Last I checked Nero could burn ISO files but not make them, unless it's a new feature.
It created something proprietary which was similar to an ISO but which had a different file extension.
...those short clips are awesome.
What's the longest film you've scanned so far?
I'd recommend reducing the audio bit rates first.
If your film is mainly dialogue then start at an audio bit rate of 64kbps and adjust up.
If you have music or sound effect which need a wider spectrum, start at 128Kbps and adjust up.
I would compromise audio quality over image quality if you can and watch your file size shrink.
Hi acg, so you finally got the scanner.
How do you like it?
Does it work well?
What Carl said about the frame rates is spot on except the frame rates for 8mm film ranged a bit more - anything between 12 and 24 frames per second which can be really frustrating.
You could even have to play a tweaking game of 1/2 frames as you get closer to the FPS speed you want, so judge it carefully.
On the MOV (Quicktime) file spec issue, your 25Gb MOV (Quicktime) file sounds like a 'raw' uncompressed video file at 100% quality.
Depending if PD will allow you to do this (not sure so check) you can edit at this quality setting until you decide to finally render (compress) your movie for DVD, at which point I would choose MPEG2 if it really is for DVD and maintain image compression to a minimum, ie: no compression (or highest quality setting) and staying within the boundaries of the capacity of your DVD disks (4.7Gb or 8Gb for Dual Layer).
Hi Barry,
Some cameras have a 'rotate/invert image' setting while filming for lefties!
FYI If you let others borrow your equipment they might flip out and say all their footage is upside down later!
I was wondering if you could burn more then one blu-ray dvd at a time. If you executed the Powerdirector twice had two incidents of it running and if you had two blu-ray dvd drives if you could burn two at the same time.
You can with imgBurn.
Run two instances at the same time with separate ISO to different drives.
I never tried three instances... you can test your luck.
I suppose you could duplicate the ISO temporarily for each instance if that's your fancy until the burn gets done.
But imgBurn seems to accelerate second copies after the first (buffer isn't flushed immediately).
If it helps with your experimentation I also use a RAM disk courtesy of ImDisk.
Very simple to use if you have the tools.
This on a 16Gb system.
Some options, take a look at this link.
Would be best if you could post a clip so we can see what you mean.
Nice vids.
Check your original footage from the camera against each other just to make sure they have the same specifications (frame size and frame rate). Did you download/install anything between the making of the two?
Some PD users have had issues running PD and editing on a single drive.
It's best to have a separate drive for editing and one for where all your Windows applications run.
Check your PC for malware or system updates running in the background when you least expect them to.
Also, its usually best not to have your anti-virus running while editing as it can interfere.
This also means disconnecting from the internet.
Horizontal lines can be something to do with NTSC versus PAL.
What sort of footage are you working in? (Frame/width height and frame rate).
It could also be a glitch in the final production.
What settings are you using to export the video? (MPEG2/H264)
A short clip showing what you're seeing might help too.
If you need to work with FLV files you're best off converting them first to something like MP4 or WMV.
If it helps, I use Real Player's batch converter for the job but anything else which can handle conversions will probably be just as good.
Keep in mind that a lot of compression is already applied to FLV (its used mainly for streaming/cd-rom) work so full screen video quality won't always be stupendous. It's part of the old shockwave video family (if you can remember that far back to the mid 90s).
In my experience, approximately 1 in 30 FLV's fail to convert because of some oddity in the file (codec issues and what not).
Mileage may vary.
I don't see why not.
Here's a screen capture of the ImgBurn menu tools.
If you haven't used it before, the top half of the screen are the tools, the bottom half is a report/diagnostics which always pops up when you start it and works in real time as you burn.
I suspect that if you haven't got an ISO to burn, you would choose either the "Write files/folders to disc" option where your AVCHD files would be or the "Create image file from files/folders" option. I've never tried it myself. "Discovery" is just a tool to check the status of a disk and the rest are pretty self explanatory.
Just a quick one:
There's a frame rate setting in PD 12 if you look at Preferences > General.
You've got a few choices:
Plan A:
You can either discard the 29.97 footage completely from the main project and stick to the 50/60 you have.
That way you won't have a video which changes quality every other clip or so.
You could keep those bits for later as a 'special feature' section on the disk.
Plan B:
Your lowest frame rate is 29.97 (NTSC) so base everything on this rate if you want to include this lower rate footage.
(Ideally you're thinking of 25fps if you're in the UK to be compatible with BD (Blueray) players, unless your audience has multi-region players but don't gamble on it).
Space on BD disk permitting, you could then have a 'special features' bit that shows just the exciting parts of 60/50 footage.
With a mixed bag of frame rates, use the lowest common denominator (in your case 29.97 but actually working at 25 because of your region). If, as you say, the quality is much better at 60, you can't UP the quality of footage that came from a lower rate (29.97) but you can always bring the footage with higher rates down (60 and 50 -> 29.97).
Each project is different.
If you can stick all your footage on a single disk at 25Mb/s that's great but be prepared to either sacrifice that down to 18 or much lower or make your film shorter to maintain image quality if your intention is to fit it all on a single disk.
To start with, try the settings that PD has as default.
Use this as your starting point.
Check this against the Blueray disk space available.
Tweak up the settings but stick with MPEG2 (IMO) or test with H264 until you start to notice those gremlins.
If you have a high end burner that can burn high capacity BD disks just make sure that your high capacity BD disk will play on a normal player. Not all players can read those high capacity disks, so stick to the lowest common denominator. You are working with big files. Just remember that to maintain image quality, use very little compression and keep the bit rates up. It is a juggling act.
Also... does the video have noise (flickers/speckles)?
That's a sure sign of tracking gone wrong.
If you can't go back to the original tape and the video looks good but it's just the sound, I'm wondering if it could be that the source was too loud, causing distortion at high pitch? If this is on a DVD which came from a tape (or a tape from a tape) you might have difficulty since this noise is now part of the sound.
Hi Andrew, I'm sure you would find editors that could handle the split frames (30/30 @ 60fps). The big old editors of yesteryear like Avid could handle splitting interlaced video to each frame at 29.97 or 25 (depending on where you lived) and probably still can. It gave you more precision where to cut. Everything now, it seems, is progressive. Give PD a go. I think you'll find the 60fps issue is only superficial. Keep compression to a minimum (best image) unless you want to put it online, then use H264. Keep frame size to 1920x1080, unless you want to post it online. As an additional thought, here's a snippet from Wikipedia which I just found (link below):
Often, the rate is inferred from the context, usually assumed to be either 50 Hz (Europe) or 60 Hz (USA), except for 1080p, which denotes 1080p24, 1080p25, and 1080p30, but also 1080p50 and 1080p60. A frame or field rate can also be specified without a resolution. For example 24p means 24 progressive scan frames per second and 50i means 25 progressive frames per second, consisting of 50 interlaced fields per second. Most HDTV systems support some standard resolutions and frame or field rates. The most common are noted below (see the link I added below). High-definition signals require a high-definition television or computer monitor in order to be viewed. High-definition video has an aspect ratio of 16:9 (1.78:1). The aspect ratio of regular widescreen film shot today is typically 1.85:1 or 2.39:1 (sometimes traditionally quoted at 2.35:1). Standard-definition television (SDTV) has a 4:3 (1.33:1) aspect ratio, although in recent years many broadcasters have transmitted programs "squeezed" horizontally in 16:9 anamorphic format, in hopes that the viewer has a 16:9 set which stretches the image out to normal-looking proportions, or a set which "squishes" the image vertically to present a "letterbox" view of the image, again with correct proportions.
link Scroll down to technical details.
I don't know if this is against the rules but DVD Lab can do it for you.
It's not a video editor, just a DVD authoring software.
It's VERY clunky, very old but stable program and works on 64bit Windows.
It will handle anything you chuck at it for DVD authoring.
If you need something for Blueray, send me a PM.
The quality depends on the codec and amount of compression used.
The difference between MPEG2 and H264 is that they are just different containers.
It's what you put into those containers that makes a difference (the codecs you use to save the video).
I prefer MPEG2 over H264 because H264 has on occasions created artifacts (blips/dirt/scratches) on the final run.
However, if you need to make it fit to a single disk for Blueray, then play around with H264 to see what you get.
But I find MPEG2 produces better results.
It's more the bit-rates that affect file sizes, so as you increase bit-rates, the files which go on Blueray or DVD become bigger and the image quality generally gets better (general thumb rule). Ultimately it all depends on what the image quality of footage it is you start with... (crap in -> crap out).
For example: it is possible to fit up to 3hrs of video on a single 4.7Gb DVD with space for a menu (I've done it) but the image quality is closer to what you get from a compressed video like on Youtube, slightly under standard definition with lots of wobbly bits.
Frame rates:
29.97fps is generally NTSC based (US, some others).
This usually follows up to the 60fps like you have.
25fps is generally PAL (UK/Europe, some S. America).
This usually follows up to the 50fps stuff.
The frame size (picture width/height) can look different from PAL and NTSC (because of non-square pixels).
My understanding is that Hi-Def video is actually 29.97fps or 25fps. (someone else might be able to explain this better or correct me if I'm wrong). The doubled frame rate is how the AVHCD footage is created, a bit like interlaced video where two frames interact to create a single image.
Ideally, you should edit to a spec that is for your region unless you plan to share it with people abroad.
That's a relief.
If you find SSD's a tad expensive, check the prices for some of these Western Digital "Black" hard drives in your country (all 7200rpm with high transfer rates):
WD Black ( WD1003FZEX) 1Tb
WD Black ( WD2003FZEX) 2Tb
or any of these Western Digital 10,000rpm ones: link.
I've used Camstudio.
It won't record audio from the screen unless you loop back the speaker wire into your sound-in/mic port.
Otherwise you get a mute video. Although a bit clunky, I found it worked well enough for my purposes.
...and run a malware check after it installs. It sticks some weird stuff on your computer which you can easily get rid of without problems.
Hi CJC, back again!
Ok trying to drill this down further.
With all audio muted, playback with full HD setting is very smooth.
With the audio enabled on the video track, on LOW preview resolution, the playback stutters on every clip transition (when i say transition i mean clip to clip.. no transition effects).
With separate music track added, but video track's audio disabled, on full HD playback, again, playback is smooth.
What's more odd, is that the music track is at 48kHz 320kbps, and the audio for the video tracks are actually lower at 256Kbps.
So for some reason I'm having my main issues when my video's audio is enabled, but not if I have a separate audio track playing.
This is interesting.
Have you tried extracting the audio from your clips and re-lay them on the time line?
Does it affect PD in the same way?
I've got some links to free HD footage here and here.
If you could test something from them and say if you still get the freezing that would be great.
This might be going off track but you might have stumbled on something to do with a setting for your recordings, only guessing.
Can you upload something of your own we could test to see if PD behaves the same way?