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Ok. I guess I should RTFM. (read the freacking manual!!) I used my sony and was able to burn the BD after I selected the region.

Why do they require you to select regions? I have used regular external DVD burners and have never had to do that. I don't know if they tell you to do that in the manual since I don't seem to read them!

Thanks for looking that up for me, and if you have an answer to my question please let me know.

Here are all three together. I found why I didn't think I was able to send more than one at a time. The horizontal slide bar at the bottom was "hidden" on my screen and I couldn't see "Add another file" option.
Having trouble listing more than one attachment at a time. Will try the other two on this post
I first tried using a Sony Blue ray burner, Model BDX-S600U. It would begin the burning process, but at the very end it would tell me the burn was unsuccessful with an error code that I didn't record.

I then tried using my Samsung burner, I did go in and select the region under the Device Manager for this drive. I have not done that with the Sony yet to see if that works.

About an year ago I burned a Blue ray with one of these burners and got along fine?

Thanks in advance for all the help I know you guys give!
I resolved the issue. In the content tab, I unintentionally imported a copy of what my project was. This created the issue I was having.
Sorry I didn't include a screen shot, but thanks for the response.

I am all of a sudden getting an extra page, after the main page, that has two introduction selections. When I look at the actual tree it shows the main screen, then an introduction screen which splits. The first path is the project as I always see it, and the second path just duplicates it.

You probably are aware of what I am describing, but to clarify, that on the second page of playing the video you are getting two introduction selections, and which ever selection I pick will play my project. It's just that it is doubling the size of the project and creating a problem for the client.


Scott Wright
Attached is another view of the editing section.
I had noticed on another .pds file that when I opened it, it was asking for pictures that are part of the sample library. So I found another file that was saved that just asked of the actual videos part of the original project.

Thanks for the response Jerry. When I click on the .pds file in where the project was auto saved too, it opens PD10 and then it is in the warning box that says something about file not found and gives the options to browse, ignore, or ignore all. Where it lists the file not/video file, I browsed for it, clicked on it and then opened it. Then in the warning box PD10 proceeds to open the project until it warns again of file not found. I repeated this process until the project was opened. Once opened I then end up with the project displayed, title screens, transitions, etc. but the video part is black.

I feel I am close to resolving this.
I went to the autosaved files, found the project, clicked on it to open PD10. Then the window saying to browse for the specific file/files, which I did. The library loaded all the correct videos, but the timeline is still black where the video belongs.
Not sure what my next step should be. I did try to place the video in the timeline and overwrite it, but that didn't work.
I have tried the steps you recommended. When I click on the file in autosave area it opens pd10 and then asks me to "browse" the location for the video files. When I do this, following the path you spelled out... use\computer name\...etc. I find the folders, but nothing in them? Dafydd, if you happen to have GoToMeeting software, would you be willing to take a look at what's going on? This project is so extremely important I need to do all I can, or will start from scratch and get way behind on other work.
I didn't see your post just after where I answered stevek. I will try that link, and your instructions. Again, thanks so much for staying with this, and patience with me.
Here is a screen shot right after opening the .pds file. I kept trying to figure out why the sample library was displaying each time I opened it, but now realize that the message that was to pop up asking me what to do with the files may actually happened and I clicked on it, somehow causing the sample library to merge with the project.
I may have to see if carbonite has overwritten the file yet in the backup of my hard drive?
This isn't the issue. The project .pds file, which I guess contains all the "instructions" on how I edited the video and title screens, etc shows on the timeline, but I can't get it to integrate the video, that is in the library, to display the finished project.
Thanks for the response, and maybe this explanation will give you an idea to help me fix this.
Thank so much Dafydd. The only thing I guess not happening is I don't get the message popping up when I open the PDS file? I guess this is why I am not getting it to work.
Is there a solution at all to this problem if the message asking me how to handle the file isn't showing?

Thanks again for sticking with me in helping with this.
Thanks to all that responded to my request for help. I have tried to follow all suggestions but can't seem to resolve this. I think I will go ahead and pay for the phone support, but really dislike my previous experience dealing with them.

Thanks for the response Carl. I am trying to find more detail at adding "buttons per page." In the Create Disk area in the window with all the menus, look in the lower right area and you will see the box I am referring too. This is where, if it is editable, will allow you to change how many chapters appear in each section of the menu structure.
I have changed this before on a simple menu I created a long time ago, but forgot where I did it at, and can't seem to find it now.
Thanks again, and if you understand what I am talking about, please let me know if you have any ideas.
How can I add more buttons per page, or have more chapters per menu section. I can't find where to change this on downloaded templates, or on any I try to create. Please help.

Thanks guys, I will give this a try. Sorry for the confusion on pds files, but uncertain of some of the correct terminology.
Attached is the jay 5-1-12 file that has the .pds ext. In the background are the folders that contain the video. I tried to open the .pds file from PD that fills in the timeline. Then I placed the video in the library, and from there I tried to place on the timeline, but of course it didn't work.

I may wait a little bit and see if one of you has a chance to respond now that I have "tried" to clarify what I attempted to do. After rereading your suggestions I am still a little confused.

Thanks again.
Thank you for the responses. I still can't seem to get things to work. I have my .pds file in the timeline and then I have my media in the library, but if I try to place the media on the timeline it just wants to overwrite whats there?
Had to reinstall OS Win. 7 64bit, and reinstall PD10. Original video, and projects, backed up on external drive. Have moved all to computer hard drive. When I open the project all title pages and transitions, etc. are there, but where the timeline for video is black.

How do I get the video to show up on the time line? (Just thinking, I may not have yet transferred the actual project to hard drive? but would this affect my issue?)

Thanks for the responses. I am trying to upload through PD using the other persons sign in. I know it is correct because I created it for her and I have signed in and out of the account on youtube using the info.

I will transfer it to another file and try from there.

Again thank you
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