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Another suggestion, possibly saving you time...

After burning the DVD from tape, use DVD Decrypter to get the files on to hard disk. Under Tools / Settings go to the IFO tab and select "None" under file splitting. That will extract a single VOB file to your hard disk, saving you have to merge them later.
I can only think of save the 5-clip version as a project then delete 4 clips, produce that clip, reload 5-clip project, delete 4 clips then produce that clip etc...

A bit long-winded but it would achieve the desired result....
This looks interesting -

************************************** Deleted by Moderator

Haven't used it, but the spec specifically mentions multi-camera/track editing and there's a trial.

I had the same issue - no consolation, I know, but it's not just you.
Does anyone remember MAD comic....?
That's a coincidence, Robert. I had the opportunity to beta-test as well. My reason for declining was just having too much on my plate at this time and that's really why I've decided not to persevere on this one.

The release seemed to follow hard on the heels of the testing phase so I suspect you're absolutely right about the marketing getting ahead of the bug-fixing...
You're not thinking what I'm thinking, are you, that the guy on the splash screen looks a bit of a nerdy geek?!!
Hi Robert - not Dafydd (sorry!) but just to say you're not alone on this one. I have had exactly the same error both on an upgrade installation (XP) and a clean installation (Vista).

Note the error is on menutemplateio.dll. Notwithstanding this support have advised me to:
- empty my temp folder
- defrag my disk
- increase virtual memory
- uninstall and reinstall PD7
- reset my display settings
- stop all startup programs
- oh, and update drivers (despite me telling them in advance they were up to date)

And that was just the first email! Subsequent ones suggested removing Nero, Ulead and also, incredibly, that my dual boot system was to blame.

Frankly I am not impressed with this sort of throw everything out but the kitchen sink approach - but let's not even admit there might be a problem with the software.

Unfortunately there was no trial version when I purchased so I am asking for a refund in the meantime. I have gone back to PD6 and there is no problem with the Create Disk function.

I wish you better luck!


Hi Robert and Dafydd

Thanks to you both for trying this issue.

Well, now I can't replicate either. Very strange. I also found in another instance of PD7 when I clicked on the recording studio it crashed there too, (so badly I couldn't end the process but had to hard reset) but again I can't replicate that.

Hmmm. I have been having an issue with my keyboard sending repeated keystrokes, so maybe that's been the problem.

By the way, the ability to increase the vertical height of the timeline seems hit or miss to me too. I can't drag it up unless I zoom to include the entire timeline. Maybe that's by design.

Thanks again

I think there still might be a misunderstanding here...

Just to rule it out - when I look at your graphic as well as the text box, I see the fades are combined audio/video ones. My fades were audio only. Are you saying (puts spotlight on Dafydd with menacing grimaces) you've now re-done it with audio fades only and it still won't crash?

Hi Dafydd

Many thanks for trying to replicate my problem.

I notice however on your screenshot you've done something slightly different. What I did was split the audio track off first, then put in audio fades at the start and end.


Spoke too soon!

Inserted the fish sample movie and split the audio track which went in to the Voice track. Put in a fade at start of the audio and a fade out at the end. I then decided to drag the track in to the Music track - Operation Failed! it said. Now there is no audio track anywhere, it just disappeared.

As an experiment I then split the audio of another movie, which again went in to the Voice track. Dragged it to the Music track - no problem. Seems like PD7 doesn't like dragging where there are fades. Now, with the track in the Music track I add the fades and this time just try to drag further along the timeline. No go. Abnormal termination and PD7 closes with an option to send the crash report to Microsoft.

Anybody replicate this?
I love the black interface - that's in essence what sold me on the upgrade. I find it really makes the material stand out.

I tried out the two issues which had bothered me in PD6:

1. This was a rendering issue affecting AMD Semprons and I am please to see the fix given to me then has been successfully incorporated in to the new version. Full marks to Cyberlink.

2. I found trying to put fades in to audio painfully tricky in PD6 and am glad to see here too that they now seem to work better in the audio mixer control area.

However in the audio editor, the window for trimming says "Analyzing waveform for display" but in fact there is no display within the box. I am assuming there should be a graphic display of the music here, or am I mistaken.

There is also a hilarious typo in the Directorzone sign-in page. On the side that says "Yes" to the question 'do you already have a Cyberlink account' it then goes on to say:

Use the following account details to sing in...

I can just imagine Dafydd singing something suitably Welsh. Suggestions on a postcard, please!

A tous nos lecteurs francophones je vous souhaite un Joeux Noël!

Und für unseren deutschsprachigen Leser wünsche ich Ihnen frohe Weihnachten!
Übersetzung der vorhergehende Antwort von Dafydd:

1. Bitte die Version überprüfen

2. Update hier machen:

Eine frühere Version hatte ein Problem mit der Größe des Textes.
Hallo Meurer

Mein Deutsch ist vielleicht nicht sehr gut, aber ich versuche Ihnen zu helfen!

Um die Größe zu verändern soll man erstens auf dem Text klicken und dann die Größe wählen. Aber wenn Sie den Stil verändern kann ist es vielleicht unwarscheinlich daß das dein Problem ist.

Bitte weitere Einzeln geben. Meinen Sie Text im Titeln, Untertiteln oder Menüs?




Meurer's Question:

I can't change text sizes. It's okay with the format, the problem's just with the size. Can anyone help?
My answer

My German's perhaps not very good but I'll try and help.

To change the size, click on the text and select the size. But if you're able to change the format, then perhaps it's unlikely that that's your problem

Could you give more details please. Are you talking about captions, subtitles or menus?
Another possible thought:

If your DVD player played home made discs from your old computer, perhaps the problem is the burning speed. Newer systems can burn at a higher speed which may cause errors on an older player.

Try burning at a slower speed and see if that helps.


Just an oblique add-on to this thread:

I notice in my own setup that PhotoNow does not create a shortcut for itself on the Start Menu. However, having said that it does run from within PowerDirector when editing a still and the exe file does run from the appropriate folder in Program Files\Cyberlink\PhotoNow. I realise that doesn't really help you, Sanjit, but it does "explain" the lack of shortcut is not confined to your case.

Hope Dafydd's suggestions work out for you.
No consolation, I know, but I have the same problem with not being able to go back to the menu. I have to eject the disc and restart!

Damn - beat me to it again!

I was going to say the fonts are anti-aliased, which is nothing to do with any system font-smoothing and at small point sizes look soft on a computer screen, but fine when rendered.

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