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Not sure but I guess you are looking for a converter here. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think that this is possible.
Hi Angus, I'm just wondering on how you were able to go around this. Jpeg for me is not a preferred format. PNG perhaps?
I recently increased the RAM on my PC from 4 to 8Gb

RAM and Video Ram are different things. Plus it's Vista. I would consider upgrading to either Windows 7 or 8.
Also worth the try to check on the region settings but they should be able to give you the answers.
Seems like this is still unanswered. Any luck yet? Are you saying that you are syncing movies with PDVD? I don't think it has this feature.
Check the region settings. Compare it with The Avengers and see if it makes a difference.
Hi Anthony, any updates on this ticket yet?
Hi broncogirl1983, I was just wondering if you were able to find a work around on this yet.
My advice, if you want the shortest way, I'd say use VLC, and on top of that, it's free. No need to download the codec packages and stuff.
I'd upgrade to a newer video card here. It's just worth it for me.
Not sure on this yet. I bet this isn't a feature yet but let's see if someone can confirm this.
In some cases, it is redirected to a spam folder. Make sure to check it there too just to be sure.
To be specific, this is flv player correct?
Hi, also check this out from their KB.
Can you please post the OS that you currently have? Also include the build number please.
Thanks for clarifying this. Any chance for this to be made possible on the next version tho?
Hi. What kind of movie file are you trying to play with this?
Hi Oldshep, just wondering what version you are currently using. It think I'm missing something since changing th AR still does the same thing.
Not really, give customer support a chance and see how it works for you first.
Hi Peter, any luck here yet? You might want to try a clean install on PDVD 12 and see if it makes a difference.
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