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Here's a tip for you guys who present videos on your websites.
Did you know that there is metadata encoded into the mp4 file and it (stupidly) is encoded at the end of the video. This means that a player like flowplayer, gddflvplayer and most others download the entire video to your browser before playing it. I discovered this only by noticing two videos, same filesize and same bitrate, but one started playing immediately in my browser while my Cyberlink-PDR created one took ages to download before starting.

The trick is to get a copy of MP4FastStart.exe and process your finished mp4 file before uploading to your server. I show here a look at the beginning of my mp4 and then again after MP4FastStart and the metadata has been written to the beginning of the file !
Remember to run as administrator if you use Vista
Now the video starts playing immediately in the browser !

Might I suggest that the boffins in Cyberlink HQ automatically code this as a default since it is crazy to put it at the end of the file (Sony and other nle editors have the same problem) Google forthe MP4FastStart site

FYI, I made a new profile differing only in that the bitrate was now 363kbs
I tested a 48.3Mb source created using my first custom profile and ran it through again in profile #2
This time it saved as 29.7Mb and was still in my opinion excellent for full screen web delivery.

The original mpeg made in my PDR was 287 Mb and I had been converting it to 53Mb FLV to put on my web server, now I am playing MP4, some using HTML5 code and some using the same flowplayer as for flv for browsers which don't yet support html5

both items saved as H264 avc



[Final note, 3rd profile of 98kbs bitrate produced bad noise e.g. noticeable yellow Star Wars scrolling titling (using PDR titles) at an output size of 15Mb, where the black edges of the letters got chewed up ]

Most excellent !
I edited the profile and converted a video which was 86Mb originally and now is just 33Mb with barely any reduction in quality, which is just what I was looking for. I might even try a profile down around 400kbps which could halve it again, very useful for lower bandwidth users (BTinternet ahem!) I am on a foggy hillside with a bit of damp twisted copper 12 miles from any glassfiber junction, and a 7Mb download speed.



I cannot thank you enough for the info about profile.ini though I still wonder how it is meant to be edited other than using Notepad. Lastly, can you tell me about these Pixelan plugins - do you have a favorite which gets employed often?
Excellent answer.
In fact <blush> I still use PDR9 most days even though I have pDR11 around.
So I had created a profile Gyaes the other night but cannot see how to edit any of the values.

Following your reply I searched the drive for profile.ini and found this below. I assume editing it manually will produce the desired bitrate/video dimensions etc
Will advise later when i get the chance to sit down.

Thanks for all your time,

<Class>MPEG-4 AVC
Custom Profile -1Gyaes
<Output FileName>
<File Format Class>11
<Video Format Class>8
<Audio Format Class>10
<Stream Flag>3
<Field Order>0
<Video BitRate>9000000
<Min BitRate>0
<Max BitRate>0
<Video Quality>0
<Video Width>1280
<Video Height>720
<Frame Rate>29.969999
<Profile Level>65357
<Pre Processing>0
<Flip Video>0
<Speed Quality Indicator>6
<Encoder Mode>0
<App Type>2
<Dynamic GOP>0
<Encoder Type>32
<Audio Layer>2
<Audio Mode>2
<Audio BitRate>192000
<Audio Channels>2
<Audio SamplesPerSec>1
<Audio BitsPerSample>1
Hi there.
Long time since I posted anything.... I am editing an MP4 video (star wars trailer) downloaded from the Guardian newspaper. In Power Director it reports it as

File type MP4
file size 8.34 Mb
H.264 AVC
Bitrate 710kbs
Resolution 640x360
25 fps
16:9 hi profile

On saving without any changes, the best comparable AVC or MP4 I can make in PowerDirector is

File type AVCHD
file size 36.61 Mb
H.264 AVC
Bitrate 3.21 Mbs
Resolution 720z480
28.97 fps
16:9 main profile

making an MPG output is almost exactly the same details

Seems the Guardian has a 4x better disk size result & amazing quality. But its due to the bitrate, so I would like to drop the bitrate on H264 creation but cannot see how. Any comments ?
Is there a 710kbs version I can download/obtain easily ?

thank you so much for the reply and hi there for 2014.

Yes, "the team" has two Canon 550D cameras and a selection of good lenses plus my stalwart Sony VX2000 now getting on in years.

Target is to produce a neato movie but the "Director" is tight-lipped about it. So yes, probably 30 to 50 Gb of raw video in HD to edit on a Win7 new computer yet to be purchased, plus an unused Vista PC with a blank 500Gb drive and an NLE from our competitors (S***)
So lots of opportunities for me and my colleague, the movie Writer/Editor/Director who has never edited anything but MS MovieMaker before.
Heck, if it ain't a challenge it's not worth doing.

It's been such a long time since I was on this forum, about 18 months I think, anyway now I am pondering a new PC with Win7 and at least 8Gb ram but there was a post by someone here suggesting that tons of ram may not be fully used unless PD version 64x is in use.

So my question here is simply, what is optimum for

(a) the 32x version of PD11
(b) the 64x version of PD11

meaning, what size/model of Nvidia card and how much ram in the Nvidia card
How much ram on the PC itself i.e. main memory
and finally,

Does the speed of the hard drive and CPU cores have more effect on the rendering throughput ?

So there you have it , assuming no other large applications link MS-Office, email clients etc are running at the same time.
Let me share some sample code taken directly from a personal website I own.
I have used { and } in place of < and > because the forum wont let code be included.

{SCRIPT src="flowplayer-3.1.1.min.js" type=text/javascript}{/SCRIPT}
{SCRIPT language=JavaScript}
flowplayer("player", "flowplayer-3.1.1.swf");
{A id=player style="DISPLAY: block; WIDTH: 720px; HEIGHT: 506px " href="movietitle.flv" }{/A}

Thats all that is required.
The flowplayer.js file is the code which allows the user to click and start/stop the movie
The flowplayer.swf is the status line of the movie where start/pause/runtime etc can be viewed

Again, I have no financial interest in flowplayer - I just want a free player to embed flash .FLV movies which I created from PD mpeg movies using Pazera mpeg to flash converter (also free)

To see the result here is a link to a page with a flash movie

Y'know how sometimes you post your message and then wake up in the wee hours and fret that maybe you were wrong and ought to retract part of a statement ? Of course you do....

I got up this morning and Googled "HTML5 features"

I found a wonderful article called "28 HTML5 features, tips and techniques" and now I feel completely justified in every rotten thing I hinted at earlier.

It begins quite soon into the article

Tip 2 for example - wraping the title of an image inside yet another (useless) set of terms ..... duh !
Tip 10 wrap your <divs> inside more terms ... like Tip 2
Tip 11 form features - I am not all sour grapes, these features for tablet users are a good idea....
Tip 17 Video support

Ah, Robert this is just for you, the video construct and YouTube support

1.<video controls preload>
2. <source src="cohagenPhoneCall.ogv" type="video/ogg; codecs='vorbis, theora'" />
3. <source src="cohagenPhoneCall.mp4" type="video/mp4; 'codecs='avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2'" />
4. <p> Your browser is old. <a href="cohagenPhoneCall.mp4">Download this video instead.</a> </p>

There are a few things worth noting here.

1.We aren’t technically required to set the type attribute; however, if we don’t, the browser has to figure out the type itself. Save some bandwidth, and declare it yourself.
2.Not all browsers understand HTML5 video. Below the source elements, we can either offer a download link, or embed a Flash version of the video instead. It’s up to you.
3.The controls and preload attributes will be discussed in the next two tips.

Hmmm, a bit ugly the way it says your browser is a piece of old shit, download the video as a file. Could it not automatically offer 20th century handling of the video embedded ? Its supposed to be smarter than HTML

So, HTML5 seems to offer the ability to show video on the page - no need Robert, to use your other NLE because this is HTML5 on the webpage not in the video editor. And it seems to imply you know which codec to specify. I wonder if Mr Balmer put them on your Windows 8 distribution disk....

The rest of the tips are not of any importance in this forum so I will stop now. I suggest that if you want your personal webpage to run on a tablet with HTML5 the code shown above will be spiffy and work perfectly across all versions of Win,Android and iPad regardless of vendor and that only leaves the rest of the mac and windows world. You will still need to determine their browser type and supply code to show the video, or bluntly offer them the file to download as in the example above,

Actually the plan is that there will be no desktop pcs around in 5 years and we will all be carrying personal pocket wonders around. Thats when the kiddie programmers will cease to care about supporting your browser and you probably wont even be offered the choice to download. You will have become marginalised off the page (margin geddit ?)

Whats that ? you live in the backwoods and have Internet Explorer 6 on an XP machine ?
Shame on you for not joining the wireless society.

re - VHS

same kind of issue, lack of sync.

Now you do have a different kind of solution to all of the above, Get artistic.

Lets assume you have old cine and VHS of a wedding with great-uncle Charlie and the grand-children.

Scavenge the best bits of VHS and or cine, maybe clips of ten seconds or so. Get some still pictures from the family scrapbook and add them to a medley of images. Keep the sound from the chosen clips and others as voice-overs for the still pictures. You have now created a completely different animal, a collage of memories. It may only last a minute or two but it will contain sights and sounds from the past, perhaps interspersed with a wedding march stolen from the internet.

Now you can post the video to a web location like Facebook and share it. If the movie lasts just 60 or 120 seconds but has movie images of Granny and Granpa, your family will think you are a master - which you will be !

OK, here's what's really going on.

The cine projector is running at a nominal 30 frames per second (fps) but its speed varies plus and minus fractionally all the time. so at any instant it might ne 29 fps or 31 fps. you cant predict. Also it may get faster as the reel empties.
Now, frankly, your domestic video camera also hunts around its nominal speed but only by a tiny fraction. The technical term is wow and flutter.

What you are seeing on the video you shot is the dark inter-frame time creeping into view because there is no sync between the two devices. You are seeing the annoying flicker.

What can you do ?

If you have plenty of spare time you could laboriously plod along the entire length of the video recording looking for dark or blurry frames every fifteen or so frames and replace those video frames with a copy of the fourteenth frame. You would already have split off the audio track and left it untouched and locked so it cant be moved or edited.

Now, assuming you went through the entire video track pasting over every bad frame with the previous frame, and now run the movie, you would have removed most of the flicker, though some frames would still be blurry because the camera shot the image while two adjoining cine frames were moving across the lamp. Some projectors do this though most hold the gate dark while the frames settle and then the gate opens to allow light to shine through the film.

Anyway if you are prepared to plod through all the frames on the video, this is a reasonable though tedious solution.
Personally I tried this a year ago and while the dark-time frames were obvious and removed, there were still many frames which were catching the time when the gate was just closing or just opening. If you replace all offending frames you end up with jerky movement of the film subjects while running or playing.

I spoke with a cine buff today about maybe obtaining a sync pulse and the question was then what to do with it, because your camera has no feature to use it.

You must keep the audio track untouched and keep the overall length of the video the same, replacing bad frames, not just deleting them or the video will grow shorter each time and the sound will grow out of lip-sync with the sound.
But its worth testing 30 seconds worth of cine to see how it works out. If you think its worth the time then good.
Commercial cine to video companies use a special camera with an optical sync input which is monitoring the dark-time and you may decide its better to pay their price to convert the cine.
A History of Embedded Video

In the beginning was Bill Gates
and Bill brought forth a browser for HTML
and Bill saw HTML and it was good.

and lo, the users saw the browser and wanted video
and Bill Gates let them download video.
But the users wanted embedded video.
And Bill let HTML show embedded video
but the load time was the run time of the video
and the users got bored waiting.

And other users developed players to serve the video
as FLV with little or no delay time.
And Bill gates saw the video player and decided to quit while he was ahead.
And Bill showed the world to Steve Balmer and warned him.
Beware of giving the users what they want without introducing a new
version of Windows with a seperate licence fee.

And Balmer introduced Windows 8 and it was okay
tho' Balmer decided users no longer want to play DVDs
so he dropped support for playing DVDs in favor of online
Saying, get thee thy codecs and DVD drivers from your oem at extra cost.

And video makers looked at Windows 8 and saw no drivers for many of their formats
and they saw FLV files as the future - only.
and they were unimpressed.
And the users saw Android and they said
Show us the software manual
and it was good.
again, the video being a flash object has the capability of actionscript which is like javascript. Your other NLE is placing a clickable link which pops up after n frames have played and when clicked takes the use user to a url for example. HTML5 isnt really involved in that part of the coding.

For PD users who wish to do this, its still possible. In my pervious post I stated that I use FlowPlayer as the player on my webpages (free, Google Flowplayer)

Though slightly complicated, I can popup an onscreen message after n frames have played and it is clickable. I can then respond to the the click event and fetch a url or do other javascript commands. This of course is after all PD development and generation of the output video. One benefit of using a third party player like Flowplayer is that it works ** with current websites and webpages. I dont use or need HTML5 browser capability.
I can also add the clickable link to any FLV video file - placing the link anywhere within the video - see Flowplayers site for details. Other players have this capability too, and I have no financial interest in their products.
The downside is that you are moving away from being an artistic video maker to being a computer programming geek.
I can't speak for Roberts other NLE.

Robert ? programming ??

** The corollary to using Flowplayer with current HTML pages is of course that HTML5 probably uses a player in its own source somewhere at Google Central. Coding in HTML5 is NOT simple and straight forward, it is just another programming paradigm but may offer programmers who migrate there to be able to do many many more smart tricks on the users browser, but requires a smarter browser. Recognise the pathway here ? WinXP begat Vista begat Win7, Win8, tablets .... Androids.... Terminator..Borg the software industry is like the automotive industry with new flavors every year. It will never end and HTML5 will become HTML9 in a blink or not depending if we adopt new browsers - Got Internet Explorer 6 ? Steve Balmer hates you.

the problem is not related to the video editor. Any NLE editor like PD will suffer the same problem.

What you should try is changing the settings in the video camera. Go into setup and if you can, set the shutter speed of the videocamera to its absolute slowest speed and then try again.

The professionals use a sync between the projector and the camera to gate every frame of the projected image to the camera, but thats probably not available on most home projectors.

Agreed, I think HTML5 video is flash (macromedia compatible) so to put video content up, you need to take your PD video like MPG and convert it to flash using something like Pazera Video to Flash converter.
But you need to do that anyway if you wish to embed a video on a web page. i.e. not have the user see a Download-save-as dialog box.

I use Pazera to convert mpg video to FLV and then use FlowPlayer to play the video embedded in my web pages.

There may be NLE out there that makes the FLV output directly, but PD users will be happy with Pazera or similar free products.

Here is an excellent article on the DSLR as a moviecam - and why it really isn't

This is a great read...

BTW, the article is dated April 2010 but the comments are still valid and the content probably applies today for 2012 DSLR cameras used for video

Here is a video on YouTube using PD9

Its purpose is to inform and demonstrate a FREE web menu editor I have created.

If you have responsibility for creating a website you might like this simple online tool

It has live samples for you to view and a form where you can change colors, font size,padding etc
to make both horizontal and vertical web menus.

It features mouseover change of button background-color and button text-color
Easy to change target URL and Button labels and it exports your design as an HTML file.

You can save your design for others to see if you wish.

Have Fun
The image of your timelines shows a lot of cuts and track overlays, even though some are disabled in the snapshot.

Please tell me if saving, exiting and then reloading PD9 makes it run. Whats the size of the unedited file(s) ? Whats the size of the .pds project file?

If you use just a thirty second raw unedited AVCHD clip and edit it do you get the same problem? If not try some basic edits and continue, can you produce the movie ?

Are you able to save from the camera as anything other than AVCHD? What about capture direct from the camera to PD9 saving as MPG2? Can you edit that file OK.

The problem may be the codec for the AVCHD format. In other words try other formats, sizes etc to see what works or when it fails.

I never quite understand how the thumbnails are chosen by youtube. You get three thumbnails to pick from in Edit Video but that's it.

Sometimes when the video contrast changes, eg goes from black to an image or when a music track plays, I have seen the thumbnail chosen then, but not reliably.

But you dont get big traffic cuz of the image. Seriously if you want to tell the world your message and you aren't paying youtube for placement, you have to put the one thing in your video which attracts teenagers. S - E - X

Even a few still shots of girls in bars on a Saturday night, as the lead in, and then write up the body of the description as "drunken chicks listen to xyz band" and then submit and see if you get any more visits.

However real quality will be the judge. The highest number of views of any video I ever made was my own cartoon of a childrens song sung by Stan De Witt and I guess kids may have e-mailed each other or perhaps parents cuz its clean and amusing.

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