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For something straight out of the box Nero works. I just can't accept the constraints.

But if you only need a DVD menu for a few projects it can work for you.
Hi Tony, Kriller123 PM'd me as I was the only name they remembered, I guess Grumpy IS going to stick.

They discovered that they had the text track muted and thus didn't see the effect.

They did ask me to pass on their appreciation for our help.
I'm really glad it worked for you Rob.
It sounds like you are using the wrong tracks for video and effects.

The top track, #1 should have your main video media.

Everything you want on top of that, like text, must be placed below. Place the bubble on a video track below and it will show on top of your video.

Then you place your text below the bubble so the text will be on top of the bubble.

It's just layers, like looking up from below, you see the text, then the bubble, then the video.

Hope this is what you are needing.
For DVD menus I use DVD Lab

It will do just about anything you desire. You can create a chapter menu, hotspots on the screen to click, hidden spots (like Easter eggs) you can have it play an intro movie (like trailers) and you can dictate if they can or cannot jump to the menu right away (just like production DVD's) and you can also dictate what part of the menu or what clip to go to next after playing a chapter, or just return to the menu. You can combine it with images that you can mask for very creative menus with videos behind. One thing I particularly like is that you can create a little movie that plays when they click a selection on the menu so that you can wisk them off to their selection, like have a character run into view and do something interesting to intro the selection before it plays.

I've used it for years and it works great, no issues at all. The only warning is it is very "techie" oriented and it may take a while to understand the terminology as their are so many options and things you can do with it.
First off the voice track should be "grouped" automatically with the video of the same clip, it shouldn't go out of sync when either is moved unless they were "ungrouped".

Whatever has happened, you should be able to keep everything on the timeline synced when inserting by going to Edit > Preferences > Editing, check the "Link all tracks when inserting/removing content in timeline".

It would be a good idea to "group" timeline items that are synced so they stay that way if things do move.
You're welcome

On the right of the preview window are scroll bars. Pull that down and you will see a blued area that you can continue to pull the dot down into.

Sorry, I should have thought to pass that on, I was baffled for a bit over it just like you.

It would have been nice for CL to provide a zoom setting for the preview window so you could see an area around the actual viewable area as to how far you are zooming. Especially helpful when you want to zoom in real close.
OK I'm back.

First a couple of examples of a zoom, same photo.


Video Explosion

Attached the diag files, one plus a 64 bit. Hope I got all this right.

Now why couldn't that be accomplished with a mouse click! I clearly now need to learn keyboard short cuts, sigh...

Thanks for the help Tony :
OK, I'm pretty new at this too, but I'll give it a go.

1) To start with a simple zoom, double click, or click Modify.
2) At the top left of the pop up window find the thing that looks like a mouse with a tail, something that means movement, click it.
3) Click the green X, that means that you are going to determine the path of the movement.
4) Now locate the blue scrubber, moves along the timeline for this object/clip. Click on it and move it back and forth, this shows you what it will do, like a preview.
5) The orange diamonds at each end are your keyframes, basically points on the timeline that determines where whatever changes you make, are going to happen. Right now you only have one at each end, start and finish.
6) For a simple zoom, move the blue scrubber to the right, end. Now locate the white dot at the bottom center of the image. Slowly pull that a bit and your image will get larger, zoom in.
7) Now move your scrubber back and forth to preview how it will zoom.
If you need it to zoom a bit to one side, place your cursor over the square in the middle and click to position this, at the place in the timeline that you want this to happen. Remember that if you want this position to be the end of the zoom, you MUST do this when the scrubber is at the end.
9) You can click the play button on the preview window to watch it happen. If it looks good then click Save.

If you want to make adjustments later just open the Modify window and remember to have the scrubber where you want it to happen.

Advanced keyframes requires adding new keyframes along the timeline to have the image move to and from and resize and zoom. It gets a bit complicated when you add move keyframe points, but if all you want is a simple zoom, that is easy to do.

Hope this helps get you started.


43 minutes long, several music and text tracks. I have about 10 seconds in front of the project that I'd like to remove.

I have tried using the scrubber markers to select the whole project, but don't have the option to "select all" or "group".

I CAN go through all the clips and bits and select each with a Ctrl+ click, but this is very tedious and I could miss a bit as I need to also expand the timeline at the same time as holding the Ctrl key, risky.

I CAN do this by placing an image ahead and then "remove the space", but this can't be the proper way to move a group of files.

Please educate me as to how to do this. I can't find this info on the tutorials I have watched.

My vote is for Barry on the R7D team for CL.

That would be the obvious place to put a "toggle" button for this purpose, that is after they get that feature to work as I believe it should.
Sorry, double post
Hi Barry, and thanks for your reply.

Warning, not to come across sounding unappreciative of the other member's help, but this is going to be a bit of a rant.

I can understand the usefulness of a "junk" track to work in, and I DO do that often, but we shouldn't have to move a clip to a "safe" track just to adjust the length if their is space to the right of it, especially if we do not have "Link all tracks..." selected.

Take a hour hour project for example. I have most of the media needed and begin a complex project. I don't have everything I need but begin laying it all on the timeline. I end up with more media that comes to for 15-20 minutes. I already have most of the rest (to the right) done and need to make some adjustments to the scene 15-20 minutes. I already am using 3 tracks is this scene and now this problem comes into play. With the limitations of PD I cannot simply adjust the length of one clip to adjust the timing with the 2 other tracks because it will mess up the synchronization of the media to the right of this scene. I cannot just move the one clip to a junk track as I need the other 2 tracks to work with. I cannot even select using the scrubber and paste after everything to the right as I cannot move the scrubber past the last clip.

So my "work around" is to temporarily place "something" on the timeline past the last clip in the project so I can paste the selected media between that and the last clip in the project, do my editing, select and copy the edited clips and repaste it back it the space in the timeline.

This is so full of potential for messing up the sync of other media that it makes my stomach knot up.

I believe that this should be a fix.

Again, please do not read sarcasm into this as I do appreciate the help that is offered. My beef is with Cyberlink. This could be such a simple issue for them to correct if "Link all tracks..." is not selected, everything on the timeline should not move!

I offer no solution, but I will attest that it does the same thing for me.

Not changing the speed, in fact, if I adjust the end time of the clip the other clips will move ahead even though I do not have the "link all tracks..." checked. I can move the end of the clip closer to the clips on the right, and they do not move, but if I move the end of the clip to the left the clips on the right follow.

Definitely a bug.
I found the easiest way to get VHS to a digital form is using a program and hardware called VHS to DVD.

I purchased this at a local electronics supply. It is very easy to use and does a great job. Basically you plug in the hardware to your PC via USB, and to your camera or VCR via RCA.

With the program installed you just operate the onscreen control like a VCR. Click record on the screen, then play on your camera/VCR. You watch a preview on your PC and you can pause the recording and shuttle the camera/VCR to the next spot and record again.

Thanks Tony, that's what I was looking for.
Thanks for that Carl, do you know if I can have a private channel and just post likes on the forum so that the whole world is not viewing them?
Yes sir, that is correct, found that out. :
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