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Is there a list of android devices that power DVD is having issues syncing with?
jwill255 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Oct 05, 2010 14:50 Messages: 1 Offline
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I have the Samsung SIII. I was able to get everything configured and find and connect to the powerdvd sever the first time I used the app a few days ago.

Now for the last few days my phone can't find the server. my phone is displayed within powerDVD 12 and I can connect to it and view media from my phone on powerdvd 12, but not the other way around. I was searching through the forums and it looked like there was the same issue with the Iphone several months ago. Wondering if there is any news on this lately. I have played with all settings. I have windows 7 on my laptop and it syncs fine with powerdvd 12 both ways. But my phone can't find the powerdvd 12 server. Really want to be able to use this app. It is the one reason I went with powerDVD 12 ultra.
alvincht [Avatar]
Member Joined: Sep 20, 2012 11:52 Messages: 58 Offline
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Seems like this is still unanswered. Any luck yet? Are you saying that you are syncing movies with PDVD? I don't think it has this feature.
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