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MPEG 2 Editing and Rendering
Argonaut [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jul 16, 2012 06:43 Messages: 37 Offline
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Now that this forum has helped solve my "green screen" problem (by downloading latests drivers), I have another question.

I'm capturing about 60 hrs worth of old 8mm digital and analogue tapes on a 3TB hard drive. So far they are running about 5gb per tape, 128gb total disc space for 28 tapes. (avg time length about 1.0 - 1.5 hrs). I'm capturing as MPEG2 DVD HQ.

Eventually, I will want to produce these onto DVDs to play on a standard DVD player. Of course, I want the final product to be the best resolution I can get. Other than just cliping / croping the video, taking out segmentd I don't want, there's very little other editing I need to do.

If I just take the captured MPEG2 files saved on the hard drive and "clip" unwanted segments out - and then simply re-save the file, does this avoid "rendering" and further compression / loss of resolution quality?

By producing the DVDs to play in a standard DVD player, does this compress the video?

Your advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks - newbie Argonaut.
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PD10 has some limits for the production of DVD-Video.
If your catch is within these limits, PD SVRT3 alloy, the process quickly and without quality loss.
Some of these limits, DVD HQ, just one hour DVD4.7Gb.
Video in interlaced mode, and maximum rate Bita 8300 Kbs
Even for videos over 1 hour, see if SVRT3 league, and if so can create the DVD without any loss in many cases.
Here is out of this pattern when I use other sofware to mount the DVD.
Wait for more opinions

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jul 18. 2012 11:06

All vodi
Senior Contributor Location: Canada Joined: Aug 21, 2009 11:24 Messages: 1431 Offline
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8 mm video is at best of a low SD quality. You need not worry about any degradation. An HQ DVD production is more than ample for retaining everything you tapes had to offer. Win 10, i7
James Dotson
Senior Contributor Location: Tennessee Joined: Aug 24, 2009 20:40 Messages: 3066 Offline
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If you are saving the clips as MPEG2 DVD HQ, you should be able to use SVRT, but I find that it doesn't always work for MPEG 2. I have not used it for a while, so maybe that was fixed, or maybe it's just me.

If you add transitions, titles, etc. It will have to be rendered again. __________________________________
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