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I recently put together a "Business Card". Basically it was a slideshow with music and audio dub.

I formatted it to be played on a regular DVD player as most people have the ability to play it on there Computer however I would agree that a format compatible with Window Media player would be a safer way to go.

I would run with mini DVD's rather than CD as you can usually fit more on it and everybody has a DVD player, however thats personal preference

Good Luck
damn..that was quick...LOL
Thanks RobertJ....just by the you have SP2 or SP3 and I wonder if that would make a difference??

I recently purchased and downloaded PD7 and I have attempted to produce several slide shows. In many instances there is no problem however in relation to one type of slide show I cannot avoid the following message,

"Runtime error!" "Program PDR.exe" "Abnormal Program Termination"

I have uninstalled and reinstalled PD7 twice and still get the same message.

To recreate the situation I make the following comments.
Import and bring down 50 photographs to the timeline
Select all
(System produces slideshow and offers preview window)
(I play the slideshow - all looks good)
(System applies slideshow to time line)
create file
Profile type = DV-AVI
Profile name/Quality = PAL
tick apply Cyberlink VirtualSpeaker
Living Room
File to be called Produce.avi
File Type:AVI
Codec: DV-AVI
video Size: 720X576
Duration: 00:03:22:00
Aspect ratio: 16:9
tick Enable preview during production
Start rendering
System goes through rendering process
at 77% the error message appears and system closes down.
I have selected 30 other photographs and system closed down at 88%
I have selected a different 50 Photographs and the system closed down at 66%
I have selected 50 Photographs and changed the slide show to "Cell" reducing the duration of the clip to 42seconds. The file was produced successfully.
I have selected 176 Photographs and changed the slide show to "Cell" changing the duration of the clip to 01:42:00. The file was produced successfully.
I have selected 50 Photographs and changed the slide show to "motion" clip length is 00.03.22:00. The clip was produced Successfully.
In conclusion:
It appears that the problem is producing slideshows where the "Highlight" option is used. As you saw I tried 30 photographs and 50 photographs and in both cases the error message appeared.
I would appreciated your assistance
Thank you

I am producing an AVI file of a slideshow created by PD7

Half way through the producing process a window appears and tells me
"Runtime error" "Program PDR.exe" "Abnormal Program Termination"
PD7 then terminates.

I have tried to do the same thing 3 times - same result. I have rebooted - same result

Short of uninstalling and reinstalling does anybody have any suggestions on how this problem can be rectified.?

Hi Toni,
I noticed your posting was in October and you have probably solved the problem by now however for what its worth I have a HV30 and downloaded PD7 2 days ago and have since captured about 2 hours of footage without any problems at all.
If I can help further or if you need any further information dont hesitate in contacting me.
Thanks guys,
Problem solved. The "Fit Timeline" was the gismo I was looking for.
Thanks again

I have sent an enquiry to Technical Support maybe they will come back with a helpful response.
I have just downloaded Powerdirector 7 and all looks good however my timeline is squeezed to the bottom of the page to the point where I can hardly see it to do any editing.
There appears to be an option at the top of the timeline (or bottom of the media window) where 2 arrows appear I can drag the window up to enlarge it however it doesn't actually drag anything so I am stuck with a very small timeline and a very large media window.
What am I doing or what have I done wrong??

OOOOPS..sorry just noticed that everbody had the same problem and from that I can assume they still have the problem.

I have sent a enquiry to Technical Support - 24/12/08
Hi Chris,
Presumably you have a HV20.
Can you tell us something about it. The pros & cons
Have you tried other HD Cameras?
I put a question on this forum about 30 minutes ago about High Definition Video Camera recommendations and it appears to have been deleted. Does anybody know why???
Hi there,

I am looking at getting a High Definition Video camera and would appreciate some input from anyone who has had any experience with High Definition. My priorities are of course definition, ease of use including ease of editing etc.

Thanks in advance
Does anybody know the name of the file that forms the background to the photo scrapbook slideshow (green with white-ish swirls). I want to do some experiments.
Thanks in advance
Thought this posting may be of some help to PD6 users

Recently I purchased a new system dedicated to video editing. With my old system I had all the problems everybody else had. eg PD6 freezing, problem with recovering existing projects and general unspecified problems.

I have just returned from Tasmania and have captured 2 hours of video and have been working with PD6 for about 6 hours since. During this time I have had no problems whatsoever with PD6 so, it appears that my new system and PD6 are very compatible. I am sure that a fresh install helped as well.

My new system is made up as follows:

Mobo = Gigabyte P35-DS3P
CPU = Intel Q660 Quad core 2.4Ghz
RAM = 2 Gig
Graphics Card = ASUS 8600GT
HDD = 1 x Sata Seagate 500GB, 2 x IDE Seagate 250GB

The old system only had 1 gig Ram, onboard Graphics and a relatively slow CPU

The new system wasn't cheap but it makes a hell of a difference with video editing.
Hi trent,

I think everybody had that problem. It was solved in later build versions.
What build version do you have.?

If its not the latest perhaps you should update.


Hi Kristen,

Why dont you download the trail version of PD6 and that will answer all your question.

Good luck
Hi Dafydd,

Thanks for the suggestions I am sure I will get what I need with those options.

I wasnt aware of the change of aspect option and maybe I should sit down and read the

Again thanks for your help

I am making a 16:9 movie from a 4:3 capture which results in a black strip each side of the picture. Is there anyway I can change that colour?.

I have tried to put a colourboard in the main track and the movie in the PIP track which works fine however i want to apply transition etc and I cant do that in the PIP track.

Is there a way to do it??


Problem solved!

After many variations of uninstalling and reinstalling on several machines I discovered that if I increase my display quality to 32 (bit) the bubbles , candy canes and several others came back.

just to clarify - right click on desktop - properties - settings - adjust color quality to 32 bit.

I note in system requirement only 16 bit was required. Must be something unique about my graphics card or system generally.

Thanks for your help and input guys.......
Hi Dafydd,

Well...I un-installed PD6....defraged the PD6

Started PD6...dragged "aquarium" into the timelime....dragged "bubbles" into the timeline....played the result.....No bubbles....

Woe is me.....

I will try some more combination but it appears that my bubbles have disappeared

Whats was the patch you mentioned earlier in the thread?

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