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G'day Ray -

I had a hunt on DZ to see whether that psychedelic oil slick overlay was there, but had no luck... I tried to find a way of creating a custom overlay in PhD, but had no luck.

So I did a "naughty" thing surprised I'm not suggesting you should do the same, but it may give you the result you're after.

Here are the steps I took:

  1. Google image search for "oil slick pattern"

  2. Select some and save as

  3. Locate folder containing overlay effects at C:\Program Files\CyberLink\PhotoDirector14\PhotoDirector presets\Overlay

  4. Crop (square) & resize oil slick images (1024x1024) to match images in "Grunge" subfolder

  5. Make backup copy of Grunge subfolder (in case of error or regret)

  6. Rename oil slick images to "01_grunge_multiply.jpg" etc to match images in Grunge folder

  7. Replace (some) images in Grunge folder (5)

  8. Open PhD & Voila!

I've attached 3 of the images I used, but they may not suit what you want.

Cheers - Tony
G'day TKCH -

I don't know what CL's plan is for introducing new default production profiles, but users can "enable" 8K export for 360° videos by editing the Profile.ini

It's been written about countless times in these forums, but...

1. The Profile.ini is found at C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\CyberLink\PowerDirector\21.0\UserConfigure

2. Locate it & open it with Notepad.

3. Open the attached 8K 360 Profiles doc - select all & copy the text

4. Paste the text into your Profile.ini

When you open PDR, you'll find 8K 360 profiles listed under AVC & HECV. They're both 7680x3840.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Majora -

When in doubt, check the Help file laughing This should help.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Willivan0706 -

Are you perhaps using a 4K/UHD (or higher resolution) monitor? If so, you may need to adjust your display settings in Windows (System > Display > Scale & Layout).

Can you post a screenshot?

Cheers - Tony
Hi Alex -

Thank you for the thank you.

It's the "without any loss of quality" in your question that led to all the complication.

If your purpose is to be able to combine videos that have been shot on different settings to enjoy with friends & family, you won't have any problems doing that. In the examples you asked about (4K @ 50fps & 4K @ 60fps) there's not such extreme variation compared with the ones I posted. You'd probably need to be examing the produced video frame by frame to be bothered by it.

Also, it won't matter whether it's PowerDirector or another app the same "problem" exists. Whatever software you use will have to "will have to adjust the clips to "fill in" the "missing" content." (PowerDirector Moderator).

The best thing to do is to try it out for yourself to see whether it satifies your needs.

Good luck in your quest.

Cheers - Tony
Hi again -

I think that you didn't answer my question about the loss of quality when merging the GoPro Videos.

It's actually a tough question to answer simply. There are so many variables. What I was suggesting (the thing that failed to answer your question) is that I try to limit the variables at the shooting stage in order to maximise quality in the production stage.

Look - I'm not a technical guy - the little bit I have picked up has been in these & other forums. That has guided my workflow.

PowerDirector Moderator pointed out some of the possible drawbacks with mixing frame rates. i.e. it could result in loss of visual quality. You're also asking about mixing videos shot at different resolutions and (maybe) different video bitrates. In theory, those variables are going to cause a compromise in quality... but in practice, it's probably subjective.

Anyway, I tried this little test using a variety/selection of GoPro videos.

The videos (all HEVC)
3840 x 2160 - 80Mbps - 59.94fps
1920 x 1080 - 66Mbps - 100fps
2704 x 1520 - 45Mbps - 29.97fps
3840 x 2160 - 100Mbps - 59.94fps
3840 x 2160 - 100Mbps - 29.97fps
5312 x 2988 - 120Mbps - 23.976fps

Lined them up in the timeline & trimmed each clip to ~15-30 secs, then produced the mixed clips to different profiles. I did this knowing that I was potentially sacrificing quality:
eg. trying to produce a 1080p video to 5.3K
trying to render a 24fps video at 60/100fps
trying to produce a video shot at 120Mbps to a much lower bitrate

The 4 production profiles I used:
1080p - 38Mbps - 24fps
2.7K - 40Mbps - 30fps
UHD - 60Mbps - 60fps
5.3K - 100Mbps - 100fps

Like I said, it's a bit subjective so you judge for yourself. I've uploaded the 4 produced videos to Google Drive. Each segment is labelled with the original video properties. Each video is named according to its production profile.

Cheers - Tony
Hi aSheryl -

You won't have any issues importing HEVC clips from your GoPro into PDR21.

The only possible hiccup, assuming it's a GoPro 11, will be if you're recording in 10-bit colour mode. PDR will import the clip just fine, but is unable to render with that colour depth (it'll be standard 8-bit colour).

Assuming it's a GoPro 11, here are a couple of references that might help:

HERO11 Black: Video Settings And Resolutions

The Ultimate Guide to HERO11 Black | GoPro

Cheers - Tony
G'day again -

You've still got me guessing with the virtual photo issue.

It would be much easier if PhD would just let me crop the original and keep that one.

That's exactly what PhD does (here at least). It doesn't matter whether I crop in Adjustment or Edit (both options).

I import photos, crop them, then export the cropped versions. At no time is any virtual copy created unless I direct PhD to do so.

Cheers - Tony
Hi SkyGuy -

Your question probably belongs in the PhotoDirector forum.

A couple of questions:
Are you importing the photos into PDR, then sending them off to PhD for editing? or are you just preparing the photos in PhD?
Which versions of PDR/PhD are you using?

How do I just crop the original photo without creating a virtual one?

Whether I'm round tripping or using PhD as a standalone, PhotoDirector doesn't creatre a virtual photo. Also, if I delete a virtual photo I made, the "original" remains in place. Maybe I'm missing something here.

Personally, I'd do all the photo directly in PhD before importing into PDR... personal choice.

Maybe you could lay out the exact steps you're taking that generate the issue.

Cheers - Tony
Hi alexAndre9999 -

I occasionally use my GoPros (5, 7 & 10) together in the same shoot, usually with my grandsons/tripods on the other cameras. Since the footage will usually end up in the same video, I set the cameras as close as possible to the same settings (resolution, bitrate, & everything else) before we start. That simplifies things when you're editing.

I can't say I've done a lot of low light shooting, but this guy has some useful tips on GoPro 9 low light settings. You'll find plenty of videos that deal with the same thing. The best thing is to try out different settings in the conditions you typically shoot in.

Me? I generally avoid mixing clips shot using different settings but it happens. If I had mixed clips of 2.7K & 4K I'd produce to 2.7K. Typically, I'd shoot in 4K (or higher) to allow for cropping in post then produce to 2.7K or 1080p... especially when the camera(s) can't be too close to the action.

That's my 2 cents worth.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Steffen -

I read in the Help file that the DeReverb feature was only in the subscription version (365), but it's listed on the Comparison chart as being included in PDR21.

So - yes - what Warry said laughing

Cheers - Tony
Hi all -

I've delayed posting on this because I've been getting inconsistent results & I hadn't been able to pin down the cause. I've changed course with my testing based on what optodata, Jeff & PowerDirector Moderator have suggested.

Testing included using a number of different PCs & applying the same process to both PDR21 & PDR365, none of which turned out to be relevant.

At one stage I shot some 5.3K clips on my GoPro10 (which doesn't have a 10-bit colour option) & repeated the procedure with with those. Not a single issue using any hardware settings. The clips were HEVC, 5312 x 2988, 59.94fps, 99.8Mbps & all of that was evident in the custom profile (just as had been done with the GoPro11 sample clip).

I'd love to be able to post that Jeff's suggestion that the issue may be hardware related, PDM's reference to hardware settings & optodata's observations have led me to (now) being able to consistently produce a properly rendered 5.3K file in PDR using the profile I posted earlier... but I'm still getting inconsistent results.

e.g. Just now, I've produced a correct 5.3K file using the same hardware settings (& same everything else) I used yesterday that rendered an audio-only file. surprised

It makes about as much sense to me as PDM's observation that "if the 8bit version was followed by the 10bit version on the same timeline, production of both clips was successful."

Cheers - Tony
Hi optodata -

That was the issue (10-bit colour)!

After I ran the clip through Handbrake (8-bit) & imported the converted clip into PDR, it happily produced a 5.3K video (with pictures!).

For reference, you can download the sample I used here.

Cheers - Tony
Post removed - posted itself twice after "network error".

Hi Jimmy202 -

I can get it to work with the 5.1k ini file but as soon as I change 2 values - Width and Height from 5100, 2700 to 5312, 2988 (5.3k) it only renders this a limitation of the software or am I doing something wrong?

Help! That's all I got too! My profile editing ability appears to have gone down the drain frown

I used a 5.3K clip from GoPro 11 & matched the properties as closely as I could, using the same tried & tested procedure, and this is the result... an audio only file.

Maybe someone can point me at my error, 'cos I can't see it.

Media info from the GoPro clip & profile details are attached.

Cheers - Tony
G'day Dave -

Something similar happened here when I first attempted to use a LUT in PDR365 21.0.2123.0

Firstly, all the thumbnails were blank (generic greyscale icon). I downloaded a LUT to apply it & PDR went white (not responding).

Since that incident, it's been working smoothly. I hope the same is true in your case.

Cheers - Tony
Hi tarutledge007# -

I understand your initial issue is resolved, but thought I'd post this very informative piece explaining sRGB vs Adobe RGB vs ProPhoto RGB.

I use Lr quite a bit & I've never had any update cause either the workspace or export settings to change.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Dirk Jan -

I've found the Copy/Paste Keyframe attributes feature to be one of the more useful in PDR, since it was introduced way back in (about) PDR12. To my knowledge, its function remains essentially the same.

As others have explained, when you copy/paste keyframes ALL attributes are copied and pasted. This works fine ONLY if the media (videos or photos) have the same aspect ratio.

Cheers - Tony
Hi bitbyter -

I'm a bit confused about why you want to do that (make an image sequence from a 360° video), but I'm sure you have good reasons.

There are a couple of things in the way of achieving it in PDR:

  1. The Image Sequence production option isn't available for 360° projects (i.e. 360° view would be lost)

  2. There's no option to customise profiles for Image Sequences, apart from selecting from the available options

  3. The produced image sequence wouldn't be 5760x2880 (2:1 equirectangular)

As you say, the process of extracting frames is laborious. Full sized snapshots (5760x2880) could be taken in the Media Library rather than the timeline, but that results in 360° photos... which then creates a complication for setting up a non-360 image sequence.

There probably is a more efficient way of doing what you want to do, but it may require resources outside PDR.

Cheers - Tony

P.S. I'm glad the Profile.ini editing info has helped you. I'm also glad I was able to learn that from other forum members at the time.
Hi BadWolf -

That's right, & it's not just PhD.

Here's a quote from the PS Help File:

TIFF format supports CMYK, RGB, Lab, Indexed Color, and Grayscale images with alpha channels and Bitmap mode images without alpha channels. Photoshop can save layers in a TIFF file; however, if you open the file in another application, only the flattened image is visible. Photoshop can also save notes, transparency, and multiresolution pyramid data in TIFF format.

Another PS export option is .PSD, but PhD doesn't recognise it.

Just complete all your layer editing in PS & export as a flattened file.

Cheers - Tony
G'day 2dguy -

It beats me, but I can't replicate your issue at all... whatever settings I use.

Tested on 2 different PCs - one with PDR365 & the other with PDR21.

Using a 120fps (actually 119.880fps) clip from my GoPro 7, I followed your steps (repeatedly). Cropped... applied video speed to a segment (0.25)... Every single produced file plays back flawlessly, with not a hint of choppiness.

Render by Profile analyser (2.7K/119.879997fps) or 2.7K/30fps) - no problem
Render using HA or not - no problem
Use tomasc's suggestions or not - no problem

Sorry - I know that's of no help to you.

Cheers - Tony
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