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Hi Bunraku70 -

It's hard to work out what's happening there, as you haven't provided much detail.

I do recall a similar thing happening (a long while back) when uploading WMV files from PDR. At that time, it was necessary to add a tag to the affected video... yt:crop=16:9

It's referenced here.

If that doesn't help, please post some more detail here... like the production format & profile that was used. Screenshots & links would help too.

Cheers - Tony
Tess Ting's been wasting her time again.

All 20 tracks from two CyberLink collections - Children's Party & Oriental Sounds - were uploaded to YouTube.

Of the 10 Children's Party tracks, a staggering 8 were flagged for copyright. One of those was released immediately after disputes were filed.

Of the 10 Oriental Sounds tracks, 6 were flagged. Disputes have been submitted.

Cheers - Tony
Haha - that's a funny link Tomas! "How to rotate a video in WMP"... use VLC foot-in-mouth

The exact version of WMP I'm using is 12.0.17763.1... and here's another funny thing... when I go to check whether I'm using the latest version, Microsoft tells me I'm running Win10 (64-bit) & WMP won't run on my system. Huh?

Here are a few 9:16 files (straight off phones) I've been using for testing Instagram IGTV uploads. See what they do in your WMP - they all play vertically here.

optodata's on task & makes a good point about project aspect ratio!

Cheers - Tony
Hi CadeG -

WMP (here) plays all 9:16 videos correctly, whether they're staight off a phone or produced in PDR. I'm running WMP 12, but it's not my go-to player.

In fact every single media player I just tested, plays 9:16 videos the right way up.

BUT I don't disagree with tomasc about using a more current player!

What's the phone you're using? What does MediaInfo say about its aspect ratio & resolution?

Cheers - Tony
The issue with file size is all to do with video bitrate, as optodata has explained.

The video you downloaded from YouTube is AVC H.264 3840x2048/25p @ 14.1Mbps. Using Vidcutter, the VBR was kept at 14Mbps, but when you produced the cut down version in PDR, the file size increased 3x because of the video bitrate selected. If you chose the 3840x1920 (50Mbps), you'd get a bigger file (~300Mb) because of the VBR.

optodata provided a custom profile, where the VBR ~16.5Mbps. That produced a similar sized file. All you need to do is click on the + button to adjust the video bitrate.

It's good that the correct produce options have reappeared!

Cheers - Tony
Hi fasdfas -

I found that Mosel River video on YouTube and downloaded it myself. In PDR, it behaves exactly the same as your cut-down version.

optodata - neither the YouTube video nor fasdfas's cut version exhibits tearing (here) in PDR or GoPro VR Player... but your produced version does.

See this unlisted screen capture...

Still, getting back to the original question, despite the fact that there's something amiss with the downloaded Mosel video, in PDR's Produce module, all the 360 production options shown in optodata's screenshot are available.

Cheers - Tony
Hi fasdfas -

Yes - your video "Mosel Flight 360° EDRM to EDRK uncut_EDIT_EDIT" is an odd one. It's not equirectangular [3840x1920], it's about 1.85:1 [3840x2048] rather than 2:1.

Despite that, it plays in 360 players correctly, as a 360 video. In PDR, it doesn't.

Why is it named "... EDIT_EDIT"? Has it been rendered previously?

You should start again:

  1. Open PDR17 & set the project AR to 360°

  2. Import the original 360 (equrectangular) video

  3. Insert it in the timeline

  4. Set 360 view under the Preview window

  5. Go to Produce > 360 video tab

  6. Produce to MP4 3840x1920/30p (50Mbps)

Post a screenshot of the Produce screen showing the profile you selected.

Cheers - Tony
Hi optodata -

Late to the discussion & you may have resolved this already, but I just wanted to confirm (as others have) that your video plays the full duration here (00;48;10;21) in every version of PDR I could lay my hands on.

Cheers - Tony
Hi TravisJ -

You could do it via DropBox if you want, but that's totally unnecessary.

All you need to do is connect your phone(s) to your PC using the appropriate USB cable, then navigate to your phones internal storage. Locate the videos & photos you want to use and transfer them to a folder on your PC.

It's the same process, whatever flavour the phone is.

One the media is on your PC, you can import it into PDR and edit away.

Cheers - Tony

If you're using Pepsiman's sample in VLC Player, you need to set the aspect ratio to 2.39:1, like this...

If the player is set to the default AR, it will look quite different...

Cheers - Tony
I know there'd only be a limited number of members interested, but just thought I'd mention the SmartSound Sale on right now.

Note: I'm not a SmartSound agent & have no links except that I've used their music fairly extensively & I have a decent collection. That collection has mainly been built up by taking up offers like the one currently available.

e.g. 1 album - 40% off... up to 20 albums - 73% off. Multi album purchases are valid for 12 months, so you don't have to choose them all at once.

Have a look if you're interested.

Cheers - Tony
I've been going cross-eyed trying to figure this out. I can't offer anything useful on GOP patterns or GPU drivers, so I'll leave that to people who know what they're talking about.

optodata - I viewed (repeatedly) the original Parrot file & your rendered versions at full screen with monitor resolution set to 3840x2160, as well as doing my own set of renders produced to H.264 3840x2160 23.976fps @ 100Mbps

It's difficult to provide evidence of what I observed... screen captures add another complication, even though Camtasia was recording the UHD screen correctly... and screenshots only half tell the story because there's no motion (which is the root of the issue).

The best I could manage was these comparison screenshots (100% crop) from VLC Player showing the original, rendered file, rendered file with titles & another that was pre-rendered before adding titles (which made zero difference, BTW).

There's definitely some extra blockiness introduced in rendering when titles are on screen (i.e. more than rendering without titles or transitions). Yes, I know, that's the issue originally posted. BUT I couldn't replicate that issue using the DJI P3P clip I tested previously... so it's not as simple as "PDR's too weak" or "Titles cause image quality issues".

dk74 - next time you have your Parrot out for a fly at Mill Creek, try recording that same run along the creek using 3840x2160 @ 30fps &/or 1920x1080 @ 60fps. That's what I'd do anyway - just to compare the output from PDR. (I did that with my own drone when I first got it).

That all I got embarassed

Cheers - Tony
Further to the above:

9:16 videos from Samsung Galaxy S8 (so one assumes other Samsung phones) upload to IGTV correctly.

In MediaInfo, they look just like iPhone clips... & 9:16 videos produced by PDR (???)

Width : 1 920 pixels
Height : 1 080 pixels
Display aspect ratio : 16:9
Rotation : 90°

Also tested a clip from DSLR Sony RX10iii (camera turned 90°. After editing the rotation data, it uploaded correctly to IGTV.

Cheers - Tony
Hi dk74, optodata, tomasc, Jeff et al -

In between doing a few other things, I tried to follow this thread but got myself tangled.

optodata - the clip you uploaded to OneDrive... is that the original clip from dk74's drone? Downloading now, so I hope so.

Earlier, in the absence of an original clip, I used this original clip from DJI P3P (shared by a forum member some time back) & rendered it in PDR17, using the closest profile I could make. Here's the produced file. Admittedly, there's no editing, titles, transitions etc... but there aren't any ghastly artefacts either.

Cheers - Tony
You're right tomasc -

Case in point: 9:16 videos straight from any of the iPhones I've had, up to iPhone X, are read by MediaInfo as being:

Width : 1 920 pixels
Height : 1 080 pixels
Display aspect ratio : 16:9
Rotation : 90°

They all upload to IGTV successfully.

One I just tested from Goole Pixel 2, which also works for IGTV, is interpreted by MediaInfo as being:

Width : 720 pixels
Height : 1 280 pixels
Display aspect ratio : 0.563 (with no note about rotation)

That's reflected in ExifTool. iPhone clips say "Rotation: 90°" Pixel2 clips say: "Rotation: 0°"

I haven't tested other clips straight off phones 'cos I don't have any. Nothing like a bit of inconsistency to muddy the waters.

Cheers - Tony
Hi PDM -

I think the issue is definitely related to the aspect ratio/orientation/rotation tags in the exif data.

Comparing the successful & failed uploads to IGTV, there are significant differences... outlined in the attached PDF.

Cheers - Tony
Hi LG -

It's a difficult problem to address without the right hardware, software & knowledge, but I'll try to get the discussion started.

Hardware: I don't have an HDR compatible monitor or TV. Nor do I have a phone or camera capable of recording in HDR mode, so it's impossible to test here.

Software: I can't find any reference to HDR in CL's specifications for PDR17. I am aware that PremierePro & Davinci Studio are both able to render HDR video.

Knowledge: I know nothing because I've never tried to produce/render HDR video before.

Using some 4K/UHD HDR footage (sample clips), I rendered in PDR17 using the profile analyser. The "original" and the produced file were definitely different (!) played back in VLC Player, even though that's not obvious in these snapshots. Nor is it obvious in PDR's preview.

Original HDR clip

PDR17 produced file

Here's how different the two looked played back in VLC Player - cue:screen capture

Sorry LG. I have no idea how you might resolve this, aside from using other software. Hopefully, a member with more experience will chime in.

Cheers - Tony

German Translation (Google):

Es ist ein schwieriges Problem, ohne die richtige Hardware, Software und Kenntnisse anzusprechen, aber ich versuche, die Diskussion zu beginnen.

Hardware: Ich habe keinen HDR-kompatiblen Monitor oder Fernseher. Ich habe auch kein Telefon oder eine Kamera, die im HDR-Modus aufnehmen kann. Daher ist ein Test hier nicht möglich.

Software: Ich kann keinen Hinweis auf HDR in den CL-Spezifikationen für PDR17 finden. Mir ist bekannt, dass PremierePro und Davinci Studio HDR-Videos rendern können.

Wissen: Ich weiß nichts, weil ich noch nie zuvor HDR-Videos produzieren / rendern wollte.

Mit etwas 4K / UHD-HDR-Filmmaterial (Beispielclips) habe ich mit dem Profilanalysator in PDR17 gerendert. Das "Original" und die produzierte Datei wurden definitiv anders (!) Im VLC Player abgespielt, obwohl dies in diesen Momentaufnahmen nicht offensichtlich ist. Es ist auch nicht offensichtlich in der Vorschau von PDR.

Ursprünglicher HDR-Clip

PDR17 erzeugte Datei

So unterschiedlich sahen die beiden in VLC Player - Cue: Screen Capture wiedergegeben aus

Entschuldigung LG. Ich habe keine Ahnung, wie Sie dieses Problem lösen könnten, abgesehen von der Verwendung anderer Software. Hoffentlich schlägt ein Mitglied mit mehr Erfahrung ein.
Hi Danilyn22 -

Unfortunately, I think the findings posted in this thread are still true... having just done a quick test to confirm.

Cheers - Tony
Hi David -

Odd problem, especially when the fonts display correctly in other applications' dropdowns. My first thought was Jeff's .otf/.ttf suggestion.

Have you tried simply reinstalling the fonts that have the issue in PDR? That may (perhaps) fix it. Continuum is attached if you care to test it.


Two of my PCs here have been through the Win 7 > Win 10 upgrade and neither of them has the issue in PDR.

That "retro Windows 3.1" font looks like "Chicago" which was a standard font with the earliest Macs.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Bunraku70 -

I'm not sure what you mean by "grading" photos. That term is usually applied to video. If you mean enhancing/modifying colour or changing the "look" of photos, the answer is YES.

In PDR17, when you select a photo then Fix/Enhance you have most (not all) of the options available for videos, including applying LUTs. Any adjustments made can be "Applied to all" or applied to specific photos by selecting them first.

Be aware that if you're shooting photos RAW, they'll be converted to JPG when you import them into PDR.

Cheers - Tony
Hi DG -

The difference between the two is how the playhead functions. In PDR it's necessary to either select timeline media to move it or insert other media to have it "ripple". In Camtasia, it's possible to place the playhead at a certain point then move everything to the right of the playhead.

To my knowledge, there's no combination of keys that can make PDR do anything similar.

As Jeff has pointed out, a suggestion that such a feature be incorporated into PDR can be put via File > Rate Us & Provide Suggestions.

Cheers - Tony
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