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Quote I am a 365 user too. I have just now tested this:

I downloaded both packs and installed them using AM
After closing and opening AM again, pack 2 is shown correctly as installed, pack 1 is shows incorrectly as to be installed.
I have checked the presence of the packs on my disk: c:\program files\cyberlink\templates
and both packs are there.
I have checked (a number not all) features and they are available in PD.
I have also checked windows installed apps, both packs are listered there too.

Suggest to check the presence and the installation mentioned above. And inform CL customer support about what you have seen.
I seems some detection flaw in the AM to me.

I had the same findings in AM but the effect packs are installed in c:\program files\cyberlink\templates

Did the hotfix restore the ability to click a clip, and the playhead move... did it restore the opacity lines in the timeline, the audio controls in the audio mixer, or the apply all option for clips? Nope... they did not... going to cancel my subscription...

I wrote it is ok for me, no reason at all to go back to the previous version.
After the recent hotfix and using the new version for some days it is ok for me.
Quote Edit>Tools>Mask Designer no longer exists.

Selecting Edit just goes to the edit options of the selected clip.

It is still there perhaps you have to scroll a little bit downwards

Out of curiosity, I opened AM to check something similar to your case, Holiday Pack vol. 9 asks to install, but it is installed and appears in the media libraries, it has been like this for some time.

AM disappeared after updating Windows 11Pro just now.

So I can't trust AM, after installing via AM I have to check wether the pack is in place or not!

If the packages appear installed in the application manager, you can check the installation location.
On this path, "C:\Program Files\CyberLink\templates\PowerDirector Content Pack Essential\"

Thanks for your info
Although the AM tells me to install Content Pack Essential I see the pack in the place as indicated.
I deleted the map with submaps and installed it again (AM says installed). The pack is again present in the place as indicated (datestamp 21/7)
When I start PD without a project AM tells me again to install the Pack, strange but probably the packcontens can be used.

Because one of these days a new version of PD becomes available and perhapps the strange effect has gone

There are really no most recent one, each Content Pack has different content. For the specific named "Content Pack" there are 6 of them:
PowerDirector Content Pack Essential
PowerDirector Content Pack Premium 1
PowerDirector Content Pack Premium 2
PowerDirector Content Pack Premium 3
PowerDirector Content Pack Premium 4
PowerDirector Content Pack Premium 5

This link for all the packs used to allow one to click on a pack and see the contents, that all appears broken for sometime since the website was "modernized".


Thanks Optodata and Jeff for your information

I downloaded all packs as mentioned above with no problems, but as soon as I started PD and loaded a project the Application Manager tells me to install CP Essential and CP Premium 1
Every time I install a Power Director content pack via the Application Manager it is gone the next time I start PD. Is this because I installed an older one and if yes which Contact Pack is the most recent one. there is no date stamp.
You have to download it first in the Application Manager

See enclosed screenprint


I got word from CyberLink that the module download issue for some users should now be fixed. Can you try again?

PhotoDirector Moderator

Yes I got a quick response from CL, i will try the proposed solution later today

After renaming the folder "365" in "365_" in "c:\ProgramData\CyberLink\PhotoDirector", as suggested by CL, I could download the missing modules!
Quote The only requirement for PhD is that you have a Core i-series CPU and your i5-6600K is well above the minimum. I see several crashes of both PhD and the App Manager and I suggest you try uninstalling PhD, then run the tests as shown in this post, then try reinstalling it.

Thanks for your advice.
I did the tests as you suggested but with the same result!
I will release a ticket to CL
When I start PD (365) I get a message that there is a new Module available "downloading ............."
Nothing happens and PD freezes.
Is my proc. to old ?

DxDiag.txt encluded

The problem are the Ai modules in Photo Director 365
If you click on the clip in the timeline you will see a horizontal blue line in the lower part (the soundtrack) with 2 white spots (beginning and end of the sound clip)

If you pick the blue line with your mouse you can pull down the line and lower the volume.
If you want to lower just a part of the clip, press ctrl and click on the blue line where you want to start and end the lower volume. You will see 2 white spots. Click again 2 times just right and left of the first 2 spots. The part of the blue line between the inner white spots you can pull down and lower the volume. If you pull down the first inner white spot the volume will be lowwer (or zero) and increases to the level of the second white spot. Play a little bit with it and you will learn the possibilities. Of course you can also use Audio Director or soundeditor with even more possibilities.
Quote Hi guys, I am used to Final Cut Pro but needed something different so I have been using PD365 for a couple of months now. It is a shame but I think I am just about to stop using it for the second time. The things that really bug me are the lack of keyboard short cuts to move about the timeline and the lack of a centralised 'library'

I had to quickly create an video advert on a tight timescale and dove into it with PD365 but I found that having to use the mouse to grab a pointer to move about from place to place slowed me down considerably. On FCP all you have to do is hit a couple of keys to get around the timeline but the biggest thing I cursed myself for was not being able to centralise the library.

I worked 12 hours straight to get the advert out and had clips, images, sound parts and text everywhere. (Yes, I should have been more methodical... but, the worst is yet to come.

I finished the advert... produced the master and started tidying up my computer and not thinking a deleted files which where in the downloads folder in the documents and in the store....

Then I got a call that the client wanted a tiny change.... so i opened up the project again and many files were missing. That added another couple of hours of editing for me.

Botton line, yes, I should have been more organised but that is not necessary in FCP or iMovie.... all your files are brought into a library.

With these things in mind I will move away from PD365 and hope that someday they will fix the issues and I can come back.

lack of short cuts ?? Please read your manual
Quote I am new to powerdirector coming over from fx. I am trying to add a picture image between a video and stretch it out and have music playing while the picture is shown. I am having a hard time stretching the picture out so that I can add the music on a clip underneath. I would love some help in working out this problem.


Place the image on an empty track pick the end of your image with your mouse and stretch it as long as you want it.
Make a cut in your video and insert your image. Musicc can be inserted in the soundtrack.
Quote I tried it. It's not the installation path of the CAM itself. It's the path where CAM will install products.

On the predefined spot I only see CAM related files no other products like PD

Thank you for the response.

Regarding installing on a different drive, it appears that can be configured in Cyberlink's Application Manager under Setting -.> Installation Path.

Yes, but it is the installation path of CAM in my opinion. CAM must know where to install updates of PD and other Cyberlink programms.
Quote Is it possible to install PD 365 on a drive other than C

If not, is it at least possible to have media ("Media Content") stored on a different drive?

I want to have as little as possible on C:.

Thank you.

Whether You can install PD on an other drive I don't know, but media you can (see preferences).
I don't see your problem!

Select (double click) the desired title and you can edit it.
Quote Yes, I have.
A while ago. I did check the internet connection which worked (typically it was waiting for something). 30 mins later it worked again. Maybe something at the CL side that was not taking in AM requests?
I have just now opened the AM, and it instantly came with an upgrade process. It installed okay. I am now running AM version: 4.2.2819.0, which now also appears to point to tutorials.

Same for me!
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