Thanks, Jimbo. If after my experimentation and adjustments I am still getting horizontal lines in my clip, I will definitely post a clip for your input. I really appreciate it, thank you.
Thanks, Steve, for your input regarding definition. I am taking today to more deeply study my camera manual to determine how to change those settings, it is a simple thing, just takes patience, and I have a photographer friend who will walk me through it. So, no, I have not bitten off more than I can chew - I'm a quick study

. I have a successful video clip and one unsuccessful clip (post production). All I need to do is determine what are the factors of the successful video clip and the factors of the unsuccessful one, which is totally attainable.
My green screen is great, I researched for weeks on it, and I've made lots of wonderful green screen videos with no issues.
Yes, I look at my video clips before doing anything with them. I preview them on a large screen HD tv, pre and post production. They are generally good, clear, crisp. Need to determine the cause of the success.
My camera is a Canon SX280HS with full HD. I use the USB cable that came with the package to transfer the video files to my computer.
I will do my experimentation and let you know what it yields. Thank you kindly for your input. All the best to you and yours.