As the subject says, while you're working on the AI-generated image engine, please try to incorporate some control over the aspect ratio of the results. I've generated some decent images that I couldn't use because of the aspect ratio. Sometimes cropping works, but sometimes it doesn't.
Hello Jerry,
The information I got from CyberLink is that it is a beta version feature that requires significant computing power and resources on the server, so it limited to 5 times a day for now. All users will be affected by this limitation.
PhotoDirector Moderator
I didn't realize the processing was done remotely.
I'll use the web-based service if I need more than five a day.
There's a countdown on the number of AI Images you can generate. Does that mean it's a feature you have to purchase separately?
I have a subscription to the online AI image generate. What's the story?
CL did a overhaul of Directorzone an couple years back and removed several items, https://www.cyberlink.com/support/faq-content.do?id=27217 the future unknown as it sounds like they migrated resources into more fluff content for 365.
For permissible uploads (DVD Menus, PIP Objects, so on....), look for an active enabled Globe to upload, pic attached.
Yes, I uploaded my creation to the cloud; but that's not the same at all. It doesn't let me share it with others.
Oh, well. If the service wasn't used, it wasn't used.
I've uploaded stuff from PD to the DirectorZone before, but I can't remember the details and I can't figure out how to do it.
Is DirectorZone gone?
This can be caused by lighting, clothing, and resolution settings. The problem is that YouCam can't correctly detect the edges of the foreground under some conditions.
It can also happen if you're using a green screen. If you look closely at a weather forecaster standing in front of the virtual maps, you can see the same effect sometimes.
See if changing your environment helps.
I'm don't know where to put product suggestions, so here it is:
It would be very handy if you could save and restore YouCam settings.
Yes, this is what I explained above. YouCam does not auto launch when calls start anymore, so that is why the YouCam zoom setting is not activated (it is not open). You need to double-click on the icon to open YouCam in panel mode.
YouCam Moderator
Interesting—but not exactly the real problem. If, in the middle of a call or meeting, I turn off video for some reason, when I turn video back on all of the other settings (brightness, color temperature) are still there. So far as I can tell, camera zoom is the only exception. I the other settings can survive, why can't camera zoom?
We have confirmed with our contact at CyberLink that this is now the expected behavior. Once you start the Zoom call, you'll need to double click on the YouCam system tray icon to launch YouCam in panel mode.
YouCam Moderator
That's not the precise issue.
When the Zoom call starts, all of the settings in the panel stay the same—except for the camera zoom! I have to open the panel to get the camera zoom back. I have to go through that every time Zoom turns the video off and on.
- I set my zoom in YouCam.
- I start Zoom (the app).
- If YouCam is aready open, then Zoom shows the proper image.
- If YouCam is not open when I connect to it with Zoom, the image is not correct.
- I open the Effects room, and Zoom changes to the correct image.
- Every time I turn off my video in Zoom, YouCam closes.
- Every time I turn on my video in Zoom, the image is not correct.
- If I launch the YouCam app, or just open the Effects room, the image corrects itself.
That's a long way of saying that when Zoom turns on YouCam, the YouCam zoom settings are lost.
Has anyone else noticed this?
YouCam version 10.0.1830.0
Zoom version 5.11.1 (6602)
Logitech Brio camera
Windows 10 Pro
With YouCam 9, I kept the resolution setting at 1920x1080. Zoom kept the same resolution, at least so far as keeping the 19:16 aspect ratio. (The actual resolution depended on bandwidth or whatever.)
Since I installed YouCam 10/365, Zoom and YouCam seem to be doing something with my resolution. If I fire up YouCam, I can set the resolution to 1920x1080. When I then fire up Zoom, the capture resolution shown in YouCam might be 640x480 or 1280x720. That seems to depend on how I start things up. If I use the GO button in YouCam to open Zoom, I think that forces it to 640x480. If I open Zoom manually, that seems to let me use 1280x720.
What's going on here? I want to keep the 16:9 aspect ratio, at the very least. I have dozens of 16:9 backgrounds, plus it took me a long time to get my lighting and green screen just so. 1280x720 works, but when it drops to 640x480 the image looks nasty.
YouCam limits the resolution to 1280x720 if you enable any effects, but that doesn't matter. I'm not using effects, and I even tried turning off Zoom.
Again, this was no problem with YouCam 9. I'm guessing that the tighter integration with Zoom has something to do with it.
This shouldn't be so touchy.
I used to use the avatars a lot (mostly to annoy people). Is that feature gone from version 10, or am I just not finding it?
I have set up near-professional lighting, but I'm not able to get my skin tones right. The only relevant control I can find is white balance, which lets me adjust my complexion from pallid to ruddy, but I can't get quite get a fleshtone that matches my (medium white) skin.
I've fiddled endlessly with the color temperature and intensity settings on my individual lights, but I can't seem to get there. I really need some RGB controls, I guess.
Actually, I do as well as the local TV news shows, so perhaps I'm overreaching.
Any suggestions?
I am looking at getting a new webcam, and I was wondering what new webcams have been tested with Youcam 9
(Using a Lenovo think pad)
Apparently not all webcams are a good fit with youcam, and I want to know what you folks recommend. Thanks!
I went from an old, inexpensive webcam to a new, top of the line webcam, and aside from the resolution (and some additional flexibility in the camera settings), I didn't notice any difference in YouCam's behavior. I'd worry more about price and camera quality. If in doubt, buy from a retailor with a decent return policy.
I'm not sure you answered an important part of the user's question: can you use some other source (a window, for example) as an overlay or gadget.
For example, I've been wracking my brain trying to find a way to overlay a clock with the combination of YouCam and Zoom. So far as I can tell, there's no way to do this.
There is other software used by gamers that can do this.
I'm not sure. I imagine CL's marketing department wrote those blurbs and it's possible that what they intended to get across and how you're interpreting them are different.
I suppose it's possible that this will be cleared up when I install 2022. If not, then I should open a ticket.
I really hoped that someone here would know.
Right. Is there a question in there somewhere?
The operative phrase is "hundreds of thousands of stock videos, photos, and music tracks, right in the app."
Where are they? By my reckoning, the browser has well under 100,000.
Right below the phrase I quoted is another little blurb:
Unlimited Access to Shutterstock.
Access to Shutterstock’s massive video, image, and music track catalogs, right inside the app.
What am I misunderstanding here?
(I fully recognize that browsing through hundreds of thousands of resources in that little window would be impractible.)
Just click on the red Shutterstock Premium Media icon in the Media Content room to bring up the dedicated browser. Use the Search bar to type in the kind of content you want to use. Only content avaiable to PD users/subscribers will be shown and all are included in the license. In other words, there is no additional cost to use any of the accessible clips.
There are many times more Shutterstock assets that aren't available with a PD license, but noe of those will show up in the PD/SS browser.
From the Director Suite 365 product page:
Royalty-Free Stock Library Powered by Shutterstock
Find assets for any project with access to Shutterstock’s massive stock library. Search and select from hundreds of thousands of stock videos, photos, and music tracks, right in the app.
I have Director Suite 365 and just installed the latest PowerDirector version, 19.7.3115.0 (64-bit).
I keep reading that it comes with a million shutterstock videos, pictures, and music clips. I don't expect the shutterstock import window to show a million items, but where do I get them?
Are the new ones free?
After some back and forth with CL tech support, it turns out that they couldn't duplicate the issue on their 10 test machines, but they said they knew which process was to blame.
The good news is that everything looks good on my system with the latest update, so it looks like the issue is not present in the June 2021 release of PD365 (v19.6.3016).
I updated to the latest (19.7.3115.0) version this morning (2021-07-31), and I am having this problem.