PowerDirectr 21.3.2727. Placed 71 jpegs and 2 music clips on the timeline. Set the duration at 8 seconds per jpeg. Project ran 7:30. Jpegs ended, as music ended. Very pleased. Saved the project. But, decided to replace a few jpegs. Started a new project with same number of jpegs, same duration and same music tracks. Music ends at 7:30, as before. But, the jpegs now run till 9:50. Any ideas what caused this? Did I scew up on the tranistions? The transitions appear to be the same as before. Thanks.
I'm replying to my own post because I have further information. On my timeline, I have 26 jpegs corresponding to the first of two songs in the audio track. When I hover over any of these jpegs it shows the start, end and duration consistant with the 6 second duration I set for all the jpegs.
However, when I time each jpeg's duration using a stop watch, it is 8 seconds (from the beginning of the fade transtition to the beginninhg of the next fade tranistion). But, this is inconsistent with the 43 jpegs on the timeline after the second song begins (the two songs are separated on the audio track). Each of these jpegs also show start, end and duration consistent with the 6 second duration I set -- and using my stop watch, eah of these jpegs actually are 6 seconds long (from the beginning of the fade transtition to the beginninhg of the next fade tranistion).
Why would there be a difference between the actual duration of each of the jpegs in the first set, and the jpegs in the second set, when the start and end span and duration settings of 6 seconds are identical? When the durtion setting reads 6 seconds, does this 6 seconds include the fade transition time? Thanks.