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What you are trying to do is not that complicated, if I understand you properly.

Have a look at this screen capture. I believe it shows what you're trying to do.

As AVPlayVideo said, you can only copy & paste keyframe attributes between videos/phots that have the same aspect ratio. Anything else will result in distortion.

Cheers - Tony
No problem Brad There's one attached.

As an easy (rough) guide for setting up 1:1 video in a 16:9 frame, just set your grid lines to 9x9. For 1:1, the 2 grids on each side will be cropped off. That's not exact, of course...

Using the overlay (attached) and repositioning your video is just another way to achieve the same result...

An easy way to create the square video is to produce as 16:9 in PDR, then use VLC Player to convert it. The steps are shown in this tutorial. It's simple & works - here's a little example I just uploaded to Facebook.

Cheers - Tony
Hi JoniH -

Ross is right - there is no HTML colour picker in PDR, so you need to use an external tool.

I use one called ColourPic, but it's not free anymore apparently. I find it more useful to have the tool onhand rather than uploading an image to a site. Oh hang on. Here's a free version but watch out for all the other rubbish on that site.

Alternatively, just take a snapshot - open it in graphics software & use the built in colour picker. Same result & you can match your colours properly.

Cheers - Tony
Hi cotsy -

I have an apology to make to you. When you suggested that changing particle size had an effect on colour, I questioned it & almost dismissed it. I was wrong.

After looking at your red pepper particle settings, I started testing various graphics in Particle Designer. What I found is that graphics containing a glow effect (like the shiny surface of the red pepper) definitely get washed out when the size is increased too much.

Typically, if particle size is set to 35 or less, with size variation set to 100 or less you wouldn't see any ill effects... but when it gets pushed past that you get that washed out effect.

The same does NOT apply to flat coloured objects.

Back to your red pepper particle... if you set the size at (say) 20 & the size variation at about 100, it'll be OK.

Cheers - Tony
WOW! optodata - just WOW! What a strange set of occurences.

Maybe they should ban us from being in the same discussion - more often than not we seem to come up with inconsistent findings.

My poor old PC, running PDR17.6.3004.0 (365 version) finally finished rendering Deinonych's original .MOV file with the "Scuba Diving" colour preset applied in CDR.

  1. Preview was available during production

  2. The produced file had the adjusted colour present

So - it may be a 365 (latest version) issue... or it may be hardware related... or wind direction/humidity... undecided

Cheers - Tony
DOH! Now I realise why it's taking so long... in the 365 test, I applied a colour preset (not a LUT) in CDR. This old PC is slow - but when rendering using colour presets it's ridiculous! i7 920 GTX260 should give you an indication.

Since I last posted, I've been outside and pressure cleaned about 60 square metres of mossy driveway... came back in and the thing is still less than half way through producing. The attached screenshot of PDR 365 shows the production preview.

That's all I've got, so far.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Deinonych & optodata -

I checked the original clip using the perpetual versions of PDR17 & CDR6, applying a LUT in both cases.

First I by-passed PDR & imported, adjusted & produced the video in CDR6. The colour adjustments are present in the produced video.

Next, I followed the steps you both took (above)... imported into PDR17 - sent to CDR6 for adjustment - returned to PDR17 to produce. The colour adjustments are present in the produced file.

Further to the above, neither CDR6 nor PDR17 produced the "lutted" videos in unusually quick time... AND there was preview during production.

I'm in the middle of testing the subscription version (PDR17.6) on a different PC & I'll post the results later (it's a very slow & ageing PC). I can report that there IS a preview during production & that it's NOT producing quickly at all!

Cheers - Tony
Holy kazoley - what a schemozzle!

Admittedly, some of the confusion is self-inflicted. Thanks, optodata, for pointing out my blunder with the OneDrive clip.

I downloaded the IGTV tests file and attempted to post the produced files on IGTV. Yes - they "uploaded", but they failed to post... even though yours clearly succeeded. Even the 16:9 screen capture bombed out.

Based on what you've posted, it's obviously not simply an issue with PDR's processing (as I was thinking earlier)... but I'm blowed if I know what it is!

I haven't tested the Facebook idea yet, but can't see how that would make a difference.

Cheers - Tony
Hi optodata -

I am intrigued by your statement:
I have no trouble loading clips from my Galaxy S8 or any clip I've produced with PD17 using the standard H.264 30p MP4 profile or a custom HD H.264 60p MP4 profile. Vertical and horizontal vids both work.

I am unable to make the same statement yell

Any 9:16 video I've attempted to upload to IGTV that's been processed by PDR17 fails.

Case in point: The video linked above... I downloaded it from your OneDrive and uploaded it to IGTV successfully. BUT - after running iot through PDR, using a standard profile selected by profile analyser, the upload FAILS to post. I've tried using Chrome, Edge & Firefox without success.

Not a clue - Tony
Changing the size affects the colour??? That's strange. It has no impact on colour here...

Could you also attach your original .png file?

Cheers - Tony
Hi cotsy -

Obviously that shouldn't be happening unless YOU tell it to!

One thing you might check in Particle Designer is whether you have any colour or fade options checked (down the bottom of parameters).

Here's a red hot particle I just made. The colours in the particle are the same as the original .png files used. Attached is one of the original PNGs if you'd like to test it in Particle Designer.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Jon -

What tomasc says is correct

If you have a look at this toot from about 6:35 you'll see it applied. The first part is about constructing the menu template.

Cheers - Tony
Hi again -

My recollection of that is "YES". There are probably more elegant ways to do it, but I just renamed the "nothing" file to "Sports".

Here's how you can trick it permanently (till you get a different version of PDR at least).

Attached is a file called "Sports.wma" (it's actually "nothing" in disguise)

  1. Go to C:\Program Files\CyberLink\PowerDirector17\Template\New\Audio (or whatever drive you have PDR installed)

  2. In the Audio folder, replace "Sports.wma" with the one I've attached.

Any new menu template you create will have (in effect) no audio background.

Cheers - Tony
Hi Dynochrome -

You're on the right track with your thinking - i.e. to remove or replace the "Sports.mp3" in the menu template folder. It works fine if you use a silent audio clip, rename it "Sports" and substitute it in the folder.

Lots of older PDR users, like me, went through that years ago... and I still have no idea who could ever possibly think that "Sports.mp3" might be a universally welcomed menu background music track yell My view would be "nothing" would be a better default.

Here are a couple of templates that contain a music track called "nothing" (it's silent). You can leave it as is, or replace the audio with your own selection. The .wav file is attached here for your listening pleasure laughing

6 menu buttons - no audio

12 menu buttons - no audio

Cheers - Tony
Hi starzar -

I don't have a clear idea of what you're trying to do, but the motion in the motion slideshow is absolutely customisable. After the template generates the slideshow, just click on Customize and you can reset the motion/duration for each image.

If you want something to loop - i.e. begin and end at the same point (without a hiccup) - there must be some work put in to do it precisely.

Making the sequence, then reversing it wouldn't work for your project???

create a car chase scene,with the backround image(png) looping from right to left

I can't even picture how that would look. Do you have a similar example?

Cheers - Tony
Hi optodata -

No PDR17 (or other) problems are evident here after installing the most recent 1903 update.

Cheers - Tony
Hi cotsy -

In Titler Pro it's labelled "Fade In" but it might be (more accurately) labelled "Fade", because the In/Out is only a function of where it's placed. That's what happens when you try tomasc's suggestion.

You can see that in this little screen capture, plus how the transition behaviour can be modified.

Cheers - Tony
Hi all -

My observations reflect some of what's been stated above. I used a 5 minute UHD clip from Sony RX10iii to try to quantify the impact of LUTs, presets & adjustments on production times.

The application of built in & custom presets has a much greater impact on production times than using LUTs, in both PDR17 & CDR7.

As optodata noted, production times are quite different between PDR & CDR.

The LUT & custom preset used above are attached.

Cheers - Tony
Recently released background music for PDR 365 -WanderLust Music - has been tested on YouTube.

Of the 10 tracks, 4 were flagged & the claims were disputed. The flagged tracks were:

Get Ready for London
Light and Happy
Through My Eyes
Travelling Free

Anyone following this thread will know what the outcome will be.

Cheers - Tony
Whoops! Neglected to read you opening statement (& signature).

Try the one attached, made in PDR14.

Cheers - Tony
G'day Phil -

I haven't checked out the suggestions Barry made about NBFX, but I do have a couple of thoughts...

The simplest thing would be to use a 3D-Like title template, where you just type one character to make a letter, then use an image as the texture. That's the drawback - it only works for image - not video.

For the attached packed project example, I typed Alt+220 (with Num Lock on) to make the rectangle. In each case I set the extrusion value to 1, so it's not chunky like the FlipII transition.

If it had to be a video, rather than an image, it could be keyframed using free-form to get that spinning-off-into-the-distance effect... but it'd take a bit of work!

Cheers - Tony
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