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Quote Is there a ColorDirector4 preset to use for my GoPro4 Black instead of using ProTunes?

UPDATE: Get my GoPro preset here: GoPro Preset

or get a less saturated version here: ProTunes 1.3

Just realized that my preset is 6th in "all time" video presets downloads.
Summer BUMP!
Quote Hello Skibum,

A long time bump, followed by a slow motion response to one of your earlier questions about LUTS

Quote: I have a file choice between .cube (recommended) and .3di. Both are supported by CD4. How do I install them into CD4?

Even though I'm quite sure you've worked it out by now (!), here's a belated answer:

ColorDirector supports .3dl, .mga, .m3d, .cube and .csp format LUT files


Hekko Pix,

These presets are made for ColorDirector. To tell you the truth, I'm not sure what file format they are in.

To use them in ColorDirector.

Double click on the downloaded preset and it will be added to ColorDirector.

Open the file you'd like to color grade onto the time line.

Click on Adjustments, Then Presets

Scroll down to the bottom where it say "Downloaded Presets" and you'll see ProTunes

Click on the ProTune preset

You may find on some videos that the preset is slightly over satuated. Just turn the satuation done slighly

I didn't know you could import cube LUT's into ColorDirector. I'll have to give it a try.
I do also have a "cube" file LUT that I use in Resolve that pretty much does the same thing.

Edit: I just tried my cube file in ColorDirector and I feel it looks even better. It's not as satuated.

Thanks for that info.
Long time Bump
You can select custom install when installing the Nvidia driver. Then uncheck Geforce Experience. I also uncheck 3D drivers and audio drivers since I don't use any of that. Also, you want to CHECK perform a clean install.
Works great on my Windows 10 x64 system with no crashes at all
You should read this
Quote: Thanks, Skibum;

Does the free version work with 4K files? For some reason I thought the free version only worked with HD files. (Maybe I am thinking of lightworks).


I think your right.

The free version doesn't do 4K

My bad
Davinci Resolve I use to color grade and convert to whatever I want.
Had the same problem. The GoPro app doesn't need them. I've never moved them back.
On a side note, because you installed the GoPro app you now have AVI Cineform codecs. I always convert my MP4's to them first before editing. They are becoming the new standard and are excellent.
It's just the opposite. Your uncompressing the MP4 files.
They will take a lot more space on your hard drive.
I purchased a 500 gigabyte SSD drive just for editing
I had a problem with playback when working with HD files off of a HDD.

The SSD took care of that problem, but I'd be willing to guess the editing problem is because of the compressed files.

I color grade and convert to AVI YUV 10bit files in Blackmagic Resolve first. It does the samee thing as Magic+PD
What type of hard drive are you working off of? A HDD or a SSD?

It could also be the compressed files that your using (MP4).

You may want to check out this post.

I only edit from Cineform AVI files and all my studdering went away.
Quote: What video format are you trying to edit?

You may want to check out this link.

I also had a problem trying to edit from a slow HDD. I edit everything off of a SSD in AVI format and it's smooth as silk.

Trying to edit compressed files (MP4, etc) becomes a problem. I color grade and convert all my files first, then into PD.

Yes, the new files take up allot more space, hence the new 480GB SSD.

Hi mate. I use MP4.

You might well be right. I've thought about using that user-created programme before, but I thought the converting process sounded like too much messing about.

So is that what you use, then, mate? If so, I'll start using it. I'm not on SSD's yet (I know I ought to be by now), but that would still make a big difference.

Thank you, man.

The MP4's ARE the problem.

It was never a good idea to try to edit such compressed files. Now that everyone is working in HD it has become almost imposible. I convert my files to AVI first using the free version of Resolve. The reason I use Resolve is because I like their color grading software and it converts my MP4 to AVI when I'm done. the program I linked to above does the same without the color grading aspect. You WILL need more HDD space. Allot more. The price of SSD's has come way down and I recommend at least a 500GB version.
What video format are you trying to edit?

You may want to check out this link.

I also had a problem trying to edit from a slow HDD. I edit everything off of a SSD in AVI format and it's smooth as silk.

Trying to edit compressed files (MP4, etc) becomes a problem. I color grade and convert all my files first, then into PD.

Yes, the new files take up allot more space, hence the new 480GB SSD.
Truthfully, it's MUCH easier to build your own today and you'll get allot more bang for your buck. Prebuilt always skimps on something.
Build your own.
I HIGHLY recommend you get yourself a Blue Ray burner. You won't get true HD without it.
I was rendering 1080 video with color correction and I was using over 8GB.
Just saying.
My guess is not enough memory
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