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here's one from PowerDirector University and CyberLink tutorial .

happy happy joy joy

'garbage in garbage out'
thanks for sharing your little test.
i'm assuming FHD AVC .MP4 container. can you do an another test? change AVC to HEVC same resolution(FHD) and same container. also info on the driver versions(os, mobo, cpu, gpu, mem speed, etc).

we're in a 8K time; however, some people are still stuck in HD wormhole. i'm at a 4K blackhole gravity. ^^

happy happy joy joy

'garbage in garbage out'
4K burning is on the Cyberlink to do-wish list for about 4 years. here's the Eugene is Huge ^^ (Eugene157) old posts...

UHD 4k Blu-ray Disc Creation , Why is there no UHD Blu Ray Disc burning?? , and Re:Any 4K burning software yet?, The answer is yes, sort off, in a way... .

and any landscape resolution not supported by the PD, you can create by modifying the Profile.ini...

oh happy happy joy joy

'garbage in garbage out'
try this. of course you have to use the notepad...

YT new

Custom Profile -4
<video class="" width="300" height="150">8
<Audio Format Class>8
<Stream Flag>3
<Field Order>0
<Video BitRate>20000000 -> 40000000
<Min BitRate>10000000 -> 15000000 -> 30000000
<Max BitRate>20500000 -> 40500000
<Video Quality>0
<Video Width>2560 -> same
<Video Height>1440 -> same
<Frame Rate>23.976000
<Profile Level>65380
<Pre Processing>0
<Flip Video>0
<Speed Quality Indicator>6
<Encoder Mode>0
<App Type>2
<Dynamic GOP>1
<Encoder Type>128
<Audio Layer>2
<Audio Mode>16 -> 2
<Audio BitRate>640000 -> 384000(384Kb/sec)
<Audio Channels>6 -> 2
<Audio SamplesPerSec>1
<Audio BitsPerSample>1
<Class>MPEG-4 AVC

your video bitrate is only 20Mb/sec for a 2.5K resolution. i'd double it to 40Mb/sec ???

happy happy joy joy

'garbage in garbage out'</video></output>
how are ya, phil?

well, here's short explanation. it's all about Children's Online Privacy Protection Act. read PDR365 and Youtube optodata has good examples and You tube deliberately blocking all PD users? .

for now, if it doesn't work for you then you must upload manually to your account and answer the questions asking to label the videos if the contents are made for kids.

happy happy joy joy

'garbage in garbage out'
no, it's called Children's Online Privacy Protection Act and monetizing YouTube videos if one can.

BarrytheCrab, Sonic67 etc had lengthy discussions about PD users here in this forum about PD EULA in the past... WMV container is the only one one can monetize through YouTube using PD.

then the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act was violated by the Google and paid the price of $170,000,000.00.

now the Google(YouTube) is saying to all content creators to comply with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act. if not Google is warning everyone the individuals will pay the fines($10,000.00 per each violation) after September 2019. Google will not pay and so is the CyberLink for one's ignorance.

so BLUF is create in WMV container and upload through your YouTube account and answer if the videos are made for kids or not.
when the crap hits the fan don't blame anybody including CyberLink. all i can say is i(Tomasc, too) told you so.

have a wonderful day.

happy happy joy joy

'garbage in garbage out'
it might have fixed then it might not have. does it ask to label the videos if the contents are made for kids???

it all came from the FTC judgement($170 million) against Google parent company of YouTube. Tomasc has mentioned about this but PD users are ignorant of the fact.

it's all about Children's Online Privacy Protection Act. any and all videos you've uploaded to the YouTube must declare that the videos are either made for kids or not. if Youtube uploader refused to comply with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act or mislabeling the videos(and or none) then there will be fines($10,000 per violation) levied against individual not CyberLink and or Google(YouTube). on top of that don't forget the legal and court fees, too.

if the videos are monetized then it'll be automatiically demonetized per YouTube policy dated Jan2020 or after Sep2019.

i have to label all my videos on my channel to no kids and do not block under age 18, it's made for all ages etc.

if your videos are uploaded through CyberLink then i strongly suggest visit your YouTube channels and label properly each uploaded videos...

happy happy joy joy

'garbage in garabge out'
welcome to the forum.

use Full Feature Editor. after editing your files in Easy Editor, when you're ready to produce it'll be in Full Feature Editor anyway.

you need to do Read Me Before Posting - Suggestions to Get the Best Results . at least a DxDiag.txt and the PD version to further guides you.

happy happy joy joy

'garbage in garbage out'
if you want 4:3 aspect ratio videos to look 16:9 then you must use Set Clip Attributes- Set Aspect Ratio... you have to stretch the original videos.

and you're upscaling 720x576 resolution to 1280x720 with too high video bitrate like Tomasc have said.

example. just draw a black thick line on the balloon and start to blow air into it. correct air pressure(video bitrate) for the balloon is 6-8Mb/sec. to maintain the thick black line look...
first you had a small balloon(SD) then you've blew it up to bigger balloon(HD) without noticing the that black line has become a dark grey in color??? 30-40Mb/sec...

create a custom profile at 1280x720 8-10Mb/sec and see if it's acceptable quality.
if you don't want to create a custom profile then just use the PD recommended video bitrate at 1280x720 16Mb/sec.
it is far more than the captured video bitrates.

happy happy joy joy

'garbage in garbage out'
if you have a huge external drive or a thumb drive, then just 'Pack Project Materials...' drop down menu under FILE in workspace.
save to a folder of your choice PD will pack(copy) everything. you don't have to do anything else.

just remember that FAT32 supports single file size upto 4GB. exFat and or NTFS can support files bigger than 4GB.

do a test project...

happy happy joy joy

'garabeg in garbage out'
welcome back.

Quote ... Is there a way to print all components of a video project in PowerDirector 15? ...

no. but this will be helpful to you. Basic Editing Techniques 6: Backing up Projects .

happy happy joy joy.

'garbage in garbage out'
^^ laughing

happy happy joy joy

'garbage in garbage out'
welcome back.

if you've registered your copy of PD16 then it's located at home>member>product & services>manage my products with a key symbol. click on the key symbol and it'll reveal the product key...

if not then What can I do if I lost my product key?.

happy happy joy joy

'garbage in garbage out'
Quote ... But that's not what I intended to do right now.

okay. i've done that. press produce and go to sleep. wake up in the morning, cut grass and little bit later in the aftenoon the video is finished! meanwhile i prayed no power outtages during that time...
since i am the bottleneck, i still use dell xps to edit then use the ryzen 7 for final rendering.

Quote ...
going back to your original ?
i'd recommend minimum GTX 1060 6G or GTX 1050Ti 4G or GTX 1660 6G(this is the better choice). ...

GTX 1660 6G ^^

happy happy joy joy

'garbage in garbage out'
welcome to the forum.

DvD's resolution is 640x480 or 720x480 SD.

if you're creating to play the AVCHD DvD in your Blu-ray players then the resolution can go higher either 1280x720 HD or 1920x1080 FHD which PowerDirector is capable of. DvD players will not be able to play AVCHD DvDs!

happy happy joy joy

'garbage in garbage out'
welcome to the forum.
i hope you're not kidding. you have an old desktop.

your i7-950 cpu speed score from is 5533.
your video card speed score from is 1087. by the way it's same site.

my 9 years old dell XPS has a tad faster cpu than yours(see signature block). originally had i7-2720qm. upgraded to i7-2860QM.
my FX-8370E desktop is slightly faster. cpu speed score is 7871 and gpu(GTX 960 2G) speed score is 5839.
my newer desktop ryzen 7 2700X is a lot faster. cpu speed score is 16928 and gpu(GTX 1060 6G) speed score is 9098.

a rough AVC H.264 video rendering speed difference between dell xps and fx is about 10 minutes and ryzen 7 to fx is about half. if fx takes an hour to do then ryzen 7 does it in half an hour!

if you haven't looked at GTX960 Performance Comparisons then read for your reference and don't forget to Click here to access the data sheet. only advantage i have on ryzen 7 cpu is rendering HEVC H.265. all will come to a crawl speed whereas ryzen 7 is like move out the way please...

going back to your original ?
i'd recommend minimum GTX 1060 6G or GTX 1050Ti 4G or GTX 1660 6G(this is the better choice).
it's not the gpu but faster cpu will lessen the pain using the PD.

an old soldier never dies but it'll have to fade away...

happy happy joy joy

'garbage in garbage out'
welocme to the forum.
Quote ... related software to Capture full motion video from an external source via USB... .

your work around might be these previous posts Many Tapes to Archive and Converting analog videos to digial using PowerDirector 16 .

happy happy joy joy

'garbage in garbage out'
welcome to the forum.

Quote ... images were now rotated 90 degress ...

your work around is maybe the last post by Adrian on Rotating problem with imported pics query .

happy happy joy joy

'garbage in garbage out'
for those who wants to download full versions of Windows Movie Maker which is part of Windows Essentials 2012 can be downloaded at Wayback Machine...

Major Geeks dotcom has Windows Live Essentials 16.4.3528 available for download, too.

happy happy joy joy

'garbage in garbage out'
Quote ... downloaded WinDv ...

well i didn't. here's WinDV files.

happy happy joy joy

'garbage in garbage out'
welcome to the forum.

Quote ... Is there any work-around for this hang up?...

your answer is similar to this Many Tapes to Archive . WinDV can be downloaded from WinDV v1.2.3 free Download .

happy happy joy joy

'garbage in garbage out'
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