40Mbps.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Brian -

The folder is hidden by default. You can change that setting in Control Panel.

Cheers - Tony
Hi brianv7 -

You can probably customise a profile for your A5100 clips without needing to manually edit the Profile.ini

In the Produce module, have you tried clicking on Intelligent SVRT? Did PDR suggest a profile? It does here, with sample clips matching yours. If so, you can apply it.

If not, just select AVC H.264 > MP4 > 1920x1080/24p (16Mbps) then click the + button to reset the bitrate. See attached screenshot.

The App Data folder is hidden by default. You can change that in Control Panel. See attached screenshot.

Cheers - Tony
Hi CaptainTime -

Barry's right - you can't import Ae templates or projects.

I'm guessing your'e not an Ae user or you probably wouldn't be asking the question. If you were, you could render the template/project in Ae then import that rendered file into PDR.

Templates and projects would typically contain media - videos, graphics etc - that can be imported into PDR (without the effects applied in Ae of course).

Cheers - Tony
Re: the link error on page 11...

The error must have been corrected by the time I downloaded PDNews10 because the link (on my copy) is correct.

In Microsoft Edge, when I hover over "Some film strip PNGs that might fit in a project?" appears in the footer. Clicking the link allows me to download the .zip file from

Anyway Adrian & Robert - late or not - it's a fine issue packed with good stuff.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Ivan -

There's no separate Screen Recorder forum, so you've landed your issue in the "right" spot.

I've used SR3 fairly extensively, recording up to ~30min, & never had the issue of distorted or garbled sound. Have you applied the latest 4287 patch? It adds some better options. Whether it'll make any difference to your issue is anyone's guess.

Cheers - Tony
G'day Greg -

I think the short answer would be no. PDR needs to be running to produce & it's not possible to have more than one concurrent instance.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Pavel_Kolotilov -

I've imported & edited 9:16 videos from iPhone 5, 6, 7, 8 & X and iPad using PDR16, both separately & combined with clips from other cameras... never had an issue, variable frame rate & all.

I can't think what the cause of your problem might be.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Arthur -

There would be many GoPro users who are members of this forum, including me (Hero 5 Black).

PDR has no issues with GoPro clips, whatever the resolution, bitrate or frame rate. Well - none that I've come across on my modest PC.

Here are the minimum specifications for PDR. It's more often a question of whether your PC is capable, rather than PDR.

Cheers - Tony
Hi again -

Sorry, I don't think it's correct to rule out potential issue with the clips or the LUT & how they might interact.

You still have not specified the camera brand & model. This information may be important to resolving the issue. As I understand it, you are not the owner of the camera & did not shoot the particular clips. Please contact the owner & confirm the details.

Attached are the .cube, .3dl & .mga versions of the GC_BDMFilm-709 LUTs. Please test these LUTs on the clips in a new project.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Andrew -

I think that's just a limitation of selecting the disc/file option for subtitles. You would have noticed the "Note":

If the subtitles are embedded in the video, each can be formatted separately, but NOT when they're created for disc.

The only way around it, I think, would be to find other software that can create the disc as you wish (if there is such a thing)... or embed it in the video & not give the viewer any choice.

Cheers - Tony
Hi OliReading -

You didn't mention which camera the source file is from. The GC_BDMFilm-709 LUT is a freebie from Ground Control andd was made for use with footage from BlackMagic Cinema cameras (BMCC).

Using that LUT on clips from BMCC, Panasonic GH5 & Sony A7Sii (including the .cube & .3dl versions of the same LUT), I haven't been able to get the clips to turn black... in preview or production.

There is sometimes a separate issue where PDR doesn't retain the LUT adjustment after a project is saved, closed & re-opened... but that's a different thing.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Ray -

As tomasc & StevenG have stated, PDR, by default, produces video with a constant frame rate. Have a look at the MediaInfo report attached.

The video in the MediaInfor report was produced using a GH4 4K 24fps source file & rendered to AVC.H264 MP4 1920x1080 24fps @ 30Mbps.

Cheers - Tony

surprised EEK! Tomas's pet forum aversion - scrambled formatting after nested quotes.
Hi Tim -

That's potentially a bit complex, depending on the video. I'm assuming it's shot from a drone.

If the video is static, with no panning or zooming, it's simple...

Take a snapshot from the video - draw the boundary line on it in graphics software - remove the background (unnecessary if you use layers & only save the boundary line layer as a .png). That .png file can be dropped in Track 2 at the appropriate point, so you get...

If the video is panning or zooming, which it might typically be shot from a drone, it makes the task much more challenging & PDR can't solve that easily for you.

One possibility (in that case) would be to frreze the video at that point - add a freeze frame - then insert the boundary overlay. That would be much simpler than manually keyframing the boundary line to change shape with the video.

The overlays would look like the one attached.

Cheers - Tony
Hi jeffreyws -

Assuming everything was working correctly, the menu playback option you're after is the last one - Play the selected title only.

With that option selected, you select a video title from the menu - it plays, then returns to the same menu page.

The issue of the player not recognising the menu needs further testing. Did you use one of PDR's standard menus? a downloaded template? or a customised menu?

Have you tested the disc in other players? Does it function correctly in your PC?

Cheers - Tony
Unfortunately, with some profiles in PDR, the only way to do it is by manually editing the Profile.ini

Some profiles can be customised right in PDR, by clicking the + button in the Produce module.

Attached is a little doc written for PDR13, showing how to customise profiles. It still applies but the file paths are different for PDR15 (of course).

You'll also find a more updated explanation in PDNews Issue 10, written by Robert (The Shadowman).

Here's a visual, though it's way more complicated than what you need to do...

Cheers - Tony
Hi Bryson & Kristy -

640x360 is genuine 16:9, with square pixels (1:1 PAR). If you take a 640x360 clip and produce it to PDR's 640x480 MP4 profile, you'll still get a 16:9 video, but it will have a non-square PAR.

If you want, you can use the attached 640x360 profile to replicate the properties of your DIVX clips.

All you need to do is:

  1. Open the attachment with Notepad

  2. Select All & copy the contents

  3. Go to C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\CyberLink\PowerDirector\15.0\UserConfigure & open the Profile.ini

  4. Place the cursor at the start or end of the document & paste the profile

  5. Save & close Profile.ini

When you open PDR15 & go to Produce > AVC H.264 > MP4, select Custom & you'll see a 640x360 profile.

Cheers - Tony
Agreed Greg - far more elegant! Didn't even think of that back then. Well done, YOU!

Cheers - Tony
Hi AVPlayVideo -

I'm pretty sure it's related to the AI Art Styles plugin, since (I don't think it was there before).

Cheers - Tony
G'day Greg -

... this one was made in response to a similar question, so maybe it'll help you.

Cheers - Tony
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