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I never quite understand how the thumbnails are chosen by youtube. You get three thumbnails to pick from in Edit Video but that's it.

Sometimes when the video contrast changes, eg goes from black to an image or when a music track plays, I have seen the thumbnail chosen then, but not reliably.

But you dont get big traffic cuz of the image. Seriously if you want to tell the world your message and you aren't paying youtube for placement, you have to put the one thing in your video which attracts teenagers. S - E - X

Even a few still shots of girls in bars on a Saturday night, as the lead in, and then write up the body of the description as "drunken chicks listen to xyz band" and then submit and see if you get any more visits.

However real quality will be the judge. The highest number of views of any video I ever made was my own cartoon of a childrens song sung by Stan De Witt and I guess kids may have e-mailed each other or perhaps parents cuz its clean and amusing.

Just one question,

Are the audio and video components recommended for this motherboard? I am saying, is there a vendor who already builds this system for public sale?


The fact that you intend to have 16gb should make it unlikely that disk will be a bottleneck. I would also put the best DV WRITER on the shopping list.
OK, before you re-install PD which I doubt will fix anything,

can we confirm,

1. Mp3 plays fine from the library area.
2. Mp3 crackles when dragged to the timeline and/or audio line.

3. If you produce the movie, even with a photograph as the scene, stretched to be same length as audio and the mp3 as the soundtrack, Does the finished movie crackle ?

4. Do you have a mic or an internet headphone/mic ?
Can you dub using the feature in PD and record yourself over the mp3 for maybe ten seconds.
Does the sound still crackle ?
You would do it your way, Cranston.

Honest truth I never tried your method before. Any time I do trick photography I was puting the subject into a new backround image or video.

Gosh its fun isnt it?
I just tried out what I said and found an easier way.

Shoot the video on a green screen, of yourself.

Place a white color board on timeline 1 and the video of youself on timeline 2

Do a chromakey for green and now you have youself in color on a white background. Produce the video.

Next start again with a video of a street scene on timeline 1 and your new video on timeline 2
do a chroma key for white and the color you appears on the scene.
Now reduce the saturation of timeline 2 to zero and voila, you are now greyscale and the backdrop scene is color and can be a movie or a picture. No matting required and you can move around if you wish.

The secret is the white background whih remains white evn when you reduce the saturation.

Wish I had tried it first instead of my earlier response.

How are you listening to the sound?

Could it be a bad connection in headphones? I have never had a bad mp3 track or anything like you say with any version of PD.
While Cranstons video changed the blue suit to black it doesnt answer your question.

Restated, you want a greyscale of you - your eyes, hair etc on a colored scene.
If you need to move around, this technique below wont work either, You need to stand still while recording the video.

What it needs is multistage matting and also the color of you removed by B&W effect or you can simply reduce the saturation to zero.

see attached pic for the steps required. The effect you want is done commercially using live video via mixing desks with chrom done at signal level on multiple signals. PD can only chroma once hence the problem you saw and needs two or three stage processing to get the result.
Maybe I'm dim but what does x-Fire do for you in video editing ? I can see its use in games...
If your recording is AVI and anything like some of my one to two hour recordings, thats about 17GB per hour. If its MPEG then maybe 1 to 5 GB per hour.

Load the raw video in the timeline and play it through setting markers at the end of each song by pausing playback and placing the mouse in the timeline and then Control-T to set the split, until you have played through six or more songs.
Now you will have about 30 minutes of video with six splits or markers along the clip and then maybe an hour or so in the last remaining "unplayed" clip.

Save the project at this point with a sensible project name like First6Songs.
Now delete the last hour long section. Produce the six song portion as First6Songs.AVI or First6Songs.MPG2 depending on your preference.

Since you have not deleted anything along the clip, only the lst clip, the productiong time should be fast and might even invoke SVRT which is even faster.

Go back to Edit when its done.

Type Control-Z and the final deleted clip should re-appear since its the last operation you performed in Edit.
Now select and delete the first six splt clips from the beginning and you end with the final big hour-long clip remaining.

Repeat the above process, playing the songs and ending with a Control-T at the end of each song for another six or more songs. Save this Project as songs7to12 and produce it as AVI or MPEG2

Repeat the above process until all the video has been played through.

You will now have a number of projects


and similarly a number of AVI or MPEG2 videos named First6Songs.avi Songs7to12.avi etc tec.

If you make a mistake you can reload e.g. Songs13to18.pds and it will load the relevant video section with clips markers along it.

Now you can load and play the produced sections into the libray window and play any one as is in the small viewer. You dont need to drag them onto the timeline if you wish. However if two performances of the same song were recorded over the concert evenings you can place one on the timeline and play it and click on anothr clip in the library and play it for comparison if you know roughly where along its time it was sung. In this way you can hop between recordings and listen to each, making notes.

Finally you will rough cut the songs you want onto an intermediate timeline, do fades or transitions between clips and produce it. You might do this with two tries, so you can compare the two more closely. Then you make your final production. Each time, you should make intermediate named .pds project files so you can easily save the work because this may take you a week to do.

I made a christmas concert a few seasons ago and it took a week of evenings to post-edit. Warning: By the time you are finished you will know the songs better than the performers and will find it ringing in your ears at breakfast lunch and while driving ! so dont say I didn't warn you.

Here is a workaround which may help you.

Load the AVI into MS Movie Maker and produce a video output. Then use that file in PD.

I found that when using some screen capture programs, especially when the area captured was not simple 800x600 then PD would not open it but MSMM did. As Dafydd said, if the properties or codec is not acceptable PD will fail to open but MSMM seems to not do such a severe check.
recommend you save it either in AVI or at least the same format and bitrate as you intend to use in the future. Avoid compression since when imported to another project you wont be able to recover or improve the quality, e.g. dont save as lo-res wmv.

When doing multiple pass construction of multi-timeline work you may want to produce the clip and save the project. Now that new clip is part of your project. If you now clear the workspace and place the new clip plus other objects like music, and continue editing, save this workspace to a new .pds project - don't just Save Project or it overwrites the definitions of your last work. This way you can return to en earlier stage and redo steps.

for example:


then Proj2.pds including stuff from proj1 - saved and continue

later you return to Proj1 and see all the timeline(s) and objects which went into creating the produced result.
Maybe you will edit it again.

You end up with a historical set of projects like this

. . . .. . . . . |-----proj2------- using clips from proj1
. . . . . . . . .|-----proj3------- using clips from proj1
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |---Proj4---- using clips from proj1 and proj2

As seen on television

using 3 video clips, two mattes and PIP in PD9

Not entirely, but straight answer is yes, to be quick-n-easy I did not take it further. Its quite difficult to only rotoscope sections without doing a matte (see below) The better more expensive editors on the market have smart plug-ins I believe, to allow more control.

I took a video shot against a blue background and I then did a Color Painting effect and a Pencil Sketch effect on the timeline. This created a ratty-haired and increased folds-in-clothing image of me talking. I then produced the movie and re-processed the result a second time for brightness and hue and I think I did the color painting effect again on the second movie.

Then I moved it to timeline 2 and put a static image on timeline 1 of a valley - the default library image in PD9. I did a chroma-key of white so the background valley came through, but unfortunately my white beard and left face also got unwanted bleed-thru. Finally I placed the green text where you see it.

I have seen an excellent rotoscope on YouTube somehwere where the players in the movie, a young girl and her father are holding a hand mirror. I assume the mirror was the green screen item and they passed the mirror back and forth between them, covering their faces . In doing so the video-maker did a color rotoscope of the original faces in bizzare colors but only the mirror portion was visible, everything else was normal. The result was remarkable.

In making the hand-mirror be a matte, the artist confined his bleed-thru to just the mirror. If for example you were to cover a guitar body with green paper or wore green clothing you could do a similar movie.

See here

for my matte of a castle

I tried doing a chroma key on your PNG and indeed it is very fuzzy. Will investigate later.

Meamwhile I mad a GIF from it and was successful in creating the motion wished for - see attachments
Finally, may I add that if money is available and you have a large barn or spare building you can do wonders.

see this for movie industry magic

and this and this

for discussions on real professional green-screen work. However I stand by my budget and small room comments earlier.
Go here

for a review of the Mtrox MX02 device £1200.00 UK and note the comments about connectors, firewire DV etc.

Use the Color Painting, Pencil Sketch effect etc in Effects Room to produce an effect.

Then adjust the result by tweaking contrast, hue, brightness. Save, Re-do on the new clip as needed.

Find other rotoscopes in YouTube and also google search for rotoscope animation forums

Seeing these examples you can now try other particle effects on top of the pencil sketch effect until you get a better result. Remember, what you get will be viewed by your audience without any knowledge usually, of these techniques so if they recognise the players in your movie they will be just as pleased with the result as long as the content is suitable.

e.g. you would not normally rotoscope a wedding or a funeral - or would you ?....


Make a solid black background on timeline 1
Put the movie on timeline 2
Do a chroma-key on timeline 2 with the eyedropper picking up the red in the eye of the subject.
Now the black will bleed thru the image. at the eyes.
Where's the skanky teenager in a bikini ? She needs to be doing the "Bundy bounce" and introduce a TV screen at the beginning/end - Plus the salacious tags - Please

But the compilation was OK - Shoulda sent it to FOX NEWS, they would show it, while tut-tutting as it opens.
Do it yourself with this easy DIY circuit

or contact your local Amateur Radio and SlowScan TV folks to have it built for you for a few bob. Its essentially the switch without pan fade etc which you can still do in post-production with PD

Cute logic, uses a MAX454 Video Amplifier chip See also EL332 logic ccts on Google The pdf above does not do the Sync Stripper and DC Restore but the circuit transmits 200MHz (-3dB bandwidth) video signals while stripping off the sync pulse and performing DC restoration. It is configured for a typical video cable driver application driving a double-terminated 75Ω load

If you dont have sync resolution what you get is basically electronic crash switching and possibly a frame or two of missing sync resulting in frame roll or tearing. However if you then edit the crash out in post production at the video level and keep the sound, you should get an OK switchover. One way to test this without actually building the analogue switcher would be to connect a simple mechanical switch connecting two video inputs to one output and click the switch. At the recording input yould definitely get a frame sysc loss and then you could test how well PD can edit out the error and whether or not there is a click or crunch in the audio too.

In fact Maplin in the UK sell CCTV switcher boxes which 'crash' switch for $24 GBP

I dont know if this sort of switching would cause Vista to detect loss of DV input and halt recording. Would need to test this too.

If you want to throw some money at the problem then something like Tricaster (Google or look on in USA)
which is a true multi-camera input mixing and switching desk.

or this
As stated in previous post, PD can record off a single source but that source can be whatever video source depending on the input card to the PC. I dont know what you would need to convert RGB and sync to be Firewire or if you would need a pci video card with RGB inputs.

Search Google for multi-camera mixing desk and you will find others Search eBay for Video Switchers and routers which seem to run around $100-$500 or more

See also and maybe look for Tandy or other home consumer electronics as opposed to professional gear.

I presume I wont be deleted by Dafydd since this is a hardware adjunct to any video editing software and so non-competing with Cyberlink - hopefully

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