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Quote: The YouTube clip comments show that you produced it with PD17.

That would typically indicate that OverTheEdge used one of PDR's Online > YouTube profiles, which almost led me to post something about WMVs... but the online profiles are MP4 now.

Close parallel lines in bridges & buildings, combined with panning or zooming (which is what the drone is effectively doing) are very good at producing jaggies like that. Then you have YouTube processing complicating the issue.

I'd try producing to a significantly higher bitrate, which is possibly where optodata was heading. I just produced some similar drone footage (flying over bridge) to MP4 @ 30Mbps and there's no evidence of jaggies.

Cheers - Tony
Hi all -

One of my alter-egos, "Tess Ting", has put it to the test.

15 random tracks were selected & downloaded. These were used in separate videos & uploaded to Tess's YouTube channel.

Of the 15 videos, 4 were flagged as containing copyrighted material (attached screenshot). Each claim was disputed via the YT process. After a few hours, one dispute has been resolved and the copyright claim was dropped.

I'd expect the others to go the same way.

Cheers - Tony
Very odd issue!

Sorry Tony - I can't replicate any of that.

  • Shadow files enabled or disabled - preview is correct in VCD, timeline & production.

  • Shadow files set to any resolution - preview is correct in VCD, timeline & production (shadow files deleted between closing & re-opening project)

I don't doubt what you've observed - just can't see that it's universal.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Tony -

There's some good news and some confusing news...

Thanks for uploading the Note 8 clip & testing the iPhone clip. That tells us something, because...

Your Note 8 clip, which has the same rotation tag as the iPhone clips I've tested: "Rotation : 90°", displays correctly at each stage of the process on my PCs.

In Video Collage Designer -

In titmeline preview -

In production preview -

So - it's not the rotation tags & it's not a universal issue with PDR17. It's something about your particular installation of PDR17 & how it's interacting with your system.

I know - as clear as mud. I don't have a clue what it might be... but at least you're able to produce the video correctly.

Cheers - Tony
Hi camarodood -

I'm not suggesting for a moment that there's no problem with PDR17. I'm just posting what I've observed with the clips I'm using - which are not from a Galaxy Note 8.

i.e. with the clips I've used, I haven't once been able to replicate the issue you're having.

Try the same procedure with this iPhone clip & see what happens at your end.

Upload a short clip from your Note 8 to Google Drive or similar shared file site - and we can check it.

Just trying to isolate the issue so a solution can be sorted out.

Cheers - Tony
Good thinking, the King. Unfortunately, even when shadow files are enbled in the example below, everything is hunky dory.

camarodood - I've replicated your procedure here using vertically shot clips from iPhone X, iPhone 7, iPad & DSLR. In each case, the orientation display is correct in VCD preview, timeline preview & produce preview - in a 16:9 project.

In a 9:16 project, the produce preview shows the 9:16 vertical videos sideways.

In the screenshots below, left & right videos are 9:16 & the centre one is 16:9.

Video CDollage preview -

Timeline preview -

Produce preview -

I think the issue may be related to the orientation tags in your Galaxy Note 8 videos. e.g. when I open the 9:16 videos I'm using in Media Info it states "Rotation: 90°" these videos display properly. When you check your Note 8 videos in MediaInfo, does it state the same?

Cheers - Tony
Hi optodata -

Yes - when production preview is turned on in a 9:16 project the preview is oriented wrongly (sideways).

In a 16:9 project, whatever content is used in VCD, the production preview is correct.

Cheers - Tony
Hi -

Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but I can't replicate that.

Using a mixture of 9:16 & 16:9 sources - phones, DSLR, pre-produced 9:16 slideshows - in Video Collage Designer - in both 9:16 & 16:9 projects - everything was as expected...

  • Preview in VCD showed with correct orientation. Nothing was sideways.

  • Timeline preview was correct too.

  • Produced videos correct.

What am I missing? Ah! It's preview during production! DOH! First time I've turned that on since PDR7.

Cheers - Tony
Hi jnw.wells -

If you so to Preferences > Confirmation, you can uncheck the things you don't want. Make sure you check "Always enter Timeline mode at startup".

While you're in Preferences, go to Project & UNcheck "Always load sample clips when PowerDirector opens".

Cheers - Tony
Hi AdrieH -

In looking at your question, I found there was no way to keyframe out that particular effect completely. i.e. BCC Rays Cartoon. It didn't matter what properties I tried to "get back to zero", the effect remained.

So Warry's duplicate solution is the best.

Cheers - Tony
Hi optodata & all -

I can replicate that easily in PDR17, when editing in the keyframes module/preview screen. Setting keyframes in PiP Designer doesn't show up the same issues. e.g. if I'm editing the clip in T2 it stays selected

Longedge - I can't replicate the same problem in PDR15, following optodata's procedure. While the clip in T2 is being keyframed, it remains active & I don't get that involuntary deselection.

On a related issue, in PDR17's Title Designer, I was editing a template that contained two titles & an background image. The only way I could edit the keyframes of the titles was to disable the background image... e.g. I'd click on a title to reposition it & the background image would become selected.

As optodata states: "Fundamental properties like persistance, activation and independence are not reliable."

Cheers - Tony
For anyone interested -

PDR17 introduces the ability to produce H.264/H.265 MP4 or MKV with LPCM audio. Various complaints had been reported about the quality of AAC audio in MP4.

I produced an H.264 MP4 with LPCM audio, where the original audio was in .WAV format, to compare the two.

Sadly, my ears aren't what they used to be & I can't even hear any difference. So I'm putting it to fellow forum members for their thoughts... hoping there's someone with better functioning hearing or greater ability to analyse sound.

Here's a zip file containing the two produced files. Here is the original audio track. In the videos it's split at 00:00:40:14 and the first part removed.

Cheers - Tony

The project I attached previously was done in PDR17. It's repeated in PDR15, so it will open in your PDR16.

Cheers - Tony
Your example video shows that you were setting the keyframes correctly.

It also shows that your image preferences are set to 3 seconds (in Preferences > Edit > Image) & that's why the motion isn't able to complete.

Don't feel stupid. It's not you. It's quite inconsistent behaviour if you compare it to magic motion & title designer.

Cheers - Tony
Hi MrManuzz - (this is what The Shadowman just said, in different words)

If you want a ball to roll across the screen for 1 second, avoid making it a template first. Templates are, by default, 5 seconds... so if you create a template with motion then drop it in the timeline & set the duration to 1 second... the last keyframes will be removed (PDR doesn't compress them into a shorter time frame).

You should:

  1. import the ball.png and drop it in the timeline

  2. set the duration to 1 second

  3. open it in PiP Designer and set the motion

  4. click OK

... like in the attached packed project

Have a look at these templates - Ball Roll_1 & Ball Roll_5

Ball Roll_1 was set to complete its motion, the rest for 4 seconds. Ball Roll_5 was set to complete its motion in 5 seconds.

Set you image preferences to 5 seconds & drop each template in the timeline. See what happens (what you'd expect). Now change Ball Roll_5's duration to 1 second... the set motion is cut off.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Karl M -

Phils right. You can select the photo & go to Tools > PhotoDirector.

With the photo selected, you can also go to Fix/Enhance & you'll see a PhotoDirector link at the top.

Cheers - Tony
The little laptop got me through... no issues with "Backdrop 04" or adding backdrops to titles.

Jim - you're right - starting & ending effects aren't compatible with using a backdrop.

Using keyframes for opacity, position etc keeps the backdrop attached to the title. A couple of examples - &

Cheers - Tony
Hi jspayne01 -

I can't answer your question but I'm interested because I've been reading up on the Mavic Pro & Zoom models.

One thing I recall reading related to shooting in DLog. It mentioned that the distortion is not consistent when the Mavic is tilting... so, in that circumstance it would be difficult ot apply a preset lens profile. Is that what you've found?

There's certainly no such profile available on DZ or within PDR17.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Barry & Jim -

My main PC is in hospital (again), so I'm using an older one.

When I go to add a backdrop I get:

so I guess the poor old GTX260 embarassed isn't up to the task. Therefore, I can't test Jim's observation about using backdrops with start/end effects.

Another odd thing... in the Title room under Text Only, whenever I select "Backdrop 04" PDR17 stops working. It can't even preview the thing, let alone allow me to drop it in the timeline. Does anyone else get that?

Oh woe is me.

Cheers - Tony
Then - no.
Hi Cartof -

There are often difficulties with how video resolutions/profiles are named or referred to. e.g. there'll be people reading this who will dispute the following:

  • 2560x1440 is more like 2.5K, but is usually referred to as 1440p.

  • "2K" is 2048px wide (in PDR it's 2048x1080 & available as a standard profile)

No version of PDR, to my knowledge, has had a standard 2560x1440 profile available for production. Users have needed to create their own profile. It's discussed in this thread. It wouldn't matter which version you're using, the process is basically the same.

Cheers - Tony
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