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Crash Problems Solved - (for me anyway)
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Thought this posting may be of some help to PD6 users

Recently I purchased a new system dedicated to video editing. With my old system I had all the problems everybody else had. eg PD6 freezing, problem with recovering existing projects and general unspecified problems.

I have just returned from Tasmania and have captured 2 hours of video and have been working with PD6 for about 6 hours since. During this time I have had no problems whatsoever with PD6 so, it appears that my new system and PD6 are very compatible. I am sure that a fresh install helped as well.

My new system is made up as follows:

Mobo = Gigabyte P35-DS3P
CPU = Intel Q660 Quad core 2.4Ghz
RAM = 2 Gig
Graphics Card = ASUS 8600GT
HDD = 1 x Sata Seagate 500GB, 2 x IDE Seagate 250GB

The old system only had 1 gig Ram, onboard Graphics and a relatively slow CPU

The new system wasn't cheap but it makes a hell of a difference with video editing.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jan 15. 2008 18:46

I'm here for a good time, not a long time.
David [Avatar]
Newbie Location: England Joined: Dec 09, 2007 19:18 Messages: 45 Offline
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It's entirely possible that a hardware problem was the cause of your problems with PD6 in the past, and that those problems have gone away since the upgrade, an overheating CPU or faulty ram chip for example.

However most of the problems I've had are code/software related. You're quite right though, a system with specs similar to yours will make a very good video editing setup.

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