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Hi PabloMontini -

If the highlight box is to be on a still/static background, the easiest thing to do is create a mask/overlay to disguise the rough lines from Paint Designer, so you only see clean lines.

The timeline would look like:

I've packed, zipped & attached that little project, if you want to play with it. The 2 paint animations are on DZ - Clockwise & Counter-clockwise.

Also, there are some templates posted here that might work for you.

Cheers - Tony
Just found something that will be of interest to any snapshotters...

I used a UHD clip to capture the exact same frames in PhotoDirector 10, PowerDirector 17 (in Media Library as described above) and VLC Player. I took the snashots both in .JPG & .PNG format for quality comparison. As expected, all the snapshots are 3840x2160.

These are 100% crops from the .png snapshots (i.e. no resizing):

If you'd like to look at the full sized snapshots in both formats, they're zipped here.


Cheers - Tony
Wow! Thanks optodata & tomasc. That's two things I've learnt today. Good information.

Duh! I didn't even realise VLC had a record function embarassed

Cheers - Tony
Glad you've had some success!

so how is #2 done in your three methods?

Do you have PhotoDirector? If not, instruction would be irrelevant. If so, I'm happy to show you the steps. In PhD, you can manually capture frames (similar to PDR) or you can set it to Auto & capture any number of frames over the duration of the video. You can step through the video frame by frame or jump to a specific time point (just like PDR).

and has VLC slo mo back and fwd?

VLC Player does allow you to playback at a slower speed, but you can't step through frame-by-frame (I don't think). It also allows you to jump to a specific time in the video.

With all these options, it's not really grabbing snapshots "on the fly". In each case the video is paused at that point.

Cheers - Tony
Hi CyberCFP -

In PDR's standard chroma-key in PiP Designer, try increasing the colour range (even to maximum).

Depending on what previous versions of PDR you've had installed, you may have (in FX) NewBlue Chroma Key Pro. If you have it, that will give you better control.

Cheers - Tony
Re: 1. Media Library Snapshots...

Move the playhead as you would in the timeline, using buttons or > & < keys.

Seee this screen cap:

Cheers - Tony
Hi Steve01 -

I, and others here, probably agree that snapshots in the timeline would be WAY better taken at the full resolution of the video.

Given that you want bulk numbers of snaps, can I suggest that you try:

  1. taking your snapshots from the video played back from the Media Library (not the timeline)

  2. using PhotoDirector's Video-to-Photo feature (if you have it), or

  3. using VLC Player to play the video, taking snaps along the way.

Each of those options will yield full resolution snapshots in the format of your choice.

Cheers - Tony
Hi all -

Jeff - I was only just reading about sed, perl & awk & I didn't understand a word of it! embarassed

Philippina - even though optodata has already edited your .srt file to make it functional, I just found an effective online tool to strip the formatting data from the file in no time flat.

I tested it with the PDR17 .srt file I made ealier, then uploaded it to YouTube. It works.

Cheers - Tony
It turns out PDR17 is spectacularly special in this. PDR14, 15 & 16 all export .srt files that don't contain formatting info... and I can't find a way to trick PDR17 into doing the same. undecided

Cheers - Tony
Hi Philippina & optodata -

I think there's something wrong here & Philippina's highlighted it.

I just now set up some subtitles in PDR17 (first time I've used them in ages), then exported the .srt file. It does include formatting data, unlike the same file I exported from PDR14. I haven't checked other versions yet.

Optodata - you're right - that's what it's supposed to look like.

The two exported .srt files are attached.

Cheers - Tony
Tess Ting's been at it again.

Recently, CyberLink released a new music pack for PDR365 & PhD365. It's called Classical and it's broken the record in Tess Ting's testing so far.

Of the 10 tracks, 9 have been flagged on YouTube.

Disputes have been submitted & I guess the same thing will happen as before... & in about a month it'll all be a thing of the past. Ho hum.

Cheers - Tony
Hi ColoRiffic -

That's strange. I just did another check & it's not giving me any grief here.

I followed the steps exactly in the VLC tutorial, uploaded the converted file to FB then posted. FB gave me no alerts. It just posted the video.

Here's what happened after the upload was complete...

Here's the 1:1 video posted on Facebook & YouTube

Cheers - Tony
G'day Simon -

The last thing you need is someone guessing an answer, but that's all I can do.

The way I read it is that the current 30% discount offer would apply for either 12 months or the life of the current version. I'd say CyberLink wouldn't be offering a 30% forever discount!

Really, the best thing you can do is contact CyberLink Customer Service and gat the facts from them.

Cheers - Tony
Glad you got it resolved with optodata's suggestion, Aaron.

I agree there's a bit more flexibility & control using PiP Designer for that purpose, but I can't see how you couldn't achieve much the same thing using Crop & Zoom.

Take this example I did some time back, using Crop & Zoom... you could do that same thing in PiP Designer (but with more keyframes & more options, like Ease in/out).

Cheers - Tony
When you have a particle (from the Particle library) selected in the timeline, click on Designer and you're in Particle Designer.

Cheers - Tony
Hey - well done YOU!

That's great that you were able to work you way through it using your engineer's logic.

On the alpha channel question:

PDR can import & use alpha channel .MOV files but it cannot produce them. In effect, when you create a particle or PiP template you're making an animation with an alpha channel... but it only works within PDR. It's not the same as making an alpha channel video.

I said I'd keep playing with it & I did. Your question helped me learn something... i.e. that workaround had never occurred to me before. I barely use particles anyway.

Here's one I made that is kinda like the sparkles from a magic wand. I just modified an existing CL particle template.

Cheers - Tony
Hi -

I've never used the mobile app, but you can move particles where you want by grabbing the handle and dragging.

Unlisted screen capture...

Is that what you mean?

Cheers - Tony

No - the motion path set by Motion Tracker cannot have a particle attached to it... but it does help you understand the path sequence if you attach a small graphic (like the one attached)... After the graphic is applied in Motion Tracker & you're back in the main timeline, open the object (star) in PiP Designer (see attached screenshot)

That's got nothing to do with particles, directly, but... it gives you an idea of how to set the motion path for your particle.

When it's opened in PiP Designer, save it as a custom path - then when you're in Particle Designer, you may be able to apply that path to your particle (I've never tried that).

I'll keep playing with it. Hopefully your magician is not too flamboyant with gestures like the dancer in the screenshot! (not a good choice for an example).

Cheers - Tony
It's got to be something simple but I can't see it. Can you?

Yes - you've copied the keyframe attributes from a 9:16 object (the text jpg) and pasted them onto 16:9 objects.

You're trying to make a 9:16 video, so do NOT change any of your 9:16 media. It's just right as it is.

In a 9:16 project:

  1. Select one 16:9 object (video or photo)

  2. Resize & reposition it to match the 9:16 frame

  3. Copy its keyframe attributes

  4. Paste the keyframe attributes onto the remaining 16:9 media

  5. Insert the 9:16 objects (text, photos etc) where you want on the timeline - DO NOT change them by pasting any keyframe attributes!

Cheers - Tony
G'day EWZ -

The PiP Objects (Video Overlays) that have multiple images included, like this one or the one included in PDR called "Gyroscope" are not in the same format as a single object with motion applied.

They're actually animations, made of a series of separate files.

Take a look in C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberLink\templates\PowerDirector Content Pack Premium 1\PiPObject & open the folder called "PDR14_Gyroscope" and you'll see all the separate frames that make the animation.

As Steven & AVPlayVideo said, using multiple tracks for multiple objects is the usual process.

Cheers - Tony

What you are trying to do is not that complicated, if I understand you properly.

Have a look at this screen capture. I believe it shows what you're trying to do.

As AVPlayVideo said, you can only copy & paste keyframe attributes between videos/phots that have the same aspect ratio. Anything else will result in distortion.

Cheers - Tony
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