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Just a note to say thanks to everyone who helped me get this Wedding menu completed and yes, Jerrys, your download was a help. Many Thanks.
Thanks Carl,
I've run into so many problems haven't even gotten to working on my menu yet. I actually burned project last night with no menu and proofed today. Volume was different on each video section I had imported into the master project and actually had some pixelation too so I've spent most of day reworking this edit.

I do have more questions and looking for a "quick fix" now to get the project done...then I can continue learning.
1) Is there a quick way to level off audio when different clips had been produced and brought into a new project to make a master video.? Some of it was that I had voice-over &music on the clips which was alot lower than just the music on the other clips. Will that "Equalize" work in this new master project on all clips?
2) After I had all produced clips brought into the new project and made my chapter points, titling, transistions between clips, etc. I have to "produce" this again, don't I?...and it just produces (encodes the part that hasn't been encoded yet?
Without "double encoding" to mpeg and effecting quality?
3) Any idea what is causing the green frames in my timeline? Is that causing the pixelation in DVD as well?
4) I actually saved my project to a USB thumb drive and imported to another computer that has an authoring program I know real well, but my DVD Workshop2 Program kept crashing... Do you think that has anything to do with going back to XP and 32bit PC from my new PC system and this software program? I thought mpeg2 was mpeg2?
I have a zillion changes & corrected clips now, I'm really getting confused but I am dating & timing everything I save.

Anyway, just wanted to check in and let you guys know I really, really do appreciate the help and one day " I'll get it" and be able to share with others...I hope.
Enjoy the weekend....if I don't my husband will shoot me!

Thanks Tony, Jim and Neil. I have been spending all night trying to work thru this and program has been crashing continueously. I finally did get a disc to burn with no menu so I can at least proof my work....that's it for tonite. In the morning I'll review those tutorials posted and give it a fresh start. I'm wanting a main menu page where you can have Titling and choose "Play All" or "Chapters" and then on my Chapters Page, I need 6 chapters and the ability to go back to main menu. (Maybe because I use different terminology, I'm just getting confused???? I'll probably be giving a shout tomorrow am. Tks!
Finally finished my wedding ceremony, fine tuning the audio and creating chapter I'm ready to author my menu but can't seem to make the changes I need on differen templates. I've viewed quite a few tutorials but still can't get my project done. Can anyone point me in the right direction. Thanks so much
Oh my Gosh! That was easy. Thank you SO MUCH for taking the time to help me out there. Could I have found that info and just overlooked it when I downloaded some of the manuel. Seems like the manuel addresses simple use but anything complex isn't shown....or at least I can't find it.
Thanks again!
When doing a wedding, I use a camara mic on one track and a lapel mic on the other track. Is there a way I can choose the lapel mic to be put on both the L/R main audio track? Appreciate any help here.

Also, after importing and before editing, can I adjust the volume on the whole clip so volume will be equalized? I've been working really hard editing this two-camera wedding and having a time with audio.

Thanks so much in advance for any feedback you can give me.


Thanks Neil for speedy reply. Woke up this morning and saw your answer post which put a smile on my face because now I have some direction in conquering these issues. I'll go thru an check these things and will give a shout later as needed.
Many thanks for your time and the many others that are always contributing and helping us out.
Well, I'm actually editing my first 2-camera project with this new program and have spent HOURS just trying to learn all the little tricks. I have questions that might help me figure out my issues if any of you can goes...

1) I know I should import & save footage on the harddrive and then import into PD but is it better to import as an .avi file (which comes from camera firewire) or should I be encoding to mpg2 and then importing into PD, or does it matter?

2) I can't get a project done for clips freezing on me and the program wanting to crash. I searched this forum and realized there are alot of updates in the last 3 months. Do I need to download all of them in order or just the latest one? Perhaps this will take care of my issue; however, I am not working in HD unless it's clips off my iphone. Is the quicktime program still needed even if you're editing in SD? I also tried to turn off my antivirus program but can't seem to find a place to "disable". Very frustrating and I do have the Norton Antivirus Suite that came with the PC.

3) I have been breaking up my project and doing small sections at a time. I have the first 10 mins on the timeline completed and would like to render and produce that even though the last 10 mins isn't completely edited yet. Is there a way to make a scene of the first 10 mins. so I have one edited clip that can't be shifted around? All I could think of was to go ahead and produce (to mpeg2 for dvd) bring it into a new workspace, split and delete the unedited clips and produce again and save to file.??? If it's already mpeg2 format does it hurt quality to "produce" again to mpeg2 (that's the only way I know it can be saved in the mpeg2 format but maybe it doesn't matter if it's .avi or mpeg2 until you're ready to bring all the files into one to produce dvd???

4) After editing a clip using the trim, power tools or editing audio, and then coming back to that same clip later for additional changes, I sometimes can't see or use my tool bar line. The only options I have are multi-trim or trash. What causes that?

5) Sometimes when I'm working with alot of splits to control volume or lighting in a 2-camera edit I get so confused or clips screwed up that I'll put some space on the timeline and then a colored clip after my good clips and then delete the rest of the timeline, and drag the master back down and split it to start up where I need it to. My question..., when doing a 2-camera edit, is there a way to keep both audio & video & music track linked so if you delete spaces or the colored clip, everything isn't shifting and out of sync? I tried locking the audio or video but then you couldn't work with that track.

I apologize for this long inquiry but I tried my best to work thru these issues and workarounds and just made a list of things I needed help with. It's late and I'm tired so please excuse the spelling & other grammatical errors. Anyone up for walking me thru some of these issues? It really would be appreciated.. a bunch!

Thanks everyone for your quick responses. Busy this weekend but will take a look come Monday morning.

I started a project and imported via firewire into PD. I saved an mpeg2 file. Later I imported this mpeg2 file back into PD and started editing transitions and also some power tool video corrections. It's 14 mins long and after an hour it still had not encoded to mpeg2. When I tried to go ahead and burn a dvd.... I found out 20% of my editing was not rendered. Question......what is the quickest way to render or if you could step me thru the process of saving edited work as an mpeg2. Should I be importing firewire from camera and save on harddrive then import into PD or import directly into PD? Any tips you can give me would be much appreciated. Tks
Thanks Phil, I do thAt when I get back to the office
I was having issues with importing VOB files into PD10 (previous post) and was advised to submit a DXDIG. I finally got that done in a zipped file. Following the newbie instructions, I also tried to Do Part C (PD uninstall/re-install with the CCLCleaner Tools but my browser restricted the site and when I said to allow and yes, run active an error message comes back "failed to redirect". I've put the VOB problem on the back burner right now so I can start learning how to edit this wedding I just shot.....Hopefully, upload will help with future issues I come across in the days ahead. Please advise if I'm not doing this right

WOW! You guys are great to respond to my SOS. I've been busy with a shoot this w/e so couldn't respond til now. As it turned out, my client postponed our edit session (and I was ever so glad). I never did get the VOB to work right but can't imagine not having enough computer power. What is a dxdiag file? I'll have to put that on my list of things I have to learn about this program.

I have a client that wants me to rip video from dvd and edit out some footage before putting back on dvd. So I've been trying to do a test run. I have tried importing directly from DVD drive while in PD and that didn't work. I also converted VOB to mpg2 file then imported into PD. Seems it gets bogged down....I'm not able to easily slide thru the video without it getting hung up and waiting 30-60 seconds before you can split and move the slider again. It also crashes on me many times. What am I doing wrong?
I'm trying to get this figured out before tomorrow morning when my client comes with her disc. A little help please?

Just saw the two posts.....thank you very much. Everytime I was trying (obviously not as you guys suggested below) I got a fade from black. I'll work thru them as soon as I can. I actually am shooting a wedding this weekend (2-camera) and hope to use Power Director in editing but since I haven't worked thru all this yet, you'll probably hear me shouting for help alot in the weeks ahead.... I refuse to revert back to my old system.

I'm Excited, now I can share instead of asking all the time.
I finally found a couple of tutorials that are pretty detailed in using The Audio Mixing Room (PD7) and Using the Audio Wave Editor(PD9) and wanted to share them. I'm actually using PD10 but hope it will be the same process as these earlier versions. I was looking for a way to activate just the right audio track in a clip and also how to adjust volume in certain areas and where overmodulated....I haven't worked thru these tutorials yet but they seem to address what I'm needing. Perhaps it'll help others out there trying to learn this program. I'm not sure how to post below with active links when I have them saved under "favorites" but perhaps you can cut and paste.
Audio Mixing Room (PD7)

Audio Wave Editor (PD9)


HP h8-1080t i7CPU 950@3.07 GHZ
10GB Ram, Nvidia Geforce-550Ti
1.5 T & 500GB HD
Windows 7 Pro 64-bit
Power Director 10 Deluxe

Okay, I have a test video of a 2-camera event that I can now sync and split between 2 tracks of video (for a/b roll) but can't figure out how to put in transistions when clip is on 2 separate tracks. I hate to ask for help without trying to find it on my own but I've been searching thru tutorials & YouTube for the last hour or two and ran across something that talked about using opacity or making tracks invisible instead of cut but that's new to me as well. Can anyone help me here to director me to a tutorial? Thanks again.

Thanks Carl. I looked and looked and couldn't find anything so I'll check it out in the morning :
I had a project that was mpeg2, 5 gig. When I tried to a disc (2D), message comes back saying imported files exceed available disc space. I wanted to make sure I actually had a dual layer drive and I do because when I'm not in PD and insert a dual layer disc, it tells me the capacity I have. When I went back to the company, they suggested that in Power Director I find the option called "close disc on the burner tag" and uncheck it. I can't find anything close to that in Power Director. Can anyone help me here. Does this program burn dual layer disc?

Thanks for any input

Good thoughts on shooting techniques. I will tell you I've been into videography for almost 20 years but just didn't upgrade often and used so many workarounds, it took forever to get a project edited.....thus here I am on a PC with Power Director.

Another question..... When I import camera footage via firewire, it goes in as Stereo so I can't choose which audio track is getting imported. But, I want to use just 1 audio track that had the eternal mic connected. Is there a way I can choose that track and dub it on the other track and get stereo sound all being the external mic audio?
Tks kindly,
Gosh...can't believe the quick response I'm getting. I read Michael's post and thought how nice of him to offer to do a "how to" and then I read your post Tony and....there it was. I have dual monitors setup so in the morning I'll display your instructions while walking thru with my test footage. Again, thanks everybody for your time in helping me get this sorted out.
Happy Easter !
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