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It's a fair question, Jeff, but I have no explanation for it.

The bars on the volume meter are definitely assigned to each separate channel, easily seen using the 5.1 channel placement .wav that was going to be attached, till I remembered how fussy the forum is about attachments.

To me, it looks like an oversight. Even though there's no functionality difference between audio only tracks and the regular audio component tracks, a user would expect the meters to function in both.

... and it's difficult to see the usefulness of a frozen meter! undecided

Cheers - Tony
Unfortunately, the hotfix had zero impact here. After replacing the MediaObj.dll in the appropriate folder, PDR18 still "stopped working" when importing FRAPS AVIs.

Tried the same trick with PDR17 (perpetual) and that had no effect either.

Tech Support contacted.

Cheers - Tony
I have been using Fraps for quite a while now and was able to open them in the 365 version of PD17

You're right Hal. Fraps AVIs work just fine with the subscription version of PDR17. I'd only checked the perpetual version when I made my earlier comment.

At least you have some workaround options, time-consuming though they may be.

Cheers - Tony
Hi mgonzard -

I'm so late to the party, it's finished frown

I was just going to echo GerryQ's comments, because there are no issues here applying lens correction & fix/enhance to GoPro7 Black clips. Preview & produced files are as expected.

I tested in both PDR18 (perpetual) & PDR18 (subscription), but only on PCs with Nvidia GPUs. You've narrowed the issue to AMD GPUs, which fits with Jeff's earlier point about using "a wide enough platform test base."

Cheers - Tony
Hi Hal, Barry & optodata,

Hal - this won't help you at all, sorry. It's been years since I used Fraps, but I've just done a couple of sample recordings.

True: PDR18 won't import Fraps AVIs (stops working).
Also true: PDR17 fails in the same way.
Equally true: Fraps AVIs import & playback happily in PDR16, 15, 14 & 13 (and earlier versions, apparently).

Cheers - Tony
I'm not pretending to understand the technicalities but, given that only a limited number of applications can create 4K/UHD discs it (a) may not be as simple as imagined or (b) may not be in strong demand.

Personally, I burn BR/DVD only for other people (if that's their preference). Most home videos are shared via USB drive (effectively a data disc). For my own viewing I copy to external HHD and view on UHD TV.

BUT - if I had a need for 4K/UHD discs, I'd consult with people like Eugene to learn the pitfalls & plusses.

Cheers - Tony
Final wrap for Classical background music collection...

10 tracks posted to YouTube
9 received copyright claim notificactions, & all were disputed.
5 claims were released soon after disputes were filed.
The other 4 have now lapsed, after 30 days of no response from the claimant.

Summary of background music checks:
190 tracks tested
After claims & disputes, only 1 track was not resolved (i.e. it still has a copyright flag).

Cheers - Tony
Hi doublethr33 -

Forum member Eugene [Eugen157] has been on a quest for years to resolve this issue for himself. You'll find some useful information in these threads:

Bottom line is, as Steven said above, 4K/UHD Blurays need to be created using other software.

Cheers - Tony
My apologies -

I left out a vital thing... in Preferences > Confirmation, make sure you have "... confirm captured snapshot file name" checked.


OOPS - Tony
Driving you nuts? Really?

If you have "File" selected in your preferences (which you do), when you take a snapshot, the regular "Save" dialog will come up so you can rename or re-locate the snapshot. By default it will go to your designated Export folder (also in Settings > File).

If you set the export folder for that project the same as your working folder (containing other media) as (say) C\Documents\Video Projects\Project 1, all the snaps will land in your working folder.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Martin -

I agree with optodata - if anyone could "program" such a thing, or turn it into a modifiable template, it would be Godfrey.

I wouldn't have a clue about "programming" but it's pretty easy to use the features in PDR to efficiently get what you want.

By first setting position & scale keyframes for one image/video, those keyframe attributes can be copied and pasted to other media (assuming aspect ratio & duration are the same). Once pasted they can be modified to suit.

Each path can be saved as a custom path & each PiP element can be saved as a template for later use.

Some examples are shown here. I started with one zoom & pan path &, by copying & pasting keyframe attributes then modifying, fairly quickly turned that into 6 variants.

The images (20 sec duration) in the video are 3840x2160 & zoomed to 1920x1080. The paths are all on DirectorZone for download:
Zoom Pan 1 -
Zoom Pan 1 (ease) -
Zoom Pan 2 -
Zoom Pan 2 (ease) -
Zoom Pan 3 -
Zoom Pan 3 (ease) -

Cheers - Tony
Hi cswnow -

That's odd. I'm running the same build of PDR17 (17.0.3005.0 Ultra) and have no issues importing 4K HEVC clips (from my grandson's GoPro 7 Black).

It's an equally odd alert, if that's indeed what it says. The subscription (365) & perpetual versions are identical in terms of compatibility with various formats & resolutions.

The suggestion that it may be a trial version, which would explain the limitation, makes sense but I'm not sure whether it would be "17.0.3005.0".

Cheers - Tony
Hi D-Workshop -

You're probably right. I shouldn't have written "there's a 100% chance". Sorry. What I should have stated is "almost 100%".

From the testing I've done, only one track has had its dispute rejected

There are quite a few tracks in the Background Music collections that are based on Pachelbel's Canon. The one titled "Pachelbel - String Quartet - Canon in D" had its claim released straight after I filed the dispute. Is this the one you mean? Maybe you are referring to this one? That one had its claim released too.

Anyway - I totally agree with you. The licensing ought to be such that all this fiddling around isn't necessary.

Cheers - Tony
We've been here before, probably more times than I can remember.

Wherever the keyframes are added, they can also be set in Keyframes (not in PiP Designer) - so there are different ways to get the same result.

Cheers - Tony
Adobe Ps & Cyberlink PDR? Apples & oranges.

I wouldn't have said that any Adobe subscription has pricing comparable with Cyberlink's but, that aside, Photoshop & PowerDirector are not even remotely comparable products. They serve different purposes - photo/graphics vs. video.

Much of what you're thinking when weighing up the pros & cons may be true, but price is a factor for most of us.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Drone360 -

This sort of thing has been discussed in various groups over the years.

Specifically on the intros/outros templates, like logo reveals etc, there's a mountain of resources out there. Some you've mentioned. I understand what you're saying about templates as many are created in programs like After Effects so the project file can't be read by PDR.

BUT you'll usually find that the media content included in the download will work fine in PDR - e.g. alpha channel videos. Using these, with a bit of titling in PDR, can yield up decent results.

Most PDR users, I imagine, would be using a variety of resources to fill in the blanks left by PDR's functionality or our own imaginations/ability.

Do you have anything specific in mind? or is it a general interest question?

Cheers - Tony
Hi Mouhamad -

Yes. In PDR17, if you using anything greater than 1080p clips, it's way better than doing a media library snapshot... and way way better than doing a timeline snapshot.

All -

For completeness, I did a JPG & PNG comparison of Media Library, Timeline & Freeze Frame snapshots from PDR13 to PDR17. It doesn't really show anything that hasn't been posted above... except that in PDR13 & 14, the quality of Timeline & Freeze Frame snapshots is roughly the same.

JPG Comparison

PNG Comparison

Cheers - Tony
Agreed Jeff!

It's a bit concerning to think of thew amount of time I (& many others) have spent scratching around comparing snapshot quality in PDR. Over the past few days, I've been doing it again & it's driving me batty.

I agree with tomasc's statement that the image quality of Freeze Frame snapshots in PDR17 is far superior to Media Library snapshots when you're working with UHD/4K video. The samples I've gathered recently show that this has been the case since PDR14. PDR13''s UHD snapshots are of consistent quality, whether taken from Media Library, Timeline or Freeze Frame.

Using the UHD video tomasc linked above, here are 100% crop comparison snapshots from media library & timeline from PDR13-17:

JPG Comparison PNG Comparison

I've come across a few other observations too. With JPG snapshots, the higher the resolution of the source video the greater the compression ratio is!

I didn't include the data from Adobe Lightroom in the table above, but I can state with confidence that both PhD & Lr give you the best quality JPG snapshots, by a significant margin.

If you're interested, I've uploaded all the snapshots I used for comparison, from 1080p - 2.5K - UHD - 8K, in both JPG & PNG. Each zip file includes a side-by-side comparison of 100% crops. View at 100% for best comparison.





That's it for now. Like Jeff, I'd be very happy if the CL developers could give this issue some serious attention, so that users aren't forced to "go off-shore" chasing good quality snapshots.

Cheers - Tony
Hi tomasc -

I guess you started a new thread because the discussion became a bit broader, rather than specific to the OP's issue (???). Whatever your reasons, I'll follow up in the other thread.

Cheers - Tony
Hi tomasc -

It would be interesting for someone to try this test on an earlier version of PowerDirector like 14, or 12 which has the 4k screen capture on the timeline.

I've been digging into this & will post when I think I have something substantial. Comparisons have to be made using different types of video - graphic, gameplay, animation, real life - because there are some inconsistencies.

One thing I can say for sure is that PDR's JPG snapshots are w-a-a-a-y more compressed than either PhD or VLC. e.g on one particular set of JPG snapshots, JPEG Snoop reported the following compression ratios:

PDR17 Media Library: 40.99:1
PDR17 Freeze Frame: 38.18:1
PDR13 Timeline: 33.58:1
PDR13 Freeze Frame: 33.58:1
PhD10: 4.34:1
VLC: 14.73:1

That accounts for the huge difference in file sizes, but doesn't give any clues about the visual difference with PNG snapshots.

As Steve mentioned above, it's when they're viewed at 100% that the differences are obvious.

I'm still putting it together...

Cheers - Tony
Hi PabloMontini -

If the highlight box is to be on a still/static background, the easiest thing to do is create a mask/overlay to disguise the rough lines from Paint Designer, so you only see clean lines.

The timeline would look like:

I've packed, zipped & attached that little project, if you want to play with it. The 2 paint animations are on DZ - Clockwise & Counter-clockwise.

Also, there are some templates posted here that might work for you.

Cheers - Tony
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