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I have similar advice as RonH....split the video you want to modify....go to the Power Tools tab and select video speed, then when the new window opens, select video speed adjustment... and experiment with slowing down the video clip.
Dear Dogtown
There is an option for prospective buyers of Power Director has a trial down load, so a person can see the features or lack of features. I use two different video editing software programs...each has its advantages and one particular video editing program is perfect for every I would recommend continuing to look for the program that fits your needs the best, for me Power Director 10 fits some of my video editing needs...we are users of Power Director on this forum, and will help our fellow video editors...but venting on us will be we do not work for Cyberlink. Also I have noticed that some of our forum members use other video editing programs, along with Power Director. So, we all share some of your frustrations, we probably have all been there at some time or another.
If you gotten to the step of using the eye dropper, there are some adjustments you can make to "tolerance of intensity" and/or "tolerance of hue"...adjusting those settings may get rid of the glittering edge. I play with those settings, in particular "tolerance of intensity" to get rid of unwanted greenish hue around the image.
I didn't try the trial version, but my paid version has the option upon selecting "publish", which then gives you several choices on how to "publish" the file in MPEG-2, WMV, MPEG4 or H.264. All which are creating files much smaller than the .AVI format
at the point where you see the Monopoly Board...look at the tabs at upper left side of screen,
select "Menu Preferences". A new page shows up with a bunch of different templates
....choose one of those...or if you want the DVD to start automatically,
select "No Menu" which is located at the bottom of all those other templates
some thing to consider..when you produce a video file, the format and resolution has to be selected. A low resolution selection will result in a bad looking dvd re-play. In comparing PD10 to other programs...are you using the same format and resolution to create a DVD in the other video editing program ? In other words are you comparing apples to apples instead to mixing apples and oranges and comparing disimiler things ? I have not used the rival program you are finding to be better, but I have used another similar rival program to PD10 and both are comparable to a point I do not notice any difference in the dvd viewing experience.
For a new video editing guy you sure post smart questions,
as to question #2. If your current computer recognizes your camcorder as an external drive/storage device
you can drag and drop the video clips into any of your computer folders you designate, without
a loss of quality. I whole heartily agree with all the rest of the comments...try the Trial Version first.
Joe O
Jerry's when you open up PD 10 does it automatically log you into the internet ? If up that gear shaped icon on upper part of the program at right, it opens up preferences...then go to director zone..and open up an account...that way, upon opening up PD 10 it logs onto the internet and the cyberlink website
After reading the announcement from Dafydd, I just turned on my PD 10 and saw a prompt asking to down load an update. I downloaded Cyberlink.1129a_GM3_Patch_VDE111019-03.exe it is a 107MB file size.
DTH070, one way to capture your video...look at your computer and check to see if it sees your camcorder as an external drive. If it sees it as an external drive, explore that external drive, find the video files you want to transfer and drag them into a folder in your computer. Then import the video inside your folder into your video editing program.
Have you done that ?...or did I miss that part ?
I would say, it is satisfactory. I have one similar, with a slower CPU, and it works ok
you will know, when you need to go to a higher-up video software, when the current one is not able to do all the creative things you want it to for PD10 Ultra...I use it to create public education government programs for local television, and it does every thing I need. I also use another comparable video editing program ( same price range) and both do the job, each has different "bells and whistles". PD10 is faster in rendering and burning a DVD because of the PD10 64bit processing. So it just a matter of personal preference. Some of PD10 examples are at Those are excerpts from local tv programs i have created or videoed
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