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Hi Dafydd,

Well...I un-installed PD6....defraged the PD6

Started PD6...dragged "aquarium" into the timelime....dragged "bubbles" into the timeline....played the result.....No bubbles....

Woe is me.....

I will try some more combination but it appears that my bubbles have disappeared

Whats was the patch you mentioned earlier in the thread?

Hi Dafydd,

Thanks for your response.

I have PD6 - 6.00.173b and I have recently done a reinstall and must admit prior to the reinstall the "bubbles" worked perfectly.

I also noticed that any mpeg2 files I have produced (even prior to the reinstall) play in 4:3 even though they were produced in 16:9. When I attempt play the mpeg files the system searches for codec's and then it comes up with an error but plays the mpeg (in 4:3 mode) as if it found a codec but it wasnt the right one. Maybe you could give me your comments on this situation also.


PS I wasnt aware that there is a more recent patch. I downloaded build 1731b about 2 months ago and it seemed to have fixed a few problems. Would the codecs to play mpeg2 files be included in the PD6 software or is it something I need to locate elsewhere.?

Maybe I should do another reinstall....what do you think?
Hi there,

All off a sudden the "bubbles" in Effects doesnt work. I lay the "bubbles" on the timeline, play it, and the bubbles dont show. Its not a biggie in my life but the kids like it and who wants to disappoint the kids.

Any ideas that might help.??


PS I have tried several of the other "effects" and they work fine.
I have had problems with PD6 crashing before but it has not been particularly inconvenient however I have just completed a project which has taken what seems forever. I have saved it and all seemed to be OK. I try to open the project again and PD6 says there is a problem and has to close.
I have reinstalled PD6 (build 1731b) and still have the problem.
Does anybody have any idea what might be causing the problem and how it can be fixed.?
thanks in advance.

Hi Fred,

In a word...Yes

Just import each mpeg2 file. Bring them down to the timeline. Establish chapters where you want them. make your menu and burn

Good luck!
Thanks for the info Dafydd.
I have replaced the "my friend" jpg with a plain black board.
Again, Thanks for your help
I have made a slide show using several still and at the beginning is a still which is obviously part of PD6. The still is a lined page with "dear friends" at the top.
Does anybody know how I can get rid of it.?
Thanks Jeffree
Hi There,

I am trying to extend the duration of transitions within a project by clicking on the transition and adjusting the duration however the programme doesnt want to do it. I have tried to adjust all transition individually to 5 seconds however when I click the "green tick" button it reverts back to 2.13 seconds or something similar. It wont accept 5 seconds.

Is this a programme fault/bug or am I doing something that PD6 wasn't meant to do, although I cant see any obvious reason why it shouldnt do it.

Try it yourself....maybe my experience is unique.
why dont you just re-register under another name.?
Good question Michael, I would like to know that one as well.
Hi Debra,

If you process a PDR6 project to the end production of a DVD (ie create a VOB files on the C: Drive) DVDShrink will read the DVD.
Maybe I didnt make it obvious within my response.

It is interesting to see that you have located the HQ and SP option within PDR.
Its the old saying "if all else fails read the instructions"

Have a great day

Hi Josh,

All of my video capture recently has been digital and via a firewire connection.

I have captured maybe 15 hours and all is well however the last capture I did there were moments where the audio was out of sync and I dont know why.

Do you have any ideas?
Hi Rex,

I would have thought that if you can capture via movie maker couldn't you just "import" the movie maker file (WMA) into PDR rather than capture directly into PDR.??

Wow Jim, that sound complicated however I will download N-track and see if I can get my head around it all as it is important that I get the Video & Audio in sync as I have lots of good memories on the old Hi8 format.

Thanks for your suggestions. Its really appreciated and I might come back to you again and pick your brains at a later date if thats OK.

Hi Michael,

Have you tried to import the file into PDR rather than capture.?

I have a digital camera connected to my computer via a firewire.
I tested your problem by capturing live video and both video and audio worked fine.

I suggest that perhaps your system needs 2 connections to your computer both audio and video. These are probably achieved via 3 RCA plugs but I'm just guessing.

Jim, not knowing exactly what camera setup you have I cant make further comments.

Perhaps somebody else can help.

Good luck

PS. Maybe that Digital interface is not doing what you expected?
I have just done a search on this subject (which I should have in the first place) and find that this is a complex problem and my suggestion to solve it was somewhat optimistic.....I understand that you can get a certain video capture card/device that will solve the problem and I will attempt to locate it.

Hi Jim,

When capturing PDR detects what capturing devices are attached to the computer and then it provides those option within the capturing area.

Have you attached your camera and turned in on to "play".?
If not PDR wont know that your camera is available.

If you have attached the camera and turned it on and still doesn't give you the camera as a capturing source you have a completely different problem.

Good luck
I am capturing my old Hi8 tapes by putting them into a home DVD recorder.
I then bring the resultant VOB files into PDR6 however the audio is out of sync.
I have heard that this is a common problem when capturing analog and there are hardware fixes for it however I thought that if I could separate the audio from the video I could then move the audio file along the timeline to "line up" the audio with the video hence solve the problem.

Has anybody had any experience with this and does anybody know of a programme that would isolate/separate the video and audio?.

Not a biggie but it would be interesting to see if it worked.


Hi EC,

I would like PDR to pick up the date also but I dont think it will.

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