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How do you save individual clips?
John [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Mar 12, 2008 17:14 Messages: 7 Offline
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OK, I have been editing the Little League video for one of my son's games. I have trimmed down and split several actions segments of video from the game, and I would like to save each segment as a separate file. See image of video track:

In Ulead VideoStudio, all I do is highlight one of the video segments in the video track, then select CLIP / SAVE TRIMMED VIDEO off the top line menu. Very simple.

Unfortunately, with PD6 I do not see any option that lets me save each segment to a separate file. This is a problem, as I would like to mix up video segments to match types of plays (like base stealing) or to match clips up with a specific song. Right now, it looks like all I am able to do is trim down the entire video (containing all the various action clips) and save it as one complete file.

Can anyone tell me how I can save a video segment I have split & trimmed to a separate mpg file?

Chris [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Alabama Joined: Dec 31, 2007 11:49 Messages: 30 Offline
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The first thing that comes to mind might be a long way, but will work for what you are trying to accomplish.
To save an individual clip:
1. Highlight all clips that you do not want in the time line.
2. Delete the clips selected and it should leave you with one single clip.
3. **VERY IMPORTANT** Save as- (another file name) This will keep your original project and allow you to save the current project as another name.
4. From then on you can produce/create disc.

Hope this helps

Another thing I do is select each clip, right click and go to properties and change the alias for easier organization in the time line.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Mar 18. 2008 08:43

Through Christ,
John [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Mar 12, 2008 17:14 Messages: 7 Offline
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Thanks Chris. I tried that, and it does work. And I like the idea of renaming the aliases. But wow, what a major flaw in the program. I will have a total of 18 games to film, and I will be selecting various action shots from each game to put together into video/song clips for a team video. This is way too time consuming with the method available in PD6. Too bad, because I really like the way PD6 handles memory (much more stable than Ulead's VideoStudio).

What it looks like I will do is to capture video from my camcorder using PD6, then import the file into VideoStudio 11+ for editing. Hopefully Cyberlink will make this improvement in their next version so I can just keep the files there and do all editing.

Thanks again for the information. Much appreciated.

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