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Quote The first thing I'd suggest is to update PD as you're a couple patches behind

Thanks. I will update as soon as I am finished with this project. Don't want to risk something going off with the update.
Power Director 21.3.2727.0. I completed a project ending up with 12 separate "chapters" saved as both 4K and HQ (720X460) files. These files are as big as 7gb. I want to show / autoplay these video chapaters sequentially from a laptop on a 4K TV.

Is there a prefered, or recommended program to use that is dependable and user friendly? Win Media Player, VLC, other?

Also, In viewing tests, I'm not seeing a discernible resolution difference between the 4K and HQ files. Why is this? I'd much rather use the much smaller sized files if I can get away with it. Thanks.
Power Director 21.3.2727.0. How come when I finish my work, save it and close the program - often the next time I go to use Powerdirector it won't start, and I have to reboot my computer? Thanks for the help.


Several points to consider :-
No real issues combining segments together. Using SVRT will ensure minimum loss of quality on rendering.
Keeping them separate has some obvious advantages in the event you ever needed to alter/re-edit a piece.

More practically - not all TV are equal and playback functionality does vary between models and manufacturers. Even the availability of USB ports can be a constraint if you have other peripherals - firestick etc.
Personally, I would do a couple of trials with short clips to see what your TV(s) can handle and how the playback controls work..
Segments allow more flexible user choice, rather than having to FF to a point in a larger film - but that might depend on content.

Other than that, trial and error with short clips to start with?

PowerDirector Moderator

Greeting to Taiwan. Thank you for your valuable suggestions. - Bob
Power Director 21.3.2727.0. I’m working on a project that will be about 90 minutes in length, finished. I have divided the project into several “segments” that I have exported separately from the timeline and saved as AVC 4K MP4 files. I assume that I can import and connect these segments (about 12gbs worth) on the timeline as one complete project, and then export the complete project as one big AVC 4K MP4 file to be put on a USB drive for viewing on a 4K TV. I believe this is what has been recommended to get the best viewing resolution. 12gbs on the timeline is going to be a long timeline, huh? Am I on the right track? Could I just put the separate segments on a USB drive, and is there a way to have them play automatically, consecutively? Are there any gremlins lurking about that I need to be aware of? Thanks in advance for the advice.
Powerdirector 21.3.2727. Haven't found an answer for this. When attempting to apply pan & zoom for photos on my timeline, the photo image becomes much larger in the preview window, and my pan then only covers / displays about 1/2 of the full image. This only seems to be the case when I am working with pan & zoom. Is it necessary to use key frames to fix this, or is there a simpler - more automated way to make 100% of the image fit the window? Thanks.
Quote Sorry about your mother. She lived a long life. The DVD maximum resolution is 720 x 480/ 60i or 640 x 480 from mp4, whereas your computer monitor or tv resolution is at least 1920 x 1080/ 60p. That is 3X higher in horizontal resolution. That is why the DVD doesn’t look sharp.

There are many options. I would produce those on my timeline to 4K. And put the mp4 file on a small usb flash drive to distribute to family members to view on a modern 4K TV or on their pc. If any of the family members have a Blu-ray player, you have the option of creating a BD or AVCHD to distribute to them in 1080/60p or 720/60p on disc or on a usb flash drive. The sharpness is better than what is on a DVD.

Tomsac - Thanks again. I found earlier posts from you around this same topic.

"You may want to look into creating an AVCHD Disc on DVD. This is 720/60p and 1080/60p quality on a DVD. No BD drive is needed, just a plain DVD drive. The created disc can be played from any pc with only a DVD drive and on higher end Sony standalone BD players."

Also, to me: "I would produce... to 4K. And put the mp4 file on a small usb flash drive... to view on a modern 4K TV or on their pc... The sharpness is better than what is on a DVD." This seems like my best option. I want the highest resolution possible to play on my 4K 3840X2160 TV. Your advice is much appreciated. Any other thoughts?
Quote If you want to make multiple copies on DVD or Blu-Ray I would suggest using the facility in Create Disk to burn to a .iso disk image file, then use a third-party program such as imgburn to burn your disks from that. This ensures identical copies and is also probably quicker.

Blu-Ray is potentially much better resolution than DVD although it obviously depends on the quality of your source material.

I'll leave your other questions to the expert contributors on here.

Fenman - Thanks for your advice. The burn iso file sounds like a good option. In further consideration, I don't have a Blue Ray burner drive - so, looks like I'll want the highest resolution I can manage for playing from a USB drive, and/or a DVD drive. I found earlier posts on the forum with advice (below), which seems senisble. Would you agree?:

"You may want to look into creating an AVCHD Disc on DVD. This is 720/60p and 1080/60p quality on a DVD. No BD drive is needed, just a plain DVD drive. The created disc can be played from any pc with only a DVD drive and on higher end Sony standalone BD players."


"I would produce those on my timeline to 4K. And put the mp4 file on a small usb flash drive to distribute to family members to view on a modern 4K TV or on their pc. If any of the family members have a Blu-ray player, you have the option of creating a BD or AVCHD to distribute to them in 1080/60p or 720/60p on disc or on a usb flash drive. The sharpness is better than what is on a DVD."

In summary, I want the highest resolution possible to play on my TV with resolution 4K 3840X2160. Your advice is much appreciated.
Powerdirector 21.3.2727.0. Relative novice. I'm ready to produce my project, a mix of photos, videos and music, The project will end up being 60 - 90 minutes in length. I want to 1) be able to show this on a DVD and/or Blue Ray player hooked up to a 4K resolution TV, displaying the best image resolution possible, and 2) distribute copies of it to my guests on either a DVD or USB drive.

So, watching some online tutorials, it appears my best bets for export formating would be
H.2864AVC for Blue Ray with MPEG4 and rez set at 1920X1080, 30p?

Or, should I just stick with DVD quality (is Blue Ray that much better definition)? If standard DVD, what would be the best export specs? Thank you.


As a first step:-

Check transition duration
Check whether Cross or Overlap

Otherwise a picture of timeline might be useful.

PowerDirector Moderator

Thank you.
Quote PowerDirectr 21.3.2727. Placed 71 jpegs and 2 music clips on the timeline. Set the duration at 8 seconds per jpeg. Project ran 7:30. Jpegs ended, as music ended. Very pleased. Saved the project. But, decided to replace a few jpegs. Started a new project with same number of jpegs, same duration and same music tracks. Music ends at 7:30, as before. But, the jpegs now run till 9:50. Any ideas what caused this? Did I scew up on the tranistions? The transitions appear to be the same as before. Thanks.

I'm replying to my own post because I have further information. On my timeline, I have 26 jpegs corresponding to the first of two songs in the audio track. When I hover over any of these jpegs it shows the start, end and duration consistant with the 6 second duration I set for all the jpegs. However, when I time each jpeg's duration using a stop watch, it is 8 seconds (from the beginning of the fade transtition to the beginninhg of the next fade tranistion). But, this is inconsistent with the 43 jpegs on the timeline after the second song begins (the two songs are separated on the audio track). Each of these jpegs also show start, end and duration consistent with the 6 second duration I set -- and using my stop watch, eah of these jpegs actually are 6 seconds long (from the beginning of the fade transtition to the beginninhg of the next fade tranistion).

Why would there be a difference between the actual duration of each of the jpegs in the first set, and the jpegs in the second set, when the start and end span and duration settings of 6 seconds are identical? When the durtion setting reads 6 seconds, does this 6 seconds include the fade transition time? Thanks.
PowerDirectr 21.3.2727. Placed 71 jpegs and 2 music clips on the timeline. Set the duration at 8 seconds per jpeg. Project ran 7:30. Jpegs ended, as music ended. Very pleased. Saved the project. But, decided to replace a few jpegs. Started a new project with same number of jpegs, same duration and same music tracks. Music ends at 7:30, as before. But, the jpegs now run till 9:50. Any ideas what caused this? Did I scew up on the tranistions? The transitions appear to be the same as before. Thanks.
Quote Sorry about your mother. She lived a long life. The DVD maximum resolution is 720 x 480/ 60i or 640 x 480 from mp4, whereas your computer monitor or tv resolution is at least 1920 x 1080/ 60p. That is 3X higher in horizontal resolution. That is why the DVD doesn’t look sharp.

There are many options. I would produce those on my timeline to 4K. And put the mp4 file on a small usb flash drive to distribute to family members to view on a modern 4K TV or on their pc. If any of the family members have a Blu-ray player, you have the option of creating a BD or AVCHD to distribute to them in 1080/60p or 720/60p on disc or on a usb flash drive. The sharpness is better than what is on a DVD.

Tomasc - Thanks for the help. Good advice. - Bob
I've been working with Powerdirector version 21.3.2727.0 for awhile. It is a powerful program, but there is quite a learning curv to master it's many capabilities. I'm not a professional. I'm just tryin g to put together a video tribute to my mother to share with family and friends. She passed away at 107, so I have lots of material to work with; jpegs, video, audio. So far, I am not pleased with the resolution / clarity of the end result when I export to create an MP4 from the project timeline. Seems like a lot of definition is lost. Am I missing some simple tweaks that will produce a better, higher resolution mp4 for burning to a DVD? Thanks.
Quote PD21 is capable of ripping that DVD. See his help: . Set your project to the correct aspect ratio like 4:3 if that is correct. You may want to fatten those individuals by using 16:9 if you want by a right mouse click on the clip to set the tv format/set aspect ratio.

For some reason, I can no longer apply transitions to sections of my timeline. I have three MP4 sections in my timeline compoed of video and audio. I want to fade from one MP4 section to the next. But when I select the section, and then try to drag the fade transition from the transition room onto the section, it does not take it. Have I somehow disabled the transition feature? Any ideas? Thanks.
My project has four tracks. On track 4, I have photos. On track 2 I have video. On tracks 3 and 1 there is nothing and I did not create these tracks. Does PD automatically add a new track when you place content on a track? Is there anyway to remove these empty tracks (tracks 3 and 1)? Thanks.

You have it wrong, track 2 is on top of track 1, track 3 is on top of 2 and 1.


Thanks Jeff.
I'm trying to add some slides / photos to track 1 of my timeline that will superimpose over the video on track 2. I thought the lower track would "take priority" and lay over the upper track? Have I got it wrong?
I have an old wedding DVD that I want to convert to an MP4 so I can bring it into PowerDirector to edit. I researched online and decided to use VLC Media Player to convert the DVD to an MP4. I converting from the DVD disc and brought the MP4 file into PowerDirector. But the converted file didn't come out right. People in the video look fat (wider), the sound is not synced, and portions of the video look like they are being played "fast forward". Where did I go wrong? Thanks.
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