Seems to work fine on my system but I'm running PDR365 Business 21.0.2121.0 - just for completeness which version are you on?
PowerDirector Moderator
Many thanks for your reply. Sorry about my late reply as I've been trying out different ideas!
The version of PowerDirector 365 that I'm using is 21.0.2123.0, updated on the 26th September 2022.
I went onto open several different projects just to see if I could add/change a LUT to any video, but this became a bit tiresome!
I then went onto starting anew project in PowerDirector 365, adding any video to the timeline and then trying to add a LUT. On the first atempt, this caused PowerDirector to crash ! However on the second atempt, it worked, PowerDirect 365 was stable and didn't crash! I did not save this as a project, I couldn't see the point. I went back to my present edit project and found that, to my amazement, I could now add LUTS without PoweDirector crashing!
Here is a link to the video if anyone is interested
https://youtu.be/nnEa7_Vmvt0 It's the first time that I've tried using 3 cameras, 2 of them are fixed so I've used quite abit of the Crop/Zoom and Pan Tool. The third camera is quite old and no longer records sound so it was back to the old syncing up by eye from my days of using 16mm film with no clapper boards ! Great fun, huh.
I've since stated another project and tried using a LUT straight away finding that it does work and that PowerDirector was stable with no crashing. Maybe it was adding a LUT onto a "bit" of video that fixed this issue, who Knows, but thank you for asking.
I just want to edit and make pictures, walk my dog and go fishing.