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I just tried and increased it to 1000 bit rate seemed to work better.

I have been a PD user since PD5. I really like how user friendly everything is! I do have a question to anyone out there about quality of video.

When I insert a video(mpeg) that has already been made, then add some text to it or effects everything looks great! Now keep in mind the video I insert is very high quality and high resolution. However, when I produce a video file the quality of my video is like day and night.

When I play the original video(without PD7) through a projector onto a screen the quality is flawless. However, when I produce the same video that is high quality through PD7 it is like I said "day and night." Looks terrible!

Am I not doing something right, or has anyone else had this issue?

PS. I am not taking a video and making it higher resolution than the original. I am keeping it the same and sometimes even smaller. What is the deal?
Every time I preview my video in the "preview mode" it is dim and very hard to see. Anyone else?
OK........I just ran a test to see if it worked on mine. It did work. Here is what I did:

Insert pictures into movie time line>
Select all pictures in the movie time line>(select the first picture then scroll to the end of the time line hold shift and select the last picture.....this will select all)
On the left hand side right above the time line there is a "slideshow" button> Is that what you have been selecting?>
Select slide show button>
Select the motion theme>
then play movie to see

Please forgive me if you have already been trying this route.
If this does not work you will more than likely need to do a uninstall/reinstall
Did you try any other magic motion templates? There are several different themes that have different and unique effects.

Example.......sports, original, romance, etc.
What exactly are you wanting it to do?
I am not sure I understand............Is there anything else you can tell me.
if you have a friend that has vista, I would try to install on another machine and see what happens.
what I do sometimes is split the audio from the video.

select the video in timeline
right click - split audio

This will allow you to manual sync it up.
Try this link

You will probably need to create a user account if you do not have one already.

Hope this helps.
Does anyone know if there is a way to export just the audio in
Power Director 6?
Your specs meet the minimum requirements. However, I would suggest hooking yourself up with some more ram. Make sure that PD is the only thing running when you are editing. Check your processes to really make sure.

Even if you are not finished just cerate disc and make sure that the sync problem is still there. Make sure you save it as another name(test) so you do not mess up your original project. Hope this helps.


What are your computers specs?

Just for fun, have you tried to create the disc and view it in a DVD player?
As long as you have an editing software (Power Director) that accepts High Definition video you are good to go.

Your specs are fine.
The first thing that comes to mind might be a long way, but will work for what you are trying to accomplish.
To save an individual clip:
1. Highlight all clips that you do not want in the time line.
2. Delete the clips selected and it should leave you with one single clip.
3. **VERY IMPORTANT** Save as- (another file name) This will keep your original project and allow you to save the current project as another name.
4. From then on you can produce/create disc.

Hope this helps

Another thing I do is select each clip, right click and go to properties and change the alias for easier organization in the time line.
There are two ways to upload your video: by using our Single File Uploader and the YouTube Uploader. Depending on which upload method you choose, your videos can be up to 100MB or up to 1GB.

Videos uploaded through YouTube's Single File Uploader have to be under the 100MB file size limit. The longer the video is, the more compression will be required to fit it into that size. For that reason, most videos on YouTube are under five minutes long and there is a 10-minute length limit for all videos.

You can compress your video using movie editors, like Windows MovieMaker or Apple iMovie. Programs like these allow you to edit your videos, add soundtracks, and compress file sizes.

If you choose to use the YouTube Uploader, your video can be up to 1GB in size.

Same rule should apply when uploading from Power Director to You Tube.

So make sure your video is under 100 MB. If you want to upload a larger file I think you will need to go and use the You Tube uploader. You are able to upload up to 1 GB.
Have you tried to produce the movie then go to you tube and see if it will work this way.

Also, how large of a file is it?
See if this will help
OK......Somewhat of a breakthrough!!!

I just created a new disc. I allowed it to play all the way through in my DVD player. This time at the end of the video it went to the menu.....And everything was fine after that. I have tried multiple DVD players just to rule that out. So, now I am thinking there is a setting that got changed and I am hoping it is a click of a button. So, I am assuming that I have a setting somewhere on there that automatically plays movie when inserted. Does anyone know of this??
Thanks. I will go through the process and write down exactly what I am doing in order to provide the best information. I will post it this evening. Thanks for your help.

By the way, I use Sonar 7 Producer to change formats of audio. I usually produce the audio as a .wav file simply for that fact of a little better quality. However, I have no objections to changing it to mp3.

Oh yeah........I am just using a template for the menu. It is the "memories" menu.
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