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Power Director 14 Constantly Crashes
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So I recently updated to Power Director 14. I have been working on a video for the past couple weeks but have been experiencing sporadic and very frequent crashes. It is a complete and sudden dump to the desktop with this message:

This happens mostly while I am in the editing window, but not always. The specfic moments I can remember the program crashing are while editing a transition, splitting a video or audio file, adding effects, while editing key frames, during rendering, while dragging a video or audio file to the timeline, adding a file to the media library, etc. There doesn't appear to be a rhyme or reason to it and I will go long stretches with no crashes only to have the program go on a crashing spree where I can't edit at all without being booted. Usually when this happens I give up and reboot which sometimes helps.

I will note though that most of the footage I am editing is 1080p 60fps, so it is taxing on the system. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling PD 14 to no avail or discernable difference. My video card drivers are also fully up to date as well as Direct X which is version 11.

I would like to also note that I upgraded from Power Director 12, which I also experienced crashes with but not at the level I am having with 14. I may also add that I have changed nothing about my system from 12 to 14. Still exactly the same PC. Here are the specs and info outlined in the forum guide:

-Power Director version #14.0.2302.0 (should be the newest version)

-Diagnostic Files are attached to this post, including the 64-bit specs. But here are my general PC's specs anyway:

1) Windows 7 Professional 64-bit

2) 32 gigs of RAM

3) i7-3770 Quad core 3.4 Ghz

4) Nvidia Geforce GTX 680 2 gigs of RAM

5) Kingston 225 Gig SSD (which PD and Windows run on) and a 3 TB drive for storage of video

My processor and video card are about 2 years old but I can't see a quadcore i-7 with 32 gigs of RAM and a solid mid range video card having trouble running Power Director, or even 1080p 60fps video. When I am actually able to edit footage the program runs very smoothly, but the crashes are what is killing it for me.

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Zack DxDiag.txt
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604 time(s)
Zack 64DxDiag.txt
36 Kbytes
531 time(s)

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at Jan 02. 2016 20:15

tomasc [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 25, 2011 12:33 Messages: 6464 Offline
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Greetings Aggro Sky, Welcome to the forum. See this link on what others do to fix this problem: .

Let us know if this help.
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I tried and so far so good. I will update in a few days once I am sure it fixed the problem. Thanks for the tip!
Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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Uninstall GeForce Experience or install an earlier driver.
Your Nvidia Driver is: Driver Version:
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I uninstalled GeForce Experience (which honestly I wasn't really fond of anyway) and edited for about 4 hours last night with no crashes! This seems to have fixed the problem. Thank you so much for the help!
Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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Just don't be a stranger on the forum. Add some feedback and share your experience.
Samuli [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Dec 26, 2013 13:57 Messages: 3 Offline
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Starting with a pending December (2015) update to GeForce Experience, NVIDIA will be changing the way they will distribute their driver updates. Nvidia currently posts new drivers on a regular basis to their website while also simultaneously pushing them out via GeForce Experience. Come December starting pending that update, this format will changing. GeForce Experience will be the preferred “first access” distribution mechanism for NVIDIA’s frequent driver updates. That means Nvidia will shove GeForce Experience down your throat whether you like it or not.

So it is mandatory Nvidia Geforce users to use the experience like it or not. I hope that Cyberlink will fix this issue shortly. I will post this forum thread to Geforce forum to get attention to the problem.
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Hey Dafydd B, I've been looking for this solution since I got a new computer in February. THANK YOU SO MUCH. This fixed the problem right off the hop. Everything loads faster too. Grazie my friend, grazie.
[Post New]
Well i have the same problem with PD14. After uninstalling GeForce Experience it still crashes. Same with earlier drivers. This problem is really frustrating. Im editing 4k videos only, so i have to convert it in Magic+PD and get 30GB files and yet i can't do anything cause of the crashes. Does anybody know if it also happens in PD15? Im getting really tired of this and it feels like complete waste of money...

Im working on:
GeForce GTX 880 4GB
Intel® Core™ i7 - 4700HQ
[Post New]
You can select custom install when installing the Nvidia driver. Then uncheck Geforce Experience. I also uncheck 3D drivers and audio drivers since I don't use any of that. Also, you want to CHECK perform a clean install. Asus X79-Deluxe, Intel i7-4930K, EVGA GTX 980ti, G.Skill memory 16GB, Corsair HX1000 PSU, OCZ Vertex4 SSD, OCZ Vector180 480GB, (2)Western Digital Black 1TB(RAID0), Western Digital 2TB, LG Blue Ray Burner, Lite-on DVD Burner, Logitech G19 keyboard, Window
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Skibum I did exactly what you said and it didn't help at all. PD14 still crashes.
MrJoshua [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jul 05, 2014 21:26 Messages: 19 Offline
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I have Same issue, i can reproduce it 100% everytime
If i try to adjust video speed of a clip does not matter if its 1 3 5 10 sec or a min using powertools as soon as i press OK in the Video speed Meny its Good by Power director 14 and Hello Desktop Very ANNOYING since the PWD 14 is not exactly cheap, and ofc when i bought it 1 month ago or something PWD 15 hit the street next day i tried the trial NO Crashing
I bet it will not be fixed in PWD 14 because then no one would upgrade or buy Version 15
Annoys me a bit the constant crash in Video speed
ofc it crashes constant in other menu's to
But this one i can Reproduce 100% everytime i can fire up pwd 14 go straight to powertools video speed and it will crash as soon as i click okay strange it does not crash trying out different speeds in the menu ofc its "temp" so must be related to when its saved.
And since i can Reproduce it 100% Cyberlink must know there is a problem why else does PWD 15 trial not crash in Video speed
It just crashes every where else but i can live with that
PWD has always crashed i started with Vesion 11 i think trial and every trial up until i bought PWD 14 has crashed.
But as i said feel a bit ripped of because Version 15 does not have that problem but i will not upgrade to 15 after spending a small fortune on 14 1 month ago.
I hope it will be fixed but my belief says it will not cost to much to fix properly and like most company's if hardware or software has a major malfunction its cheeper to ignore and make a new Version.
But overall i am happy with all my Cyberlink products
if only my MS remote RC6 would work properly in PD 16
i hate when a movie ends it does not goto library but stays at the big play button AND its not possible to use Remote to get to library have to use mouse to click i really hate that since my PC is connected to my 40 inch LCD so i have to keep a wireless mouse handy really Cyberlink you could make a setting to select where to go when movie stops does not take much of an effort to have a box you can tick if you want to return to library shame on you.
But that is my only annoyance with PD16 "almost" if you do not select a movie in library Remote does not work no moving between movie have all my "legal" movies backed up to 2x 3TB HD so always have to keep wireless mouse by the sofa annoying
MrJoshua [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jul 05, 2014 21:26 Messages: 19 Offline
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PS to post above i have not tried uninstalling Geforce experience and i really should not have to since PWD 15 works in the video speed menu
Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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Hi new posters,

This thread was started in January 2016 and the OP's issue was resolved with information that related to GeForce Experience and to the driver he used at that time.

For those with a new different/similar issue, please start a new topic of your own. From my experience at answering issues and such, one should never assume your problem is the same as someone elses, starting a new topic ensures members give your issue the fullest attention. Start a New Topic today please.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Oct 20. 2016 04:41

mead650 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Aug 13, 2017 16:06 Messages: 3 Offline
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I am also having that same issues Power Director 14

I have

GPU: Intel HD Graphics 5500

Clocks 847 MHz

Ram: 6 gigabytes ddr3

Chipset Intel Broadwell-U

Southbridge: Intel ID9CC5

Processor: Intel Core i3 5005U, Socket 1168 gba
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