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Hi Jan,
I don't know if this will help, but what I usually do when I'm at a spot it always wants to crash is first not click on close, then drag the box over out of the the screen with just enough showing to pull it back when I'm finished and READY to close. And of course save, save SAVE after that.

It's only a band-aid fix, but it works for me! Hope that helps.

Hi EC,

I probably shouldn't even attempt to help with I still need help on a daily basis So take this with a grain of salt...

I'm not sure of what exactly you're trying to do...(I'm on a different computer and should be looking at the program for correct lingo)...but it sounds very familiar to a problem I had in the beginning (only a few months ago) this where it asks if you want to include objects from the library, workspace, etc? If so, maybe it's including all 12 if they're loaded in the library (? - top left space).

Hope you get an answer soon...I know how frustrating it can be

Maybe try submitting an inquiry.

Hi All,
Anyone know why when I start working with an audio clip - about a 20 minute long audio clip, PD6 crashes...everytime?

And, what are the ShadowEditFiles for? Do I need them or can I delete them? I'm wondering if they're causing trouble...Heck, at this point I'm almost wondering if it could be my clothes washer or dryer Well, really, all I'm doing is editing about 1 minute of video/audio then putting a load of laundry in either the washer or dryer...that's how often it's crashing.

In case you're wondering, I've tried all of the ideas listed previously in the forum...unless I missed something from way back...and my computer is all but sterile from all the cleaning I have to keep up with for PD to run on it. But this audio thing is really getting ridiculous.

I can hear the audio so I'm not thinking towards needing a codec or something...I just don't have a clue

Any help appreciated,
Hi All,
I've been having crashing issues sometimes often and othertimes not at all. I've been using PD6 for only a few months but after pulling my hair almost completely out from using other programs, I gotta say, I would so much rather deal with the crashes and perhaps find a work around or how to avoid them in PD. I'm just hoping that it gets better for us all...which would mean they (tech support) would find somewhat of a fix. My computer too is next to sterile, but here are some real band-aid fixes I've had to figure out on my own:

1. When I work with a lot of video...I truthfully have to defrag almost daily.

2. When that box pops up that say somehting like "an unexpected error has occured and PD needs to close" , I just drag it over to the right side of the screen where only a small piece of the title bar can be seen (to be able to drag it back into place) and keep on working...even saving...especially saving. Sometimes I work for 45 minutes like this, but it beats the constant re-booting.

3. I keep my H/D as cleaned off as possible...and as Debra said...keep any un-used video off...because boy is it picky! And the prayers sure haven't hurt.

But over-all, I think PD can do so much more (easier) than any other program I've used. I absolutely HATED Roxio, but I really liked Arcsoft Showbiz DVD (hope I can say this here), but for serious video editing, it's very, very limited. I think it's only for the "cute" videos.

I'm getting ready to post a different kind of crashing problem...concerning the use of audio don't freak when you see a similar post. I just hope someone has a solution

Thanks to everyone for posting and helping out in my desparate time of need!

Dafydd, thanks for your reply! I think that makes sense! I would never have thought of doing it that way! And as for understanding about zooming in is different than 2 pics that zoom...I really didn't get that But I can grasp that there is something about it that I wouldn't comprehend

So, I guess really, I would create and produce a mini-clip, then add the 2nd pic to the 1st (produced) movie clip...right? Don't worry about creating a video...I think I get it...well, can I perhaps request a raincheck for that video if I have more trouble than I think?

As usual, thanks for all of your help! You're a lifesaver! Not to mention a time saver

How can I go about getting the new build? I have a few issues that isn't getting answered in a soon enough time for a project I'm working the new build (I currently have build 1509) actually better? It sounds like it could be, but do you think it would help with some bugs?

Hi All,
Is it possible to dispaly 2 pics on a white color board...both with motion? For example, on the left side a pic zooming out while the pic on the right side is zooming in? If so, how? Any help appreciated!

Hi All,
I don't know if I inadvertantly did something to mess up hearing audio or what, but it just quit working in the timeline. I can hear both a video clip or an mp3 while it is still in the (what's it called?) project area (top left where you add files or folders). Anyway, I can click on it there, then press the play button and hear it just fine, but not when I add it to the timeline. I've double checked and DO NOT have for example the music track locked or muted...or the system sound turned down...I just don't know what's going on. Same thing for the audio that normally comes from the video...nothing. The track isn't muted, and the clip isn't muted. I have completely un-installed PD6, then re-installed...still happening. I must have done something...I just don't know what. Any help is greatly appreciated!

Thank you SO much for the info and especially for providing the link!

Ok, 2 more hopefully quick questions and I'll be all questioned out.

1. In PD6, can you import or add clips from another PD6 project?

2. Also in PD6, what is the best setting for producing video that isn't grainy? It's pretty high, but the video looks grainer than the original. Any idea? I think it's supposed to look grainer while in creation mode, but even after burning onto disk it is somewhat.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Hi All,
When I purchased my PD6, I thought it came with more templates, styles, etc. Afterwards I learned that an add-on was coming out soon. I did read down this forum list to about when I bought PD6, but could only find where it's coming any day now...but that seems to have been for the last month. Anyone have any news? I hope it's a free up-date, because I really, really need some new stuff already. Heck, I would have bought some add-on stuff already if it had been available. I don't see anything listed. Anyone know about that too?

Thanks David,
That's exactly what I needed to hear (read). It's all still vague at times, but the more I use PD, the easier it becomes. A lot of times I'm only guessing at what I call a work-around - as there are no obvious buttons to me for what I'm looking for at that moment. I so appreciate your willingness to help with clear, easy to understand instructions. Often I really am just missing something...guess that's the ADHD

Thanks too for staying on top of things with speedy replies!

Thanks David for your speedy reply!

That's exactly how I tried it, but the text wouldn't become "linkable" or able to start the video. Maybe since I'm new at using it, I tried too many things and messed something up. I tried to find a way to "re-set", but couldn' least during that that seemed to be "project" oriented. I don't know what I'm doing, but getting better everyday. It's these kinds of things that stump me that makes be better I suppose. I'm a learn by doing kind of gal. However, so far I've learned it hurts hitting your head against the wall.

Thanks so much for the I know I'm on the right path...just gotta dig a little more. I've been thinking about getting PowerProducer for that reason, but the info page doesn't actually say what I want to hear: "This is the perfect tool for creating text-based menus". And, I'm assuming that I will have to first of all "produce" the video in order to author it using different menus than available in PD6. That's another step for me as I like PD6 because I can just create without that extra step. I guess that's ok...??

Have a wonderful weekend!
Hi All,
Anyone know the secret to creating a text menu in PD6? All I want to do is us a pic for the background and use text to start the video...NOT a video thumbnail.

Any help greatly appreciated!

Thanks Dafydd & Peter B. !!

I knew there had to be a way! This is such an awesome forum! I didn't check back sooner because I half-way didn't expect an answer, but you both restored my confidence in people truly helping others. Thanks!!
Hi All,
I know that PowerDirector 6.0 will do more than I'm aware of, I just can't easily find how.

Can anyone tell me how in 6.0 I can create a floating pic (I used PIP), but have the pic stay in the final position for several seconds longer? When I set the duration, it just takes longer for the pic to go through the motion path, but when it reaches the end it changes on to the next pic. Any help would be DEEPLY appreciated. I have a sample of a file that I'm trying to re-create using PowerDirector, but can't figure it out. I have the file for anyone who's interested and could upload if that's acceptable. It's 3.56 MB.

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