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Hi Ceri,

I can say that every video I make has a JERKY appearance during any Transition when I preview it using the PD8 previewer.

After I Produce it as a Video and play it back I don't see any of the jerky transistions anymore.

I suspect that my video card is lacking in performance.

Hi Lars,

What exaclty do you mean by 'Transfering to Powerpoint doesn't work well'?

Are you trying to make the entire video into a Powerpoint Slideshow?
Or are you just trying to play the video inside of a Powerepoint presentation?

Hi Kelly,

Just curious whether the audio that is out of sync is the original audio directly out of the camera or did you manipulate the audio using audio software before placing it into the audio track?

Hi all,
For anyone needing to convert audio into a different format try this software.

It's called GoldWave!
Simply open the audio file in whatever format it is in and then 'SAVE AS' into any other format you desire.

The program is inexpensive and FREE to use for quite a long time.


I'm not positive but I heard that the sample rate for audio to sync with video properly is 48khz.

The normal default for audio is 44.1khz

Hi Allen,

Thats a GOOD question!

Mine is set to update automatically also but is still on the original 2704 build.

Where do you find out what version they are up to?
I can't seem to find anywhere to get updates from their site.


I moved all of the files in the AutoSave folder to another for safe keeping.

Problem solved,
PD8 now launches without prompting me to recover the project anymore.

I doesn't seem to me that the average user should have to worry about finding the hidden folder and deleting the files in it. PD8 was prompting me to recover but either answer Yes or No didn't appear to do the right thing.
In conclusion, I think there is another bug that may never get fixed in PowerDirector.

Thank you for your help!

After turning on the Open last Project option it still asks to recover the same other project and then open the last project after I answer Yes or No to the question.

A .jpg of my screen shot is attached to my first message if anyone wants to look at the official message.
I do not have the "Open last project when starting PD." turned on.

But I am now curious as to what will happen when I turn it back on!

Thank you for that idea!
This has been happening for about a week now and I am not sure what caused it.
I am using PD8 ver2704

Every time PD8 launches it gives a message that says:

Cyberlink PowerDirector found a temporary file that may be the project file automatically saved last time.
Do you want to recover the project and open it?

If I say no, the message goes away and PD8 works like normal.
The next time I launch the program it asks the same question.

If I say yes, PD8 shows all the files from a recent project and then I save as and give it a name.
The next time I launch the program it asks the same question.

Does anyone know how I can stop this from happening besides re-installing the program which I am getting sick and tired of doing.

Hi All,

A quick update as to what I have tried.

Maybe the other entries in the .PDS that have the code looking for the .JPG files in the photoTmp folder is normal but it still doesnt explain why the folder is empty. No files have ever been created in the folder that I can tell.

James, the backup files in PD8 are not created the same location as PD7. They are in the folder C:\Documents and Settings\MBlaa\Application Data\CyberLink\PowerDirector\8.0\AutoSave. And yes I have tried to open every one of the backups for this project and the all do the same thing.

I usually pack the project when I am done with it but I never got a chance to with the project before it crashed.
Actually the project didn't crash because PD8 won't open any of them. PD8 seems to have changed some how.

Thanks for the help guys! This problem really needs to be answered by a Cyberlink programmer.

Hi Kevin and Adrian,

I have located 7 of the same named files in the backup folder with different dates ranging a few days apart for about a month. I also backup my drive to 2 external backup drives regularly.

Every one of the backup files error in this way when I open them. Every one of the files has coding in them pointing to C:\Documents and Settings\MBlaa\Application Data\CyberLink\PowerDirector\8.0\photoTmp.

The .PDS files seems to have coding pointing to the correct location for all of my .JPGs and then the same amount of coding lines pointing to the folder shown above.

I am not sure why the program decided to start erroring when opening my project but they all seem to have these incorrect code lines in them.

I took the latest file and made a copy of it. Opened it in Notepad and removed all of the code that points to this incorrect folder. It now has approx 88 lines of code that appear to have all of the .JPGs pointing to the correct folder locations.

When I open the file now it no longer errors. It also ignores all of the code that has the correct file locations and opend up with all of the slides black just like it did when it was erroring.

A very important question here is why are those incorrect entries in the file in the first place and how in the world was I able to work on this file over and over for 2 months if they all have this bad code.
What changed in the program to make it now decide to error with the same files it has been opening all along?



Hi Neil

You are correct that you can import the AVI video into a project and all is not lost.

However, I have 88 .JPG slides, some with Magic Motion and transitions between each slide and text that corresponds to the audio track with effects on the text.

What if I just want to change the text and maybe I dont like that motion on a slide. Maybe I need to replace/change just the .JPG with another, and so on.

It would be nice if I could use my original file and then make a new high quality AVI file or burn another DVD again after a few quick changes.

Does anyone have a concern as to why this problem has occoured and if it can happen to your project?
Thank you for your reply!
The snapshot is the least of my problems and I created one in Photoshop that was pretty close to what I needed.

Hopefully a programmer geek that knows this software can help. Maybe someone from Cyberlink can help if anyone there cares to. Please!
Please HELP!

Spent the money for phone support and they don't have a clue!
Spent 2 hours on the phone and gave them all the details and dxdiag file.
Escalated to high level tech support and supervisor with no answers
Waste of $30.00

I have a new install of PD8 on a Dell laptop. I have been creating Slide Show video projects using many .JPG graphics for a few months. All has worked flawlessly and I have been very happy with version 8 and had many other problems with version 7 on a previous install.

Here is the problem:

I have a project that I have spent over 20 hours creating and again I will say that all has worked perfectly.
I have burned DVD's and produced the final video in a high quality AVI file.

I opened the project which was last saved a month ago based on the modified date and simply wanted to make a Snapshot of a slide. It opened fine and I created the snapshot. I then closed the project without saving it because there was no need.

I decided that I wanted another Snapshot of a different slide and re-opened the same file a few minutes later and I get a prompt trying to find the .JPG media with none of the names that are in my media library.
It is trying to find files with date and time naming in the C:\Documents and Settings\MBlaa\Application Data\CyberLink\PowerDirector\8.0\photoTmp folder which is empty.

Here is a sample of the filename it is looking for: 2010-04-22-14-42-34(0).jpg

I have searched my entire computer for a name as this with no results. When I say ingnore all to the errors, the project opens with all of my audio, PIP images, transitions, etc. but every slide that was a .JPG is now black. This is the same problem as if the media is no longer available at the specified location such as deleting files or remaning a directory that the files were in originally. My .JPG files have not changed from there original location!

I have viewed the .PDS file in Notepad and noticed a difference between other files that seem to work fine. This projects .PDS file has a duplicate enrty for every .JPG pointing to the "photoTmp" folder with all of the files named the same as my example above.

Cyberlink says that I have to start over and create this project again!

Is there anyone out there techie enough to help me figure out how to edit my .PDS file and make it work without having to create it all over again?

Thank you for the prompt reply.
I hope I don't have the same problems with PD8!

I have PD7 running on my computer right now. I am having problems with it locking up several times an hour. (Not Responding when Task Manager is launched).
I decided to purchase PD8 Ultra to see if it solves my problem and I liked the extra features.
My question is can I install PD8 and have both versions running on the same computer or is PD8 going to upgrade my PD7?
My apologies, I completely understand.

You are correct about the chapters! I guess I must have inadvertantly added the chapters while trying to learn the sofware and forgot about them.

All is well at this time!

Thank you!
Thanks for checking that out for me!
I'm not sure why that is happening to me.
If that is the extent of my problems I guess I can live with it.

In my frustration I used the term deleted by Moderator

Thanks again for the help!
I created another DVD of my movie using the "Create Disc" function of PD7 and cheked the selection at the bottom of the screen that say's "Create a disc without a menu" and it worked.

It now plays automatically and when it ends it plays again and again.
That's exactly what I was looking for, however there is another slight problem.

When I clicked that selection for no menu it automatically created 6 chapters at the beginning of my video which are shown in the Author window. They all say Chapter 1! My video has no chapters created, deleted by Moderator

Are we all on our own with tech support? Do any Cyberlink Techs read any of these?

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