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Video speed
bisto17 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Apr 04, 2012 16:55 Messages: 5 Offline
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Hello again, I have a second question for the all knowing power director experts. Ass-kissing done, I was wondering if there is a way to slow down or speed up sections of a video. Exactly what I want is the slow the video to a stop and highlight a section of the screen and then set it playing again. The highlighting and stuff I have figured out ( I think) but I cannot find where to alter the speed of a section of my clip.

If someone could point me in the right firection then I would be very greatful !!
Contributor Location: Norway (from Australia) Joined: Sep 05, 2011 10:13 Messages: 364 Offline
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I'm a novice but what springs to mind is to Split the clips and modify those 'individual sections'. Once relinked up it should result in what you are looking for ... but I'm sure one of our experts will suggest a much improved method CYa Ron (W10/i5gen8/Nvidia)
Someone famous once said: "We only have the 4th dimension of 'time' so that everything does not all happen at once"
Newbie Location: Los Angeles, California, USA Joined: Nov 27, 2011 16:08 Messages: 31 Offline
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I have similar advice as RonH....split the video you want to modify....go to the Power Tools tab and select video speed, then when the new window opens, select video speed adjustment... and experiment with slowing down the video clip.
bisto17 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Apr 04, 2012 16:55 Messages: 5 Offline
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Ah fine ideas indeed ! So i can adjust the speed from .1 all the up to 10x which actually suits me just fine but if anyone can tell me of a way to freeze frame without taking a snapshot and inserting it then that would make my day.

Thanks for all the help so far!
Senior Contributor Location: Melbourne, Australia Joined: Jul 14, 2009 04:23 Messages: 2208 Offline
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Quote: anyone can tell me of a way to freeze frame without taking a snapshot and inserting it then that would make my day.

Hi Bisto 17

The term freeze frame and snapshot in PD10 are the same.

The only way (I know) is to use the Snapshot and insert this image into the Split or in another video track.

Note you can adjust the length of the snapshot

Happy editing Happing editing

Best Regards


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Senior Contributor Location: Darwen, UK Joined: May 15, 2008 04:32 Messages: 1949 Offline
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Unfortunately, to the best of my knowledge, the PD Power Tools cannot be keyframed. This means that any change of video speed is a "clip wide" change and is an "on or off" change not a gradual change. Therefore slowing a video down will, of necessity, have to be done in a series of step changes applied to small clip sections. This may suit the content but may not.

A possible workaround is to apply a fade between slowed down clips on a single track or to have several "synchronised" clips at varying speeds on different tracks and manually fade from the fastest track to the slowest.

Either way its a bit of work.

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Adding to what has already been described, but a simple way to adjust the speed of the video, click the edge of the clip and holding the Ctrl key, drag the block to stretch or shrink.
bisto17 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Apr 04, 2012 16:55 Messages: 5 Offline
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Ok thank you all for your input
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