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Quote: Hi rbowser -

There must be a reason your copied/pasted profiles from the PD9 Profile.ini aren't showing up under the custom profiles in PD11.

Could you please attach your original PD9 Profile.ini document here? Members may be able to test & locate the issue. That might save you remaking the profiles.


Attached is a .pdf describing the basic steps of customising a profile by editing the Profile.ini

Cheers - Tony

Thanks for the reply, Tony - I'm attaching the original PD9 Profile .ini file as requested.

Right now, I'm unable to make any new profiles in PD11. I choose custom options in the Produce window, like I did in PD 9, and it won't be saved. Like I said in my original post, a message comes up about no custom profiles existing - That's like, unresponsive, has nothing to do with trying to create one. The error message sounds like it thinks I'm trying to open a profile, not make one.

I've looked at the PDF you attached - This doesn't mean that to make a custom profile, you always have to go the .ini file and edit it, right? This is only if you're trying to use some parameter that isn't allowed while there inside the program--?

After I upgraded to PD11 a few days ago, I discovered that all the custom profiles I had developed on the Produce page in PD9 were missing. Here on the Forum I was given the advice to find the profiles .ini file from PD9 and paste it into the one for PD11. I did that - but it didn't work. Custom profiles still don't show up.

I then tried to make a custom profile, the way I'd done many times in PD9 - but the program won't allow me to do it. The error message keeps coming up that no custom profiles exist and to choose another one--.--- What the...?

Quote: ...

PowerDirector11 doesn't link directly in this way with PhotoDirector3, but PhD3 can, of course, be used as standalone software to edit photos for use in video projects.


Ah, I see - Thanks for the reply, Pix. Yes, this is fine for now, if I want to edit a photo to use in PD11, I can have the two programs opened independently. I've already seen that it's no problem to be running both. Thanks much.

I recently upgraded to Power Director 11. As a bonus, I was given Photo Director 3. I was under the impression that the two programs could interact, with Photo Director opening inside Power Director when an image is used in a video and you want to edit it--?

Quote: hi,
When I installed PD9 (had PD, an old version automatically unistalled and all old projects were ok for new version too.
What you need to keep in mind: before installing, check, is you PC hardware etc suitable for PD11!

Yes, Andres - Thanks for the reply, but my computer is completely suitable for PD11. The program works beautifully, but the location of PiP elements has now been installed in a different location. Old projects using any of those elements have a broken path to the images. See? That's the issue.

Quote: ...Your issue(s), I think, partly arise out of purchasing the upgrade version. On one of my PCs, I have PD9, 10 & 11 cohabiting (full versions - not upgrades).

You said "Under the Produce tab - ALL CUSTOM PROFILES are gone!" These are probably retrievable...

That should help with about 5% of your question.

Cheers - Tony

Hi, Tony! Thanks for the reply - Hey, helping with 5% is at least a start! But actually you've probably answered much of what I've asked.

---I decided to update, I bought the program - I had NO idea there was a difference in an "upgrade version" and a "full version"--What?? I've never heard of such a thing. I wanted PD11, I used the only option I could see - I can't believe it. I would have given ANYTHING to not lose my PD9. This really bums me out. I had not a clue regarding any of it - That I had a choice of versions to buy???? and that if I'd somehow found a different way to buy it, I could have had both versions. OK - now I'm more than bummed - I'm POd.

I'm betting that the issues of data, like the PiP elements being moved like that has to do with buying this version too.

---This sounds great about finding the profiles - I'll follow your instructions.

Hey - maybe I can uninstall PD11, re-install PD9, since I still have the .exe file - and then figure out how in the heck to buy this other version you're talking about.

grrrrrrrr - But thanks, I appreciate the reply.

I finally upgraded to PD11 because I couldn't stand not being able to keep my NVIDIA drivers up to date, since PD9 wasn't compatible with them.

Before upgrading, I tried to find info on how PD9 project files would open in PD11, couldn't find any posts, so bit the bullet and went for it.

I've opened a PD9 project in PD11, and now know that not everything is compatible. If only Cyberlink would do what every other software company whose products I use do, and allow more than one version of the program to be on a computer. For instance, I must have 10 versions of Cakewalk Sonar happily co-existing. Why PD11's installer had to automatically uninstall PD9 is beyond me. But, since that's the way Cyberlink has things, I'm now stuck with project files that are partially broken.

Hopefully some experienced PD11 users can help me out:

--When I was opening the old PD9 project, an error message came up saying two image files couldn't be found - "SKY2.png" and "bk1.png." I don't recognize what the "sky" image would be, but now I've found "bk1.png" in
Documents>Cyberlink>PowerDirector>9>MyPinPs>Particle_002. It's just a black background. Not sure where it was used in the project. When I opened the project, I'm not sure I could see where these would be missing, but I did have problems with the PiPs, more below--

--At first, an automated fade to white on a clip didn't work. I had used keyframes to automate the Brightness control under Fix/Enhance, until it was 100% at the end of the clip. The automation was still moving the Brightness control, but wasn't producing any change in playback. After poking around at the controls under Keyframes for awhile, it just suddenly started working. Have no idea what that was about.

--I had used Bubbles over one clip, but they come out now as small red squares. After looking around, I can see that the "05_Bubble" image, which is still the label on the PiP clip, is on the computer in Program FilesX86 Content Pack Essential\Particle\pdrv9_particle-05 Object\object5." So the location path has been broken. It looks like the only way to get back the effect I had is to re-construct the whole effect, this time of course using the new location.--- Any ideas on how I could do that more efficiently?

--Same thing with another clip where I'd superimposed 01_Star - It also comes up as that place holder small red square, because the path for the image has been changed. -- Dang - why'd they have to do this? Using Sonar as an example again, new versions of the program will have a lot of the same content as older versions, but they don't MOVE those elements for goodness sake, they use the established, common path, so all versions of the program will always be in sync. It's just dumb programming to arbitrarily move data like that. The result is exactly like what I'm seeing now - old project files that have invalid paths to elements. Really dumb.

--The masks on the clips where I'd masked edges of the screen don't work anymore. Are these masks now in a new location too I suppose? I tried to start editing the masks, re-doing the automation and everything, - but the PiP Designer froze every time, no way to edit.-- ?

Under the Produce tab - ALL CUSTOM PROFILES are gone! omg--I had a big collection of custom profile edits that I relied on, and arrived at after much time consuming trial and error. Why are these gone?--- Are they here somewhere on the computer and I can re-direct PD11 to them?

--SOUND issue - I use an ASIO audio interface. Now, the sound during playback in PD11 will randomly cut out, and sometimes come out with an incredibly loud burst of white noise. I've heard that behavior before when programs are struggling with ASIO drivers - but I had things in PD9 so nothing of this sort happened. Any ASIO users with tips?

Basically, the biggest problem is broken paths to elements. If only Cyberlink would be like ALL companies I'm aware of, and simply let us have two versions side by side on a computer. I could happily work away on my old projects in PD9 and finish them, and use PD11 for new things. As it is - this upgrade has just added an enormous amount of work for me, days and days of re-doing what I've already done. Bad programming.

Any tips or suggestions?


Well, I can now answer my own question - I HAD to upgrade, so sick of not being able to keep my NVIDIA drivers up to date, since PD9 isn't compatible with them. And now, because of Cyberlink's maddening way of not allowing two versions of PD to be on a computer (the PD11 installer automatically uninstalls PD9) - I'm stuck with projects that DON'T work properly in PD11. They open, and most things work, but PiP Objects don't because the locations of the source material are different, and masks don't work for some reason -- lots of re-doing in my future in looks like.

I'll post questions in the PD11 Forum where users of this current version may be able to help.

---not a totally happy camper.

I'm finally going to upgrade to 11, so tired of how PD 9 isn't compatible with current NVIDIA drivers.

I've searched the Forums but haven't found posts about opening older projects in 11. I understand that sometimes people find they have to uninstall previous versions of PD for a successful install of 11 - Obviously I don't want to be stuck in a situation where I don't have software to open old projects.--

I probably shouldn't worry, right?

Quote: I've tried to burn to a file first, but it keeps giving me the "the output files exceed the available disk space", and I have 118GB available on my hard drive! What gives?

Hi - That would have been a good topic for a whole new thread, Theresa - this is a pretty old thread you responded to. But I'm here because I got an email about your post - so, I can help you out with that.

That error message is talking about is referring to the folder size you've chosen, either 4.7 or 8.5. It's not referring to the space available on your hard drive. So, if the project is too big for the 4.7 size folder, choose 8.5. Trouble is, Power Director is completely inaccurate in predicting how large the final output will be. You'll very likely find that even though it's saying it won't fit in a 4.7 folder, when you burn it to the 8.5 folder, it'll be much smaller, ending up not too large for a 4.7 disc. That's what my thread was about originally.

So - get it? Choose the larger size. If it's even too large for that - well, then you're up against a wall because there isn't a DVD size larger than 8.5. At that point, you have to, unfortunately, reduce the quality of the video so it's smaller.

I've discussed this issue before on the Forum, but it still drives me mad crazy. We want the best quality possible for our DVD copies. PD9 will give you a prediction of how big the file is going to be, and it's always totally off base and meaningless.

The advice I got earlier was to use 8.5 gig discs. Fine, I have those. But look at these crazy figures:

--A video is predicted, at highest quality, to be 9652 - too large for the 8.5 disc, so it won't even burn the project.

--Try Smart Fit for the same project - it's predicted to be 7740, that'll fit - but the DVD actually comes out 2.33!--Quality is way too compromised to be usable.

--Standard Quality prediction is 5706, it comes out 2.33, even worse than above.

--I try 4.7 size folder (these are all burning to folder, I'm not foolish enough to burn directly to disc)--Smart fit is predicted to be 4650--sounds perfect, but it comes out 2.13, worst quality of them all.

So - great. I'm not allowed to burn my project in the highest quality possible. Given these predictions and how they're twice as large as the actual result, obviously if I was allowed to go for the HQ quality of supposedly 9652, it would come in way under the capacity of the 8.5 disc, and I could use it. But the program won't allow me to even try it.


For this particular project, I'll need to slice it in two, burn the highest quality I can for the two halves, and then stitch them together using a 3rd party program, and it'll probably fit my 8.5 disc. Crazy that this kind of work around should be needed.

Quote: I'm a beginner, I am adding subtitles (text) to video and the text runs off the screen (is not viewable) and it doesn't wrap to a new line. I searched all the topics but could not find an answer so sorry if this has been addressed previously. How do I make it fit so it is all viewable on screen?

In the Subtitle Room, where you're adding your subtitles, you simply format your text normally with the space bar where you want line breaks. If you have a title already inserted which is too long, double click it, and you're able to edit it again, adding breaks where you need shorter lines on the screen.

No, sirvincentblack, never did figure it out. I just skip using Wave Editor. Oh well!

I wrote a reply to this on the other thread, then noticed you'd posted the same question on this new thread. My reply can be found here:

Quote: ...It's hard enough to get the audio in sync in the first place. The visual wave form doesn't move when you zoom in and move a track by a very small amount like a few milliseconds. So its impossible to see whether you've moved it by the correct amount without playing it back. Then you have to play it right from the beginning of the film anyway, because playing it from anywhere else puts the audio out of sync again.

Maybe I'm just asking too much. I'll have to save up for a professional program

I feel your pain, Lynnmonk. You're a user, like me, who is needing to do edits more complex than what the program was designed for. To force the program to do these edits we want, we have to come up with all these work-arounds which are are a PITA. Other programs have a simple way to over ride all ripple editing effects - just clicking Ctrl while working with a clip will isolate it so that your work on the clip doesn't effect anything else in the program.

And what you say about the audio wave form not displaying properly when you zoom is absolutely right. That's such a bad problem, it really seems like a bug to me. I often need frame-perfect sync between an audio track and the clips I'm working with. It's extremely time consuming to get things lined up right.

BUT - this may be something you haven't discovered. When you've zoomed in, and you can see the wave form hasn't updated, if you put your cursor in the time line and move it right and left, back to the tight zoom you want, you'll see that then the wave form Does get updated, and you can see where you are.

ALSO - I don't know why you're having to play from the start of the film to test things after you've moved a clip. I don't have to do that. After being zoomed in as closely as PD allows, and making an adjustment in a clip's placement, I zoom a bit out again, choose a spot a few seconds before the edit, hit Play, and everything's in sync, playing back properly. If it were otherwise, and I had to start from the top again - I'd have to totally give up, because I'm working with video files that are 1 and 2 hours long!

Here's a problem happening for me that you didn't mention - The wave form for the original audio on a video never, Never displays accurately. The display is a split second too far to the right, late. That means that the spikes in the sound track I can hear are never in sync with the visual display. The swoop up in the wave form that's displaying that spike in volume is just to the right - So I'm always having to guess at where the precise spot is where I may need to split the clip, or where I need to move a clip on another track to sync up to that spike mark.

However - and this is so inconsistent that I can't make any sense of it: When I import audio, the wave forms DO display perfectly accurately. So, imported tracks are easier to work with, while the display of original video audio is off. -- ?

And so forth. I think you're right, that to do the kind of work we're talking about, we would need to spend a Lot more money on a more professional program - like the #1 pro video program we all know the name of, but which we don't spell out here since it's a Cyberlink competitor.

Quote: ...
You add chapters in the Chapter Room in the Edit module...

Carl, you must be talking about PD. The last two posts were about trying out the free DVDStyler program for creating menus.


I was. I thought you were referring to PD.

Right, Carl - Well, if you were responding to the last few messages, in the last four before your first one here we were talking about alternatives to the DVD menu program in PD. Fenman said he uses DVDLab. I said I'd found the highest rated free one called DVDStyler - I hadn't found it to have enough features yet, but I still need to try it out some more, there could be something I'm missing.

And we were talking about alternatives because of so many frustrations and limitations in PD's menu program.

That quote you pulled out from me, you can see I was talkinga bout DVDStyler. I've used PD's menu system quite a bit now, I get OK results, but really would rather have a better alternative.

Quote: ...
You add chapters in the Chapter Room in the Edit module...

Carl, you must be talking about PD. The last two posts were about trying out the free DVDStyler program for creating menus.

Quote: No, I'd be interested to have your impressions. From a brief look at the docs it seems to be quite powerful.

I've only had time to briefly try it out. So far, when working with one monolithic produced video file from PD, I'm not seeing a way to insert chapters wherever wanted. My impression is that you either put up with randomly inserted chapters, or your video file has to be sliced up before hand in separate video files, because then each clip will automatically start with a chapter in the menu. Hmmm - So, I'll be asking questions at the DVDStyler Forum.

Quote: I use something called DVDLab...

Thanks for the info, Fenman.

This morning I've downloaded what shows up online as the most popular free DVD authoring program, DVDStyler. I haven't tested it yet - was wondering if you had any experience with it?

Quote: Having at last mastered (almost) DVD menus, I now have issues with the sound...

Well, Paul - All these issues you describe about music in a DVD menu are exactly the same for me. I am almost positive there's no way around them. The worst problem is when you're on a chapter menu, and the music starts over every time you hover over a new chapter's button - ARGH!--awful. Do note that this behavior depends on the menu template you use. With the simpler ones, the music doesn't re-start like that. But the fancier ones do keep re-triggering the music. My solution has been to just skip having music after the first splash page.--

I'm also rather sure there isn't a way to prevent the music starting over when you move from the first screen to the chapters. And the music's time limit really is annoying too - You said 90 seconds?-- Seems like I'm only getting 30 seconds. I always make sure the "fade out" option is checked so the looping transition is smoothed out. I don't need "fade in" because the opening of the music is usually already the exact way I want to hear it.

But it's like a lot of things with PD - There are simplified, locked in ways that things work in order to make it all fast and easy for the average consumer to whip together their home videos. There's less flexibility than in more sophisticated editing programs, because with more flexibility comes more complexity - and that's not Cyberlink's aim with this program. If they did offer complete flexibility and a box of tools to be used in any conceivable way, then PD would no longer appeal to the average consumer, its rating would plummet, reviewers would say "Too hard to figure out."

BUT I've noticed a number of long time PD users who are much more expert than me, often say that they don't use PD's menu program at all, since it's the worst part of the program, with too few choices, a clumsy interface, and with funky results. I guess what they're doing is producing a high quality single file of a project, then importing it into another program of their choice for constructing menus.

Quote: Hi to All
I understand that "Power Director" only uses Video Buttons, but there are time when a Poster Frame on a Chapter would look so much better if it remained motionless, is there anyway to stop the motion when not required?

Thank you for all your help so far
Best Regards

Hi, Alan - I couldn't agree with you more. It's lame that Cyberlink assumes everyone wants these dancing, animated video clips in their DVD menus. There are many types of videos where those look silly and very inappropriate. Users should be able to always choose the button style they want, like in most editing programs.

WELL - I have something for you to try. I brought up this exact same topic not too long ago, and the discussion thread was good - here's the link to that:

What was offered as a solution is something you might like. At the Director's Zone, you'll find a menu template called "KISSII." It's very simple looking with all dancing thumbnails eliminated. As I say on that thread, a user can add that template to a project and then customize it anyway they want - Use still photos for buttons, just text - add a background etc. Here's a direct link to this template at DZ:

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