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i had to use the FFMPEG like Tomasc to correct PD's aspect ratio of 16:9 to 2.39:1 for YT. ^^

why don't you make VirtualDub tutorials and upload to your YT channel so dummies like us can learn from it?
sorry, i went to public school... ^^

happy happy joy joy

'garbage in garbage out'
Quote ... going to do a format and a fresh install of Windows 10 on wednesday. When that is done I will have to see if this solves my issues. ...

your w7 is fine.
i don't know if you can still get a free upgrade to wX???

what i would do is clone the hard drive then with cloned w7 go to Here's how you can still get a free Windows 10 upgrade from zdnet. upgrade to wX for free! ^^ this way your will have w7 and wX like me.

looking at your DxDiag you still got some steam to do 4K. do not read between lines or read too fast. look at my signature block and you'll see my comps(computers). it's old as yours or older. GTX 760 is happy with nVidia drivers versions in 35x.xx or less. these drivers you can try at GTX960 Performance Comparisons . in the middle of TonyL is the blue underlined click here for the data sheet. look at the driver versions... yes, i had GTX 750Ti(well it's collecting dust right now).

your C drive needs more room. try and vacate much as you can to have more than 100GB space.

didn't you say that you have PD14??? if you do open a new thread in the Forum Index » PowerDirector (previous versions. we can start fresh.

happy happy joy joy

'garbage in garbage out'
Quote undecided I got myself PD18 ...

you could've used PD14.

Quote ... For reference I have enclosed a link to a testvideo (1.33 Beastgrip lens)...

sample video is not a 1.33x squeeze.

happy happy joy joy

'garbage in garbage out'
Quote ... I may resort to your directions after trying Optodata's technique ...

likewise i've uploaded howto and rendered videos to Youtube. it'll be up for about 7 days and will be deleted with your permission. ^^

Update (04052020):
how to desqueeze decompress 1.33x Anamorphic AR with PowerDirector 파워디렉터 1.33배 압축 해제:

changing 16:9 to 2.39:1 Aspect Ratio Cinemascope w FFmpegYAG 에프에프엠팩야그로 비디오 속성변경:

what the freak?! created 2.39:1 AR videos but when i've uploaded to YouTube, Youtube processed as 16:9 AR???
corrected PD14's 16:9 AR to 2.39:1 AR using FFMPEG! (03272020)

Update (04122020):
desqueeze decompress 1.33x Anamorphic w PowerDirector & change Aspect Ratio w FFmpegYAG 파워디렉터및 에프에프엠팩야그로 종횡비 변경:

oh happy happy joy joy

'garbage in garbage out'
here's Profile.ini difference between PD14 and 18.

pd12-14 profile.ini

<Class>MPEG-4 AVC
3840x1606 30p
a 192Kb/sec v 37.0Mb/sec
<Output FileName>
<File Format Class>11
<Video Format Class>8
<Audio Format Class>10
<Stream Flag>3
<Field Order>0
<Video BitRate>37000000
<Min BitRate>27750000
<Max BitRate>37500000
<Video Quality>0
<Video Width>3840
<Video Height>1606
<Frame Rate>29.969999
<Profile Level>65380
<Pre Processing>0
<Flip Video>0
<Speed Quality Indicator>6
<Encoder Mode>0
<App Type>2
<Dynamic GOP>0
<Encoder Type>32
<Audio Layer>2
<Audio Mode>2
<Audio BitRate>192000
<Audio Channels>2
<Audio SamplesPerSec>1
<Audio BitsPerSample>1

lowlands pd18 profile.ini

<Class>MPEG-4 HEVC
<Name>2.39:1 4K/24p
3840x1606 24p
<Output FileName>
<File Format Class>11
<Video Format Class>10
<Audio Format Class>10
<Stream Flag>3
<Field Order>0
<Video BitRate>50000000
<Min BitRate>37500000
<Max BitRate>50500000
<Video Quality>0
<Video Width>3840
<Video Height>1606
<Frame Rate>23.976000
<Profile Level>65380
<Pre Processing>0
<Flip Video>0
<Speed Quality Indicator>6
<Encoder Mode>0
<App Type>2
<Dynamic GOP>0
<Encoder Type>32
<Audio Layer>2
<Audio Mode>2
<Audio BitRate>192000
<Audio Channels>2
<Audio SamplesPerSec>1
<Audio BitsPerSample>1

anybody wants to try my pd12-14 profile.ini with nVidia 411.70 driver???

happy happy joy joy

'garbage in garbage out'
sorry. duplicate post.
powerdirector does not work with all versions of the nVidia drivers!

Pd 10 v285.77
Pd 12-14 v390.65 & 411.70 <- in my comps.

for .MOV container, one must install QT(QuickTime) codecs. you can install QT for windows then uninstall Web Support because of security threat or QT Lite or QT Alt.

Windows Media Player is for .WMV container.

K-Lite for others...

i had a same error message as 2bskyhi did and reinstalled v390.65 for wX for my windows 10 was upgraded from w7.
after that no problems for me. error messages and HA.

double check HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cyberlink\CES_FunctionLogger\Data is of value 0x00000000 (0).

me happy happy joy joy

'garbage in garbage out'
Quote ... already updated my Nvidia GPU drivers, but your Nvidia driver link includes the GeForce Experience; which I would rather not install since I never do any video games. ...

you don't have to. i don't play all the time but occasionally, just uncheck it. you have nVidia driver version 441.45 installed. go ahead and install 411.70(just graphic and audio drivers) and K-lite basic pack. you might even have to install QT if you get the same error messages.

Quote ... I hope this doesn't get too confusing with the 2 of you helping me at the same time...

it's up to you which method is more convenient...

happy happy joy joy

'garbage in garbage out'
hey chris.
i didn't have any problems with windows 7 comps that i have, but windows 10 upgraded desktop had same error message and profile level 65281... MediaInfo displayed that yours is 3840x2160 H.265 HEVC .MP4 container video.

update your video drivers to nVidia Driver 411.70 and some codecs K-Lite Codec Pack (basic or standard is good enough...)
do not install GeForce Experience. in the past it's been known to crash PD and or your PC.

see if this helps.

happy happy joy joy

'garbage in garbage out'
oops. i'm little late but able to down load the sample.

happy happy joy joy

'garbage in garbage out'
Quote ... Got any other ideas? ...

i'd like to ask your Dxdiag txt file, a copy of Profile.ini and a sample from your Mavic 2 Pro H.265 DLog-M footage.

meanwhile you can try Optodata suggestion.

sometimes i had an experience where i got the message but second click on the produce with the error message it began to render...

happy happy joy joy

'garbage in garbage out'
if the RegEdit works then go back to Preference and enable HA. produce and if you don't get the error message then you're all set.

happy happy joy joy

'garbage in garbage out'
it's at the top of the Workspace next to set project 16:9 or 4:3 aspect ratio. it looks a like a wheel...

happy happy joy joy

'garbage in garbage out'
Quote ... Profile Level when set to 65380. When set to 65380, I get a message that says, "Production Unsuccesful. Please ensure your graphics card driver is up to date, and updated to the latest version of Windows Media Player. You can also try to output in a different video format." ...

go back to Profile.ini and change back to 65380 then in PD Preference disable ALL HA. render... if YES, have a lotsa fun. NO, go to and or

and or

WARNING - messing with registry is bad for your wallet, proceed with extreme caution at your own peril.
me, myself and I isn't responsible or the Cyberlink of your mutated DNA(your non-responding computer).
do not blame my poor grammar, either.

alright then, now we got that warning statement out of the way... ^^

go to Start> Run and type regedit. run regedit.exe.
find the key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cyberlink\CES_FunctionLogger\Data.
all the listed entries should be of value 0x00000000 (0). If any of them is(1) not(0) then change it to 0.
close the registry.

cross your fingers. may the force be with you(music in the background is getting louder...).
open the PD and render. no more Production Unsuccesful yada yada yada... ???

happy happy joy joy

'garbage in garbage out'
Quote ...I don't have any squeezed media clips at the moment ...

you can download a sample from Vimeo Kickstarter Video Outtake - Beach Gazebo (Unedited file) (Fair Use Copyright!). i used this one to desqueeze 1.33x anamorphic videos. i've downloaded HD sample and made a 1280x536 resolution 2.39:1 aspect ratio videos using modified Profile.ini...

Quote ... If this is just a one time effort that you can keep using It may be the solution.

answer is yes for each resolution(seperate profiles) that you'll be producing. i.e. 3840x1606, 1920x802, 1280x536, or any 2.39:1 AR etc... just like my youtube tutorial.

Quote ... Presently I have PD 14 and ...

you can use PD14. i used PD10 and have 12 & 14.

try it you'll love it. ^^

happy happy joy joy

'garbage in garbage out'
Quote ... way to desqueeze anamorphic video in PD 18?

easy is dependent on the user... here's a tutorial. applies to PD10 and later versions. desqueeze decompress 1.33x Anamorphic squeeze using PD 10Ultra and later versions. <- this is part 1 only(update 04122020).

update: 04122020
this updated tutorial supercedes above tutorial. desqueeze decompress 1.33x Anamorphic w PowerDirector & change Aspect Ratio w FFmpegYAG 파워디렉터및 에프에프엠팩야그로 종횡비 변경:
it is two step processes and this tutorial includes both part 1 and 2.

happy happy joy joy

'garbage in garbage out'
welcome to the forum.

try installing ffdshow codecs and or k-lite codec pack . see if this helps. you might also need to install Div-x and Quicktime for windows . do not install 'web support for Quicktime'. OR Quicktime alternative .

if the quicktime installs the 'web support' then uninstall it. just 'web support'.

happy happy joy joy

'garbage in garbage out'
bravo, tomasc.
you got a classic one eye brow raise from Spock! ^^

happy happy joy joy

'garbage in garbage out'
Quote ... the square on view of the keyboard but without losing anyh of the keys in the image...

science executive officer from the Star Trek would say 'it's illogical'

you can test it yourself. take a landscape picture and portrait picture. combine them. you'll see that only middle square overlaps. so wanting '...without losing anyh of the keys in the image' is IMPOSSIBLE.

next time take both ways.

no happy happy joy joy

'garbage in garbage out'
like tomasc said the thumbnails are part of the video and can not be recreated seperately; however, you can annotate a time and a description so that your viewers can go directly like so player x 02:34 , player y 05:55 , player z 09:30 etc.

marked times will appear in blue in the description/comment section of the video being played.

happy happy joy joy

'garbage in garbage out'

here's one from PowerDirector University and CyberLink tutorial .

happy happy joy joy

'garbage in garbage out'
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