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In my old trade (printing) copyright was copyright. Once it is in the public arena then you violate copyright. (MHO).
I have never had a problem with burning with PD 8 and, with PD 9 I have done two so far without a problem.

I edit, produce and then burn allstraight after the other. I do have some difficulty with the Disc designer part though. However, I just plod away and it seems to work.

Finally upgraded but NO holiday pack. HMMM.
Quote: Hi Reg,

Non-retail means OEM versions, so you would select Retail


Thanks Robert.
Quote: Hi Reg,

I am running PD9 on my laptop Win 7 32 bit without any issues


Thanks Robert.
Just one more question. I hope you can answer it.
I bought my PD8 off the CL site and requested a CD as well. Now, when I update there is an option for "Retail" or "non retail". Which should I select.

Also, I think when I do buy it I will use the US $ rate and let the card people convert it. I think it will be much cheaper than the $20 extra dollars for using the Aust dollar.
I am running windows 7 on 32bit. I am not quite ready to upgrade my laptop 'puter. Will PD9 run ok?
This is how I do it:
Under "Edit" there is a drop down selection box, select 'Colour Boards' and drag your colour to the video track.

Go to the title section and select the default sample and drag it to the 'Title' track. Now double click on that title and it will take you to the 'Title designer'. Now double click where you see the words 'My Title" and type in your text matter. There are two ways you can formulate your text. In both these cases you must hi-lite your text matter. (1) At the top (above your newly inputed text matter) are the variables for modifying your text. (2) you can use the various types of text designs at the left. Select one of the designs to see if it is suitable for your requirement. Be mindful there is a 'TV safe zone' on the edit screen. Down the bottom right hand corner (just above the word 'cancel') is a drop down box. Make sure you have the 'TV safe zone' on. This is a guide to help you position your text so that it is within the tv screen viewing area. The box beside it is where you can position the text. Play around with it and you will get the idea.

Once you have the text as you want it, select ok.

To select the duration of the text you: (1) click in the colour board and a 'duration' button will appear above, select it and input your desired time. Repeat for the text line. You will have them both the same.

For a bit of flair you could put in a transition between your text and the actual video. Just drag your desired transition after the colour board.

Hope this helps.

A couple of matters:

1. Using PD8 to burn discs I can have 4 of my files per DVD. If I use 'Imgburn' I can have only 2. Does PD8 compress, d/layer or what?

2. Viewing on TV: Using the DVD remote to navigate, the menu on the DVD (PD doesn't respond. Is the menu responsive to a mouse on a computer only?

I have just returned from a trip to England, Europe etc. As is usual I took plenty of scenes with the video camera - stacks in fact. Shortly we are going on another trip and I need to 'dump' off the camera hard drive (and SD cards) to the PC (or external h/drive).

Question: Will there be any loss of definition in the transfer?

Quote: Don't just "pop in", put them in your favorites, and get on the e-mailing list. You should buy on the sales only, never pay full price.

Done, Barry. When I posted my last post I was only on the 'puter for a quick look because I was in the middle of a project out side. That is why I said I will pop in etc.

Thanks for your advice. I have downloaded the update and all is now fine with Smartsound (after having a very quick look).

Quote: Smartsound works in W7.
Go to the Smartsound website and email or call. YES! You can call them.
Excellent customer service, and they WILL get you going.

Thanks Barry. I will pop into the site.

I seem to have a problem with Smartsound. When I select the icon "S 2 stars" I get message popups (see attachments Edit: they don't show??).

Periodically, when using other programs, I get a message pop which informs unable to locate 'Smartsound Quicktracks Plugin.msi'. To me this indicates Smartsound is not available.

I am running PD8 Ultra on Windows 7.

I have problems with 'Image Mixer 3 SE v5' too. Apparently it is not fully compatible with Windows 7 which leads me to think that Smartsound my also be incompatible.

Anyone else having these problems running Windows 7?
Quote: Hi there -

I'd post this is the already existing topic, but it's buried somewhere & is unable to be bumped up........

Cheers - Tony (for the PDtoots Team)

Regarding your comment above. I find this is an unusual forum medium - it doesn't bump up to the top for replies. Most forums I belong to bumps the replies to the beginning of the forum. Here, they are buried throughout. Am I missing something.

Thanks Tony for the link.
If you have Windows 7 you can use the 'Snipping tool' (found under 'Accessories'). Just hi-lite what you want, snip, and save it to a document etc.
Quote: Hi there,

Don't know if this is the right place to ask this question but here goes.

If you want to upgrade via download to PD8 it shows about USD $54.85. If you then click the Australian dollar conversion you get about DOUBLE that at AUD $98.00. I live in Australia
I did a conversion on an independant website and got about AUD $60.00.

How on earth does Cyberlink get nearly double when converting from USD to AUD?



yep, noticed that too and complained about it. I wasn't doing an update - I was going to do a download complete program. CL said they had nothing to do with it - it was an agency who handled the selling.
Jaimie, maybe I didn't make myself clear. I wasn't seeking help. I was making a statement about the Canon AVCHD burner in that it will only burn direct from a Canon HD video cam and that is all it does. You cannot hook it up to a PC to burn or direct to a TV and watch your video except by way of:

Canon DW-100 burner, USB cable (with USB2 (into DW-100) with mini USB (into camera)), Canon Video cam, HDMI cable to TV.

Surprisingly there is only one USB port and one power port on the unit. I borrowed it for testing purposes.

The best solution I have found for HD video to TV (other than hooking the cam via HDMI to TV) so far is the WD media player.
The burner has an ordinary USB2 port. What I thought I might be able to do was hook up the burner to my computer so that I can burn avchd straight from PD8 . I cannot do it because I need a USB2 (female) to USB2 (female) which you cannot get (apparently). You can only burn straight from Cannon HD camera to the burner via mini USB to USB2 port.
My brother-in-law has a Cannon DW-100 DVD burner. I notice it has only one connection and that is by usb. Why not by HDMI? I thought the HDMI's are the latest and greatest means of connections. He has lent it to me for experimenting. Now to try it out.
I agree with Dafydd. I too bought the WD media player ( . I had a spare 80gb HDD from my old laptop and used it as my storage (for the meantime - saves buying the recommended Passport drive (same thing IMHO)). BD are so expensive.
I have never used 'capture' to import my scenes to PD8. I have a Canon HF20 and load them onto my computer as per the software supplied. I then go to the 'Import media files' on PD8 to load up.
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