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I have an old wedding DVD that I want to convert to an MP4 so I can bring it into PowerDirector to edit. I researched online and decided to use VLC Media Player to convert the DVD to an MP4. I converting from the DVD disc and brought the MP4 file into PowerDirector. But the converted file didn't come out right. People in the video look fat (wider), the sound is not synced, and portions of the video look like they are being played "fast forward". Where did I go wrong? Thanks.
I'm bringing old MPG video files into Powerdirector, clipping them, and then exporting them as MP4 files. There is a noticeable loss in definition of the video image. Any recommendations on how to better maintain the original definition? Thanks.
Quote You should reboot your computer, then use the link in FAQ #1 to download the most recent version of the CL App Manager and try again.

Thanks. That did the trick.
Got a notice that I could update to the latest version of Powerdirector using Application Manager, showing an update was available dated 03/30/23. Clicked to start update download. Update cogwheel just spins and spins, for over an hour with no progress shown on % indicator. Any ideas, please? Thanks.
Quote Those kinds of questions are easily answered using the F1 key to access PD's online Help pages. The answer you're looking for is at the bottom of this page.

You can also access that feature by selecting the Fade transition in the Transition room then click on the "Appply to all" button that will appear above the timeline, like this:

I appreciate your help. I figured the answer to my question was probably readily available. But I've been spending many days and hours trying to master the program, and my eyes are growing weary. I'm old with issues. Thank you.
I'm woking on a slide presentation using Slideshow - but I really don't need anything fancier than a fade out / fade in transitiomn between slides. Earlier, I got some good advice to bring my slides into the timeline and work witrh them there. I've got abour 45 slides in this presentation. I admit to being a clumsy newbie. I can't figure out how to select and assign ALL slides at once a simple fade out / fade in transition. Adivce is much appreciated.

Make sure "Advanced" is selected at top of Title Editor, then right mouse click on the title frame and a menu will appear with "Align to" and several pop out options.


Thanks Jeff. Didn't know centering your text box was "advanced"!?
Gosh, I can't seem to figure out how to center the text box in the Title Editor frame. I'd think there would be a BIG button staring me right in the face? Please, what is the secret? Thanks.
Quote I never use any of the "creator" modules (which used to be called "Magic whatevers") for the exact reasons you stated.

In my opinion, they're tools to get content into a fancy-looking video with very little editing effort, but that simplicity comes at the expense of not being able to make the kinds of tweaks you're looking for.

It's SO much easier to put your images on the timeline, ppick a transition (or a set of them), lay down your audio/music track and set the duration of each image as needed. It certainly is more work to initially set that up, but you'll then have 100% control over every aspect of your slideshow.

With time and more experience, it gets even easier and I don't think you''ll ever look back

Sounds like good advice to me. Thanks.
I'm finding the learning curve pretty steep with Powerdirector's Slideshow plugin. I've read countless tutorials and viewed Youtube content. I've managed to get close to syncing slides to my music track, but only after hours of trial & error, cdumping previous efforts, changing the number of slides in my presentation trying to match slides & music, and tricking the software by cipping the front off of my music track. Nine times out of ten, I've ended up with not enough slides, or too much music. I end up either having 5- 7 slides repeating themselves at the end of the presentation, or I run out of slides and the music plays on.

Using Slideshow, I find I can not reliably assign the duration of a slide using simple math, like: 3:00 minutes of music = 180 seconds / 35 slides = 5.14 seconds per slide. If I "customize" each slide, assigning it 5 seoncd duration...

Is it easier / better to bring my slides into PD timeline and edit them there? Adding and sliding my music track on the timeline?

One more operation I can't seem to tame in Slideshow is adjusting the movement / direction of the "crop area" when customizing a slide using the "movement" template.

I''ve put a lot of study into this software and I donlt want to give up, but I'd love a slide maker with more intuitive controls.
Thanks for any help and ideas.
Quote In the PD preferences you will find behind the general tab the option: At start up: Show project library.
If you tick the box, you will see the PD startup screen with your latest projects etc. If you untick the box, PD will go directly into full edit/timeline mode. I think that is what you want?

I'm trying to "build" a project by combing multiple PDS files produced from Slideshow. I prefer to create these separate segments, and hope to import them into one timeline, and saving as the master project. Is this doable? Thanks.
Using Slideshow, I'm trying to make a slide show of 37 slides that together will run exactly 3 minutes (180 seconds) to match the length of my muisc track. My slides are running abot 20 seconds longer than my music track. In Powerdirector preferences, duration of images is set at 5 seocnds with a 2 second transition. Should I allow for 7 seconds for each slide (5 seconds duration plus 2 second transition), and cut the number of slides down to 25 - 26? Thanks for the help.
Newbie to Powerdirector, realizing I have an enormous learning curve ahead. But how come I can't get into "full mode". Tutorial telss me I can select it when PD starts - but there is. no option I see for selecting full mode on the opening screen - only aspect ratio. Opened, I do not see the four editor tabs - capture, edit, produce, create disc. How can I get into full mode once I have started the program? Also - is "full mode" the same as"full screen"? Thaks for the help.
Now that this forum has helped solve my "green screen" problem (by downloading latests drivers), I have another question.

I'm capturing about 60 hrs worth of old 8mm digital and analogue tapes on a 3TB hard drive. So far they are running about 5gb per tape, 128gb total disc space for 28 tapes. (avg time length about 1.0 - 1.5 hrs). I'm capturing as MPEG2 DVD HQ.

Eventually, I will want to produce these onto DVDs to play on a standard DVD player. Of course, I want the final product to be the best resolution I can get. Other than just cliping / croping the video, taking out segmentd I don't want, there's very little other editing I need to do.

If I just take the captured MPEG2 files saved on the hard drive and "clip" unwanted segments out - and then simply re-save the file, does this avoid "rendering" and further compression / loss of resolution quality?

By producing the DVDs to play in a standard DVD player, does this compress the video?

Your advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks - newbie Argonaut.
Dafydd, bolda and Bubba -

Thanks for your help. I followed the link Bubba provided to earlier posts and installed latest NVID driver, and that seems to have done the tirck.
Much appreciated. - Argonaut
Dafydd - I'm sorry, I don't know how to provide a screen shot.

Here's a better explanation of what I'm up against.

I am in full feature editor. I have imported an mpeg2 to edit. I see the thumbnail in the library window and the same image in the preview window.

As soon as I drag the thumnail into the first track of the timeline, the preview window goes blank for a second, and then comes up with a green screen (no image). If I hit "play", the range selector moves right, down the timeline. I hear the audio, but only see a green screen - no other inage.

If I click on the "preview in media veiwer" button below the preview window and select "launch media viewer" from the dropdown green preview goes to full screen, still showing only green, and if I hit play, it is still only audio - no image (except green screen). If I hit the red "x" to cancel out - THEN, after a couple seconds, I see the image in the preview window of the editor and it plays image and audio.

Is that the way it is suppose to work?

I'm new to PowerDirector (ver 10).

How do you get the preview in Media Viewer to default to come up and stay on, so you don't have to use the "Preview in Media Viewer" button all the time? I don't see a choice in preferences.

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