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Ok I have played around with it a little more and have some more information. It appears that the title designers that I was using were custom ones that I had saved prior to upgrading to PD13. When I tried the new "new blue title pro" it does allow me to move the text box by grabbing the side of the box. Now I just have to figure out how to use the new blue title pro......

also just figured out that you cant click on one of the white dots. To drag the text box you click on an area between the dots...
You are correct, I am in title designer (not menu) I simply want to move the text box from one location to another. In the past I was able to click on the box, then drag it another location. Now when I try and move the box it enlarges and resizes the text. I want to move with out resizing. It takes several moves of each side of the box to get it sized and moved correctly. In the past I could just click and drag the text box. If I grab the corner of the box and try and move it will enlarge the box. If I grab the side of the box, it does the same thing, it make the box larger too.
I have been a power director user for more than 10 years. Last year I subscribed to the "live" subscription service and I really do like it. However I recently upgraded from version 12 to 13 thru the cyberlink application manager. There are some differences from version 12 and one is that I can't seem to drag a text box from one location to another when in menu designer. It just wants to resize the text box and font size when I try to drag it. I apologize if this has been covered, but searching is driving me nuts.
Just got done playing around with this "pass thru" method of importing old vhs video tapes via dv camera into your computer. Works great! So far this has been the most painless method for me. No copywirte protection errors either!

Only minor issue is that it imports the files as AVI and automatically stores them into your "my video directory file". I haven't found a way of changing these setting, but its not a big deal.
I recently changed my video card from a nvidia gtx260 to amd 6870 and was having this issue with the catalyst 12.1 drivers. I downloaded the 12.2 precertified catalyst drivers to my desktop. Then used control panels to uninstal previous drivers (using express paramaters). I then rebooted and installed the 12.2 from my desktop and all is well with PD10 now. Interesting that when I click on catalyst infro it says that i have version 12.3 (not 12.2).
Wow, nice link. I do a fair amount of old vcr tape conversions. I have tried just about every method, but this one. So far the best method that I have used is using a kiwi brand device and PD8 (pd10 won't work for me) to import, but I often get a "copywrite protection error" even though they are just family recordings. I will try this method to see if I can avoid that frustration.
...... fast GPU graphics card are the key factors for high quality (non-GPU) rendering HD video with PD10.

Help me better understand this last part. If you are not using the GPU rendering, how does a fast or faster GPU card help?

This may or may not help. I had posted a question about the timeline moving in response to editing and
this solution helped me:
Your computer specs are about what I have. As indicated above, update all your drivers and programs including quicktime and directX.

Read this thread about the 1080P 60fps issue:
Thank you for the information.
Iam looking at updating my graphics card from a GTX 260 to an AMD ATI 5850. I can get the new
card for a good price. I know that some on the forum have had issues with some of AMD based cards.

The card looks to be on the supported list from cyberlink, but I want to know if any of you are having issues with
the 5000 series cards for the driver updates

Thank you for any info you can give me.
I too couldn't use the cyberlinks uninstall tools, so I used Revo. Revo will work just fine.
Thank You, Thank You and Thank You. I had skipped pd9 and thus didn't visit the forums. This helps me out big time!
I have been playing around with pd10 full ultra retail and so far it has been very stable and fun to work with. I used pd8 on numerous projects. I did not use pd9 at all. My question is, that with pd8 when I insert or delete an item in the timeline, the pip, title and audio tracks to the right of that point would shift to compensate for the added or deleted space so that all the items in lower tracks still line up with the items in the main track. But with pd10 if I insert an item into the main track, the pip and title tracks to the right of that point don't shift or compensate and I have to manually move them to keep things lined up.

Thanks for any advice you can give me.
Just a flollow up. I have now uninstalled and reinstalled twice. Each time the runtime error goes away on the new install but comes back a day or two later. Today, I checked and the error was there on PD10 start up. I downloaded the new patch and bingo the error is gone again.
Quote: Congratulations Carl312. That is the best answer all five off us in my suburb have read about that issue.( WHY) Three of them are here now pushing me to ask another. When editing we all disable HARDWARE ACCELERATION ,(open CL to speed up preview and render),(enable hardware decoding). PRODUCE, allow SVRT on single IDR h.264 video. And have preview window down to high preview resolutions which seems to be most stable. All want to burn to a DVD or BLu-ray to play back on full HD TV. The question is, DO we have to ENABLE all what we have disable mention above, before rendering and authoring and burning. all is it automatically done when the video is rendered when you enable hardware decoding and SVRT tick box in PRODUCE. (MTS files from camcorder to wd hard drive then picked up by Power Director 10 and displayed as mts.) Our computers profile are about the same as yours Carl except AMD phenom 11*6 2.8GHz ATI Radeon HD 5850, Power Director 10 Ultra 64 build 1012 , that is why we we are hammering you Carl . AMD Guru. The bottom line is ,most of our finish product is terrible to view, not as good as when play direct from camcorder to TV with HDMI cable. The next post will be Help.

I want to see if I understand your question about the check boxes for acceleration.

From what I read here when you are editing (placing items in the time line, editing/enhancing clips/importing to your library etc etc..) you have have all the hardware acceleration boxes unchecked. But you are asking that when you want to produce (render) to file and/or author to disc, do you have to recheck all the boxes?

The same issue has reoccured. But there is a relation to when it occured last time.

A few weeks ago I installed PD10 full ultra from retail cd. Shortly after that I installed panasonic HD writter
software for my tm900 camera. It was after that software install that the runtime error occured.

I then uninstalled all PD10 and its components and reinstalled. The runtime error was gone on PD 10 start up.

All was well until today when I installed a new software program. Bingo! After the new unrelated software
was installed the runtime error came back......

So I did another uninstall and reinstall of PD10 from disc and all is well again..
I am not home to check, but I think I too have a bd65. Its 3 years old and one of the first affordable BR players. A few month ago I connected a network cable to it and it imediatly found numberous firmware updates...

I would check for firmware updates 1st.
I have a prebuilt dell xps435mt/9000 with i7 920 9gb ram and gtx260 video card with 2gb ram and stock
i7 processor fan.

I was playing around with PD 10 doing some video rendering with 1080p 60fps files from a panasonic tm900k. I was watching the core temps using piriform speccy program and was surprised to see all 4 cores pretty muched maxed out
and running temps around 72-74C. Under no load the temps are running around 38-40C.

Searching I found that it is difficult to upgrade to a better cpu fan on this system. The bios will give an error message on
startup and you have to modify the MB.

So is 72-74 safe for video processing that may take hours?
Fixed for now.

The advice to do the uninstall and reinsall worked. Thanks.

I didn't have the software to use the cyberlink .rar uninstallers so I used revo uninstaller level 3.
Uninstalled PD, wave editor anad 2 smartsounds.

Re-installed PD 10 ultra full from retail disc, then installed the current patch.

I originally installed it last week and no issues for about 4 days then I got the runtime error after I updated Power DVD 10 to the latest version. I don't know if it was related or not. but I am up working at this point.

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