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Matching slide show to music.
Argonaut [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jul 16, 2012 06:43 Messages: 37 Offline
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Using Slideshow, I'm trying to make a slide show of 37 slides that together will run exactly 3 minutes (180 seconds) to match the length of my muisc track. My slides are running abot 20 seconds longer than my music track. In Powerdirector preferences, duration of images is set at 5 seocnds with a 2 second transition. Should I allow for 7 seconds for each slide (5 seconds duration plus 2 second transition), and cut the number of slides down to 25 - 26? Thanks for the help.
JL_JL [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: Arizona, USA Joined: Oct 01, 2006 20:01 Messages: 6091 Offline
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Quote Using Slideshow, I'm trying to make a slide show of 37 slides that together will run exactly 3 minutes (180 seconds) to match the length of my muisc track. My slides are running abot 20 seconds longer than my music track. In Powerdirector preferences, duration of images is set at 5 seocnds with a 2 second transition. Should I allow for 7 seconds for each slide (5 seconds duration plus 2 second transition), and cut the number of slides down to 25 - 26? Thanks for the help.

If you are using the built in slideshow feature, it does not follow the timeline duration setting of the pics. You can add your music to the slideshow creator and then set the feature to adjust photos to music length, it sometimes works ok.

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