Allow me to give this a try ...
Merci Jerrys pour votre traduction
Thanks Jerrys for your translation.
ce problème est assez important
This is a major problem.
Le fichier du Fujifilm Real 3D W3 est un Dual-steam Mjpeg
The Fujifilm Real 3D W3 is a dual stream Mjpeg file.
J'ai réussi à le contourner avec un logiciel tiers "StéréoMovie Maker"
I was able to counter the problem with a software called StéréoMovie Maker.
Je reprends chaque clip j'en profite pour faire les corrections ( Horizontale, verticale et rotations) et je fais les rendus en Side by Side - 2560x 720.
I re-do every movie clip where I need corrections (horizontal, vertical and rotattions) I rendered them side by side 2560x750.
En ce qui concerne la gravure d'un BR 3D avec menu 3D,
Concerning the burning of projects with a 3D menu,
pour l'instant je ne place pas les menu 3D seulement le
on this very moment I don't put any 3D menus in my proejcts.
chapitrage et cela fonctionne
Only chapters.. and that works for me.
Je vais faire d'autres essais
I'll do some other tests..
Kind regards
Video-Jack : ))
Gel d'image
En diffusion numérique par satellite, lors de problèmes de transmission, blocage de l'image vidéo, qui devient fixe, se fige. À ne pas confondre avec l'arrêt volontaire d'une image, fonction disponible sur les téléviseurs 100 Hz par exemple.
Digital distortion of the video.
If you look at digital television with a weak air antenna, you get the same form time to time...
The one that strikes me by it's extreme small filesizes is the screenrecorder of Webex. A web communication software. But I guess (never tried it) that the codec will be extremely 'unmanageable' too : for editing...
Hi Duff,
Like RS stated...
Yep, use the same setup : 1 monitor to work the work, the other one to see the work : ))
Works perfect,
Hi Ron
If the trial runs well on your machine , the final version SURE will do too.
It's perfectly possible that the PowerDirector.EXE file to launch the programm is only 7mb.. (can' t check from here...will do when back at home) but all the various supporting programms that this launch programm calls.. and which are contained in the downloadable zip file, make up many 100's of Mb...
Hi Holstmedia,
Reflection : If I had to serve 3000$ customers... I wouldn't do that with 99$ tools...
Hi cheri,
2 mb of RAM is REALLY poor.. : I have 4GB , but ordered an additional 8GB last week.
Make sure your system harddisk (the one you boot your PC with) has at least 100 GB avaiable space.
I see 160G+160G+2T+2T harddisks... would be good that one of the newer 2T would become your system boot drive...
They are newer , so faster...
Don't know about your video card, but your CPU seems a bit weak too... AMD 64 2ghz...
I'm not the expert , but for video editing , I would advice a stronger machine...
My 2 cents...
Hey Jerry,
I'm a newbie , count me in
I'm not a pervert, count me out
I want a better product , count me in
...and I LOVEEEEE to stretch applications beyond their limits... , count me in.
that's 3 - 1 for counting me in
The best results ever, all started with good intentions.
So , I support the suggestion above : put aside all sorrows from the past and let us all assist in making PD the best of class...
"The tool that will put a smile on your face while editing."
My 2 eurocents,
Hi all,
Pigs DO fly... : I can tell you now.
I (just a little Belgian video editing amateur) would NEVER EVER believed it when somebody would told me that one day I will be contacted by the marketing manager of a software development company far far away, to ask about how I feel about their product...
Well, after using PD for 6 weeks, I got a phone call from Louis Chen, Thailand. We had a chat for about 20-25 minutes about my switching from Premiere to PD, and other things that could be usefull to them.
Both in that call and in a closing email I referenced this user forum for more hints on what could be improved.
Louis confirmed that they do want to focus more on our (user) feedback and experience.
So maybe, just maybe, things are going to change for the better (well , this word I've choosen based on all the 'must-be-a-miracle' reactions on the PM contact.
Have a nice sunny Sunday !
Although the avatar of the Product Manager looks very like the truth...
No eyes to see...
No ears to hear...
No mouth to say...
Barry , you ARE the MAN
Hi all,
You recall that I was creating this DVD for our basic school.
With my old applications at the end Nero was pushing 2 hours of video on a single layer DVD.
With PD, I'm forced to go for a double layer DVD to have the same result : 2 hours of video on a full DV resolution.
I talked today with the company that will duplicate the DVD for me and they told me this :
"2 hours 5 minutes is the default length for a single layer DVD. If you need a double layer for that duration, it means that you produce at very high bitrates 30-40M... which is not a good idea. Even Disney is working with bitrates of 5 even 3 M for their DVDs , simply because many DVD player will start to stutter at high bitrates. Our advice : keep the bitrate low.. 5-6M at the max."
Back to you guys : I'm in the middle of 2 contradictory point of views...
PD Forum tells me : go for double layer and high bitrates...
Duplication company tells me : avoid player compatibilty and go for low bitrates...
Hi Cranston,
I had the same experience too... wanted to move a title to a specific frame in the timeline. Moved the time line marker to the point where the title had to start. But as soon as you grab (by clikcing) the existing title, the time line cursor jumps to the starting point of the actual title location.. so you loose track of where the title had to be moved too...
What we are looking for is a way to avoid the timeline cursor jumping to the location where you click on the title... or to the beginning of any object you click in the timeline..
I don't find/see any option in the preferences , that controls this...
I understand your hint is about positioning something INSIDE the picture...
Hi again,
This screenshot shows a clear difference in video quality between Nero Vision and PD.
...which is obvious caused by PD's cutting the screen resolution in halve...
Hi all,
Thanks again for the hint to use double layer DVD's.
Since my projects are meant for use in school (in 50 till 100 copy series) , cost reduction is very important :
Double layer DVD come around 1.50 uptil 2.00 USD over here...
For your informatioin, I used MediaInfo on a DVD I created last year with my 'old' applications and the one I made now with PD.
I'm not such an expert on these 'numbers' : what does it tell you ?
Hi Carl,
Thanks for the tip.. but I was only wondering why I could succeed in this with my 'old' applications, but not (yet) with PD .. ?
Hi there,
I don't seem to succeed in rendering my 1h43 minute compilation to DVD in a well enough quality.
PD always downgrades the resolution to 352x576 to get it fit a standaard DVD (4.7).
Alhough I'm used to get 720x576 (DV quality) on the same DVD disc with even 1h55 min projects...
(used premiere 6.5 and Nero Vision before to do this...)
How can I achieve the same quality via PD ?
Thanks for your input.
Hi Fred,
Yes, your info was very helpfull
Thanks a lot !!
goodnight (it's 1.38am over here )