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Monopoly Board..??
111tucker111 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jan 25, 2012 13:04 Messages: 1 Offline
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Newbe .. Just finished my first project with Powerdirector 10 ... all is well except when I go to burn a disk, I get this Monopoly Board....
I changed the name on i'ts folder and it still comes up...even if I set up a project just with one "title page", when I go to burn, the MB is there...How do I get rid of it...

Newbie Location: Los Angeles, California, USA Joined: Nov 27, 2011 16:08 Messages: 31 Offline
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at the point where you see the Monopoly Board...look at the tabs at upper left side of screen,
select "Menu Preferences". A new page shows up with a bunch of different templates
....choose one of those...or if you want the DVD to start automatically,
select "No Menu" which is located at the bottom of all those other templates JoeVideo
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1TBl HD Toshiba MQ1ABD100
DVD optical Drive, RAM 8
Display Adapter Intel (R) HD graphics 4600
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